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pak64.Founders: [Simplifier Project]

Started by colonyan, July 07, 2012, 05:09:57 PM

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November 18th 2012 -Announcement-
[Simplifier Project]

Play style exploration test project.

Fundamentally reducing the cargo type number.

1. Mail will be completely ignored from growth factor.

    Freight will have basically only two cargo type.
    Other than Raw and Product cars there will be
    C. Liquid

3. Starting fund will be large.
    Engine and car purchase and running cost will be large too.

4. Passenger and Freight will share 50/50 for growth factor.

5. Mail will be artificially incorporated as an industry chain using and riding Product cars.

6. Map will designed to start with several small to medium volume industries scattered around the map.

7. Will attempt to attribute acute speed bonus depending on the cargo type.

[August 3rd]
This is my first progress report on pak.founders.

Few traditional Japanese buildings, goods truck, an old mixed goods freight car, another track type, an industry chain,
sidewalk texture, small tourist attraction and a modern high rise

Tree distribution, ground object distribution

To come next:
Early mail distribution assets. One more road type. Expanding Industry chain. A city attraction.

I will try to do 3 out of 4 at least for next progress report which I plan on doing at beginning of September.
Hello. I think time has come to show what I've been doing since May.
Most of city buildings are those I showed 2009 summer. I will be adding more gradually.
Taisho Era in Japan have helped me inspiring where I want to go with this project.

- Larger vehicle size for easier view.
- City building using fully 1X1 space. Mixing open area city buildings to compensate.
- Introducing and testing different style of industry chain type.
- Game oriented than Simulation oriented. Vehicles will have more fictive values compared to actual model.
- Higher money management difficulty on normal mode without being too time consuming
- Representing beauty of nature
- Blending Eastern and European style buildings.


pak64.HO features also larger vehicles (apart from being GPL). Maybe you should take the same scale?


I made little smaller than I previously planned. This is because if I make vehicles larger than this, tram won't fit on the street. Also when trains runs beside tall building which has smaller pixel per floor scale, it exceeds my scale difference tolerance. Also, bigger vehicles would require more graphical detail. I'm afraid if I can afford that.
Anyways thank you for feedback prissi.

I hope be able to show more.
Quote from: prissi on July 07, 2012, 07:56:11 PM
pak64.HO features also larger vehicles (apart from being GPL). Maybe you should take the same scale?
What does GPL stand for?


[August 3rd]
This is my first progress report on pak.founders.

Few traditional Japanese buildings, goods truck, an old mixed goods freight car, another track type, an industry chain,
sidewalk texture, small tourist attraction and a modern high rise

Tree distribution, ground object distribution

To come next:
Early mail distribution assets. One more road type. Expanding Industry chain. A city attraction.

I will try to do 3 out of 4 at least for next progress report which I plan on doing at beginning of September.

I'd like to make the pak presentable and playable enough before 2013 starts so it is good enough for few people to put hands on it.
I have to make up some kind of logo and icon style... Nothing concrete yet. Long way to go.


Few new contents are done but this project will go under light for from a month to few month due to my limited capacity.
Meanwhile I will revise its direction.


Play style exploration test project.

Fundamentally reducing the cargo type number.

1. Mail will be completely ignored from growth factor.
    There won't be any kind of mail vehicle.
   (Redundancy of having same kind of network which serves only same effect, growth.)

    Freight will have basically only two cargo type.
    A. Raw and B. Product
    Raw and processing goods will be riding Raw cars.
    Some Raw car riding goods can be end product it self as well.
    End product will be riding product cars.
    Some Product car riding goods can be processing ingredients in some
    factories as well.

    Other than Raw and Product cars there will be
    C. Liquid

    Liquid type cargo can only travel using liquid cars.
    Liquid cars serve both raw and product level of liquid cargo.

    If an industry chain requires liquid type cargo, liquid type cargo
    vehicle must serve the chain other than conventional Raw and Product cars.

    A chain can be served only with Liquid cars as well.

3. Starting fund will be large.
    Engine and car purchase and running cost will be large too.
    pak will attempt user to carefully choose the number of cars and proportional of
    Raw/Product/Liquid and its route/waiting time.

4. Passenger and Freight will share 50/50 for growth factor.

5. Mail will be artificially incorporated as an industry chain using and riding Product cars.

6. Map will designed to start with several small to medium volume industries scattered around the map.

7. Will attempt to attribute acute speed bonus depending on the cargo type.
    Handling all cargo type with single speed vehicle/consist will penalized in income.