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No sound in Pak128.Britain

Started by Antonin, November 27, 2016, 07:49:46 PM

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I like the Simutrans sounds of truck engines, etc., but I have not been able to activate these sounds in Pak128.Britain.  The buttons in the Options box for music work, and I can hear the music, but the "mute" button for "sound volume" remains depressed no matter how many times I click it and there are no background sounds.  Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?

Thank you in advance.


This pakset has largely omitted the sounds by design choice. My own preference is to have more sounds, but only if higher quality sounds can be found with a suitable licence.
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I should note that, for the Extended version of this pakset, I have now been adding quite a few vehicle sound effects, having found some suitable sound effects on the website and also obtaining permission of various people on Youtube to use sound clips from their footage as sound effects.
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pak128.Britain in standard does not include any sound files.
The only vehciles which request a sound are some planes, with these two sounds
But since no sound folder is included, no sounds are played, even for tools.

I copied the tool sounds form pak64, some environmental sounds from pak63, planelow.wav from pak64 and jetpstop from pak128. So planes, clicks and the ea, forest and arctic will have sounds in the next release. However, you can just copy the content of pak64 fodler manually for almost the same effect with the current pak.