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[120.4.1/r8600] Error when 'language' is selected from game menu

Started by steve0312, November 23, 2018, 07:31:36 AM

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I'm a Korean user playing Simutrans.
I found a problem that seemed to break the letter as I played, but I think it is a bug. In the game option, click 'Language' and then try to select another menu or tool as well as the option, and the result comes out as an attached picture without coming out in the changed language. I checked that PAK, PAK64.german, PAK128.german, PAK192.commic all had the same symptoms (I checked it in Korean only). I think it's a problem with the font, so I looked at the file in the simutrans-src-120-4-1 folder. I think the load_font function part of the file is wrong or is it a Unicode problem?
I'll upload a capture of the problems I found and a capture of the cause of the presumed cause.
p.s I tried to upload all the pictures that caused the bug in each mode, but the capacity is so large that I upload only the capture that greatly enlarged the appearance of PAK64.germany. (I'll e-mail you if you need more capture.)

저는 Simutrans를 플레이하는 한국 유저입니다.
제가 플레이하면서 글자가 깨지는 것 같은 문제를 발견했는데 제가 생각하기에는 버그인 것 같습니다. 게임 옵션에서 '언어'를 클릭한 후 옵션 뿐만 아니라 다른 메뉴나 도구를 선택하려고 하면 결과가 바뀐 언어로 나오지 않고 첨부한 사진처럼 나옵니다. 확인해보니 PAK, PAK64.german, PAK128.german, PAK192.commic에서 모두 동일한 증상이 발생했습니다. (한국어로만 확인해봤습니다.) 제 생각에는 font에 대한 문제인 것 같아서 simutrans-src-120-4-1 폴더의 파일을 살펴보았습니다.  제가 생각하기엔 파일에서 load_font 함수 부분이 잘못되었거나 유니코드에 의한 문제같은데 맞습니까?
제가 발견한 문제에 대한 캡처와 추정되는 원인에 대한 캡처를 함께 업로드하겠습니다.
p.s 각 모드에서 버그가 발생한 사진을 모두 업로드하려했는데 용량이 너무 커서 어쩔수 없이 PAK64.germany에서 발생한 모습을 크게 확대한 캡처만 업로드합니다. (혹시 캡처가 더 필요하다면 이메일로 보내드리겠습니다)


The language window seems to load a wrong font. The language of simutrans were already set to Korean when this happened?
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


There seems to be something wrong with changing languages as well as Korean.


Easy fix, after scanning through the languages (and their fonts) the language default is not reloaded. solved in r8636


Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


Thanks, indeed, that was lost too. Now the routine will only check for existence in r8637.