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Pak64.GB - British addons from the in development British pakset

Started by KneeOn, May 24, 2020, 04:26:57 PM

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For those who read the "other Extended paksets" board, you'll have seen my rambling development diary and thread. For those who haven't, it is here:,19667.0.html

That thread is long, rambling and tends to be a place to put my stream of thoughts down. I won't do that here.

I am in the process of creating a 64 pixel, British pakset to complement Carl's trains which covers the entire current and recent past rolling stock of the mainland UK. To see progress on the wider project, visit the above link - 100 city buildings are already painted.

This thread is for another aspect - the stations. I have drawn and created 89 pakfiles covering station buildings and platforms. The extension buildings are modular and have 8 themes. They have all 4 directions painted. The stations are 16 bit (one platform per track) and include island and wall platforms with progression in terms of capacity. Both have full summer/winter decoration.

The classic platforms are one level below their modern counterparts. They are timeline enabled from 1750 onwards with retirement dates also included.

Platform styles can be mixed, with some platforms (canopy and brick) can be used interchangeably with the span roof tracks and indeed, with any platform. Mixing the platform type (classic/modern) is possible because they're the same size and simply a change in colour and capacity/costs.

The link for the zip file from my dropbox:

Selected screenshots, showing some of the styles, some of the buildings and a comparison of the two platform types:





EDIT: I deleted the thank you while formatting this post! The arched station is based on the pak64 GCG Station, without which I would not been able to have an arched station roof and therefore I'm very grateful for the open source and quality of Pak64 for helping me in this!


Thank you Carl, I'm very pleased to get the first bit of this project out there!

I already have things I want to add when I revisit these tiles later in the year.


Hello all,

I have painted a new shopping centre for pak64! It has a few features. A 3x2 building with 1x2 car parks at each end, full night time compatibility with lit signage.

As ever it comes in 4 rotation, 2 season format. This is the first pak of mine to include trees. This was taken from Pak64 - available here and at

The drop box link is here:


Feedback is always, always appreciated!

I've changed the name of this thread to reflect it is going to be the running deposit of all my work before the first V0.1 release of the 64 pixel British pakset.


Another day another building. This was finished last night but I had already stayed up too late. Happily I have a train home with tables and wifi so can share it with you now!

Shopping Center 2 (as it's currently known, this is liable to change) is a large shopping centre. It is loosely based on Gunwharf Quays in so much as it has a few buildings linked together by open air paths. It also is the same style - big, grey with that pointed skylight - as many shopping centres around the country.
Here is a pic:

And here is the link:


It's a new day and a new shopping centre. This is a reconfiguration of the previous one with the open walk ways removed, the buildings combined in to one and a redesigned frontage with:

- New glass lay out
- New full/double height glass effect
- New centre signage (night lit)
- Management infrastructure such as shutters and fire exits

I've tried to make this appear its own work rather than just a squeezed version of the last one.

Image from the facebook post:

Link to my drop box:

Feed back is always appreciated!

As ever this is not balanced.


Hello, it's been a busy few weeks with work and other social events taking time away from doing some painting.

I have, however, drawn up a police station. This is loosely based on inner city/London police station which once another building and then converted to police station before being re-built. This could be from 1930, although this one is a "re-fitted" 1930s station with a re-fitted front, added A/C and radio capabilities for a control centre and a modern shutter with traffic lights.

Drop box link:
Facebook post link:


Hello all, some life changes and a return to normality means there's less time to develop. I've been slowly chipping away at this though and can drop a whole bunch of new content. These are all very unbalanced and the stadiums will generate 63550 passengers. This will of course be fixed once I begin balancing but these are strongly recommended for free play only at this time as a result.

Included is:
A school (with 2 variations)
Police station
Fire station
Shopping centres (all 3 use shared assets but all unique)
Football stadiums - these are all the same single tier bowl I released as Holmes Park in red without winter view. There are 15 with various real life colours and generic single colour bowls - red, white, black, maroon, blue, sky blue, green, yellow, red and blue, black and white, red and white, blue and white, green and white, green and yellow and maroon and sky blue. I have added a walk way/car park wrap around. These should add a bit more colour to the pakset, it's very British so far with shades of brown, red, dark red, yellowish brown and grey-brown!
There are still so many attractions to build. I've still got variations of the colour scheme for the existing buildings on this release to do, as well as at least one or two more of each type of building before doing parks.

These all come in 4 rotations and are winter enabled with appropriate graphics. No changes to the dat file however. Sources will be posted in due course!

Enjoy, please feed back. There is a facebook post found on the page:
Twitter will be updated tomorrow.





I've been repainting buildings and things recently - I wasn't happy with the quality of work and wanted to change the scale a bit.

I've been painting 7px/floor buildings with a consistent colour palette. I have about 6/7 residential building types which have now had all paint variations done. I've also painted several commercial buildings (up to 3 tiles high) which I am starting to get in to different paint variations.

To keep my self interested, I have left buildings for the last few hours and painted a bus!

Here is a New Routemaster (aka a Boris Bus) with night colours, head lights and back lit destination blinds!

This was built using the open source template so I have attached my own sources - feel free to do crazy colour schemes, tweaks and other things!


Two new buses today - the Mercedes Benz Wright Streetdeck in the Brighton BH3 livery and in a generic London Transport livery. Despite best efforts I couldn't see if the roof is indeed white or not but given most London Buses are partially white on the roof I have gone with that until I can see the top of one when I'm at work.

Simutrans lacks a special colour that very closely matches the lime green-yellow of the roller blinds used on some of these routes so I have used green.

As per the above, all sources are included and a screenshot of the 3 buses (Routemaster, LT and BH Streetdeck) included.


As mentioned before I've been re-painting to a new scale and with better quality (better palette, better building shapes and shading).

These are now released - 16 types of building with different colours/heights/styles for a total of 131 items!

Also included is the three released buses.

I am now in the process of painting the commercial and will create a new thread or ask for a subboard in the not too distant future I hope once I have a v0.1 to release.

A github has also been started.

Link for the files:



Another day, another release! Today I have a set of commercial buildings - from small single story detached shops all the way to brand new large office blocks with a range of clustered classical style buildings and also some post war office efforts.

Not all eras are represented, so if you're going to play with the res and com pack, play with time line off!

I'm much, much happier with the style of these buildings. Over the weekend I will start either some attractions or some rail/bus/boat infrastructure - I'm not yet decided.

Link to the Github download:

Screen shot attached is both the res buildings (post above) and these com buildings.
