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Community Discussion / Re: Discord server ‘Simutrans ...
Last post by Ulysses - Yesterday at 07:02:57 AM
The server is basically multi-lingual and acceptable.
Participation is also possible as long as two of the following items are met.
∙ You can confirm your usual activities (links to Twitter, Facebook, Steam, etc.)
∙ You must be a member of another Simutrans server.
You must be able to show that you play Simutrans (e.g. screenshots).
Reasons for your interest in Simutrans

In addition to the play-to-add-on creation, we have also set up a channel for traffic discussions.

Translated with (free version)
Download Simutrans / Simutrans 124.2.1
Last post by prissi - July 25, 2024, 12:42:56 PM
A quick bugfix release, addressing a crash with the player ranking window and passengers to nowhere connected in larger games. Sime windows are also more suitable for small screens.

This release is built from svn revision number 11366.

Installer for Windows

MS Windows with an existing install should use the Online-Installer (Admin).
New users can use the no-admin version too
Online-Installer (local user).
The pak files will be stored in both cases in ProgramData, i.e. only once per computer. The admin installer will move the paks there before installing any new ones or updating the exisiting paks.

Android users should be able to get it from the Google play store.

Those versions support IPv6 on Windows. As a result, it will not run on any Windows OS below XP.

If you want to download manually, you will need an executable and a pak set.


Windows (SDL2)
Windows (SDL2) 64 bit for maps larger than 2.5 GB
Windows (GDI)
Windows (GDI) 64 bit for maps larger than 2.5 GB
64 bit Intel Linux
MAC OS (intel for older Macs)

PakSets - graphic packages with tutorials

pak64 Basics (new)
pak64 food chain

Pak128 2.9.1

pak192.Comic V0.71
pak192 Comic

PakSets - graphic packages

pak64 german

pak.Nippon (64 size) 0.62
pak64 Nippon

Pak64.japan 123.0
pak64 japan

Pak128.german 2.2
Pak128 German

Pak128 CS

PakTTD (alpha)

Pak48.bitlit 0.1c (new)

PakSets - graphic packages (unsupported, but still popular)

pak48.excentrique 0.19 rc3
pak4 Excentrique

Pak96.comic 0.4.10 extended
pak96 comic

Pak128.japan 120
pak128 Japan for 120

Pak128.britain 1.8 for 120.3
pak128 Britain

PakSets - graphic packages (outdated, but may still run)

Pak32.comic 102.0
pak32 comic

pak64 SciFi 0.2
pak64 SciFi

Pak64.contrast 102.2
pak64 contrast

Pak96.HD 0.4
pak96 HD


Makeobj 60.7 (windows)

Makeobj 60.7 (linux)

Makeobj 60.7 (MacOS)
Bug Reports / Re: 124.2/r11351: Pax insist o...
Last post by prissi - July 25, 2024, 04:49:35 AM
Yes, I know the routing in the stable is broken. First, it should not add these routes at all. And second, when reconnectiong, these passengers should be rerouted. That never happens for quite some stations in the stable.

The problem is that once a wrong via_halt has been added, future pax to this destination will take that via_halt from the existing one. Usually, this is solved with the next schedule change of reloading, but the stable did not iterated over it.

I have run several debug games, but I could not catch ever adding a wrong via_halt. However, search_route suggests that under some circumstance the via_halt of return pax may be wrong.

Anyway, a normal save-load cycle or extending one stop or chaning one schedule schould solve all thos outstanding wrong routing in the nightlies.
Bug Reports / Re: 124.2/r11351: Pax insist o...
Last post by Andarix - July 24, 2024, 05:50:25 PM
online game prissi

The routing takes strange paths.

An airport routes via a bus stop.
Bug Reports / Re: 124.2/r11351: Pax insist o...
Last post by prissi - July 24, 2024, 05:12:27 AM
Sorry, the rerouting/reconnection finished prematurely, also in my correction.

The scenario worked by luck, i.e. that the timing for mail and goods was so that reconnection was finished by not yet rerouted. A call to start_halt->recalculate_status() was missing in the goods and mail delivery part (which was implicit from pax_add_happy).

To get it timing independent, I added a function to know if the rerouting has finshed and added the missing call to the goods adding routing.

