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Paper cars?

Started by railfan727, September 21, 2012, 06:31:46 PM

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I'm in search of some other paper cars ("wagons") for pak64 because the one that's included only has a capacity of 8 rolls.  There's what appears to be a really nice set available at the addons site, but the link is dead.  I go to download it and am greeted with a 404 error!
Does anyone know of any other paper cars with a higher capcity and (hopefully) low operating cost?


I don't know anything about add-ons, but I share the disappointment in the low capacity of pak64's paper cars. Their capacities doesn't seem to match the production and consumption rate of paper.


Hi Railfan727
It gives Railvehicles they can carry more that 8 Rolls of paper.But i Must they Addon be search on my Computer!
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Working on a big Problem!



Oh Yeah those vehicles have i verget.
Opening hours 20:00 - 23:00
(In Night from friday on saturday and saturday on sunday it possibly that i be keep longer in Forum.)
I am The Assistant from Pakfilearcheologist!
Working on a big Problem!