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Simutrans 123.0

Started by prissi, December 31, 2021, 01:10:39 AM

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The 123.0 version of Simutrans has been released. We welcome now also members of the Android family and a hopefully much better working Mac version. The most noticeable change will be the new GUI, which is now enforced in all dialogs. You can now also schedule convois with fixed departure times, if you want to play model railroad. Rivers now go from their source through lakes until the sea, and are shippable after passing a lake. Paks can be installed now ingame. There were of course also lot of bugfixes, not least thatnk to the automatic testing.

Please report any bugs on the bug reports board. Also please tell if some pakset info is not up-to-date.

This release is build from svn revision number 10317.

Installer for Windows

MS Windows user should use the Online-Installer.
NOTE: users of Windows Defender antivirus may be blocked from downloading this file by a false positive virus identification. You may download manually as per below.
For verification MD5: 83d8ab9082907c5642c1994a8c5a7d90 simutrans-online-install.exe

Those versions do support IPv6 on windows. As a result it will not run on any windows OS below XP.

If you want to download manually, you will need an executable and a pak set.


Windows (SDL2)
Windows (SDL2) 64 bit for maps larger than 2.5 GB
Windows (GDI)
Windows (GDI) 64 bit for maps larger than 2.5 GB
64 bit Intel Linux
MAC OS (no midi right now)
Android, bundled with pak64 and pak64.japan

PakSets - graphic packages

123.0 (new)
pak64 Basics (new)
pak64 food chain

Pak64.german (new)
pak64 german

pak.Nippon (64 size) 0.5 (new)
pak64 Nippon

Pak64.japan 123.0 (new)
pak64 japan

Pak128.german 2.1 (new)
Pak128 German

Pak128.CZ 0.3
Pak128 German

pak192.Comic V0.6 RC2 (new)
pak192 Comic

PakSets - graphic packages (unsupported, but still popular)

Pak96.comic 0.4.10 extended
pak96 comic

Pak128 2.8

Pak128.japan 120
pak128 Japan for 120

Pak128.britain 1.8 for 120.3
pak128 Britain

PakSets - graphic packages (outdated, but may still run)

Pak32.comic 102.0
pak32 comic

pak48.excentrique 0.18
pak4 Excentrique

pak64 SciFi 0.2
pak64 SciFi

Pak64.contrast 102.2
pak64 contrast

Pak64.HO-scale "latest"
pak64 HO-scale

Pak96.HD 0.4
pak96 HD


Makeobj (new)
Makeobj 60.6 (windows)