Hopefully all fixed in r11365
Bug Reports / Re: 124.2/r11351: Pax insist o...
Last post by ceeac - July 23, 2024, 07:20:49 PM
The automated test for transporting mail is still failing while the test for passengers seems to succeed:
00:00:40 Script: Print: [144/195] test_transport_mail_valid_route
00:00:40 Script: Error: <error>
00:00:40 Script: Error: <st>Error: [Assertion failed, '0 == 1' was not true]</st>
00:00:40 Script: Error: CALLSTACK
00:00:40 Script: Error: <em>* FUNCTION [ASSERT_EQUAL()] <br>* addons/pak/scenario/automated-tests//test_helpers.nut
00:00:40 Script: Error: * line [27]
00:00:40 Script: Error: </em>
00:00:40 Script: Error: - - LOCALS
00:00:40 Script: Error: - - - [err] INSTANCE
00:00:40 Script: Error: - - - [exp] 1
00:00:40 Script: Error: - - - [act] 0
00:00:40 Script: Error: - - - [this] TABLE (389 entries)
00:00:40 Script: Error: <em>* FUNCTION [test_transport_mail_valid_route()] <br>* addons/pak/scenario/automated-tests//tests/test_transport.nut
00:00:40 Script: Error: * line [181]
00:00:40 Script: Error: </em>
00:00:40 Script: Error: - - LOCALS
00:00:40 Script: Error: - - - [cnv] INSTANCE
00:00:40 Script: Error: - - - [to_halt] INSTANCE
00:00:40 Script: Error: - - - [from_halt] INSTANCE
00:00:40 Script: Error: - - - [depot] INSTANCE
00:00:40 Script: Error: - - - [pl] INSTANCE
00:00:40 Script: Error: - - - [this] TABLE (389 entries)
00:00:40 Script: Error: <em>* FUNCTION [run_all_tests()] <br>* addons/pak/scenario/automated-tests/scenario.nut
00:00:40 Script: Error: * line [43]
00:00:40 Script: Error: </em>
00:00:40 Script: Error: - - LOCALS
00:00:40 Script: Error: - - - [num_tests_done] 143
00:00:40 Script: Error: - - - [error_msg] NULL
00:00:40 Script: Error: - - - [num_tests] 195
00:00:40 Script: Error: - - - [func_name] "test_transport_mail_valid_route"
00:00:40 Script: Error: - - - [test_func] CLOSURE
00:00:40 Script: Error: - - - [i] 143
00:00:40 Script: Error: - - - [this] TABLE (389 entries)
00:00:40 Script: Error: <em>* FUNCTION [start()] <br>* addons/pak/scenario/automated-tests/scenario.nut
00:00:40 Script: Error: * line [95]
00:00:40 Script: Error: </em>
00:00:40 Script: Error: - - LOCALS
00:00:40 Script: Error: - - - [this] TABLE (389 entries)
00:00:40 Script: Error: </error>
Killing process (test failed)
Bug Reports / Re: 124.2/r11351: Pax insist o...
Last post by prissi - July 23, 2024, 01:17:06 PM
It did not iterate many halts at all. Like ever, no matter how much rerouting was started. Breakpoints that I set were never reached.

The reset halts indeed handled incorrectly missing, sorry for misunderstanding the comment. r11363 fixes this as well by taking it out of step() and into step_all(), saving a lot of function calls and switches.

Community Discussion / Discord server ‘Simutrans inte...
Last post by Ulysses - July 23, 2024, 10:23:21 AM
I maintain a server called 'Simutrans interact meeting' where Simutrans users can freely interact with each other.
As a result of the way the server was established, there are many Japanese users, but also people from European countries.
We interact daily as a server that is open to all nationalities and languages spoken.

If you have any questions or are interested, please feel free to ask us!

Link to join 'Simutrans interact meeting' Press the link ahead to access the link to join the Discord.

X Profile of 'Simutrans interact meeting'.

Bug Reports / Re: 124.2/r11351: Pax insist o...
Last post by TurfIt - July 23, 2024, 07:17:31 AM
r11360,11361 is completely busted. Only ever reconnects/reroutes 1024 units in the first few halts in the list. And rebreaks Regression: passengers are not boarding.  My comment you removed  "// always iterate all halts to properly reset served halts" was there for a reason...
Bug Reports / Re: 124.2/r11351: Pax insist o...
Last post by prissi - July 23, 2024, 05:48:57 AM
Ok, the step for all halts was messed up. r11360 fixes this

Time for a patch release with the crashes and this.