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Elevated Ways in Pak64

Started by RailLord, August 21, 2016, 08:03:57 PM

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Hi, RailLord here.

I have a couple of questions concerning elevated ways in Pak64.

First off, why aren't there any elevated ways that come stock with Pak64? I mean elevated ways that are not added through add-ons. AFAIK, Pak64 can handle elevated ways, as I have B7's roadset and ET's rails added into the game.

Second, Are there any other elevated rail or road add-on paks available? I would like brick or steel viaducts or bridges, as they look very nice in real life.

Isaac Eiland-Hall

The simple answer to the first question is that every pak maintainer decides what they feel fits the pak. I believe in this instance that pak64 is intended to be a less complicated pak than others. It's the default pak, although pak128 is pretty popular. Well, maybe these days even other paks are pretty popular; but still, it's kept simpler - with fewer vehicle choices than some other paks.

I don't have a good answer for the second. I tend to play with stock paks these days when I play. :)


Another likely obstacle is that no one has made an elevated road that fits in with the rest. The elevated ways I know of are drawn with a different look, or with prices that don't match. Most of pak64 was made long ago now, probably before elevated roads were added to Simutrans, by artists I don't think participate anymore. (I haven't seen many add-ons lately either, and all I can remember have been vehicles.)


Elevated ways need some revision. They currently suffer from many build inconsistencies.


Sorry about the long wait; the Internet has been very slow from when I started the thread. Either way, thank you for the fast responses. I see now that just designing and coding them would be impractical and/or confusing. Thank you.


Quote from: RailLord on August 25, 2016, 03:55:28 AM
I see now that just designing and coding them would be impractical and/or confusing.

That would apply for all pak sets, not just pak64. As far as pak64 is concerned, they only need to be drawn and priced in a way consistent with the rest of pak64. Whether elevated ways is broken in Simutrans in general is a different matter, which affects all pak sets.


As far as pak64 is concerned, they only need to be drawn and priced in a way consistent with the rest of pak64.
For ways such as the 120 km/h railway viaduct and 400 km/h highspeed rail bridge which use support coloumns it should be pretty simple to recycle some of the art. The problem are the corners and diagonals which need new art as bridges do not have such images.

Whether elevated ways is broken in Simutrans in general is a different matter, which affects all pak sets.
Which is something I plan to look into in the future. Specifically with regard to bridges, other company property and double tile high objects.


There are additional curves to the standard bridge, which are not used. But unfortunately those are without support.