- Server listing



Meow (Online)

Map dimensions: 1024x1024, current in-game date: August 1994 (starting date: January 1970)

There are 3 active players (0 out of 16 player slots are locked). Currently 0 clients are connected.

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Simutrans Public Server (Online)

Map dimensions: 2176x2176, current in-game date: July 2067 (starting date: January 1930)

There are 9 active players (9 out of 16 player slots are locked). Currently 0 clients are connected.

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Server at (Offline)

Map dimensions: 64x64, current in-game date: June 1930 (starting date: January 1930)

There are 2 active players (0 out of 16 player slots are locked). Currently 0 clients are connected.

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Server at (Online)

Map dimensions: 256x256, current in-game date: March 1930 (starting date: January 1930)

There are 2 active players (0 out of 16 player slots are locked). Currently 1 clients are connected.

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Server at (Offline)

Map dimensions: 256x256, current in-game date: April 1835 (starting date: April 1835)

There are 2 active players (0 out of 16 player slots are locked). Currently 1 clients are connected.

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