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New factory requirements

Started by hreintke, July 12, 2012, 08:49:59 PM

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I have a few pak64 maps where I am experimenting and learning simutrans.

Wanted to add an oilfield to the map but just get the errormessage "no suitable ground". Even on a map where oilfields are present and I try to add the new oilfield close to the existing.

How can I find the pre-requisites for an oilfield (or in general a factory) or get a understanding why a factory cannot be build on the location I want ?

Kind regards,



You have to take into account that some factories can only be built in specific climates (desert, temperate, arctic ...) of the map.
I'm not sure about pak64 because i do not play it very often but you can  try selecting ignore_climates in the factory builder window. You should then be able to build anywhere in the world.
The climates where the oilfield can be built are also displayed in the factory builder window, too.


That's for the immediate why. A more fundamental why is why oil fields have been configured to not exist in temperate and mediterranean climates. Oil pumps can, but they in turn can't exist in other climates, some of which are suitable for oil fields. I don't really see any reason for why all industries should be tied to climate, only the ones producing living organism.


Well I believe the reason is to give variety, provided you can have oil in every map, I find better looking if producers are grouped by climate, especially when we'll have per tile climates.


Maybe, but it seems a bit strange to have big oil fields up in the mountains, and single oil pumps scattered about in the lowlands (as well as in the mountains).


I mean, the principle of having equivalent (= same output) industries divided by climate is IMHO very important to the game appearance.
Obviously we must discuss which industry must go where, but this is another issue and I'm poorly qualified for it, as I don't play Pak64.


It would be nice if industries, which are specifed in which climate(altitude/height) they are placed, to be placed on other climates if no desirable location is not available. I don't know what coders think of this matter.


Honestly I disagree. I would rather the game not to build a chain if there is no location for one or more suppliers.
If I want to play e.g. a North Pole map I don't want to get e.g. vineyards. It's the player's responsibility to choose appropriate climates for the map they want to play, and industry chains should be restricted accordingly.


Quote from: Fabio on July 13, 2012, 03:41:02 PM
Honestly I disagree. I would rather the game not to build a chain if there is no location for one or more suppliers.
If I want to play e.g. a North Pole map I don't want to get e.g. vineyards. It's the player's responsibility to choose appropriate climates for the map they want to play, and industry chains should be restricted accordingly.

Oh yeah ofcourse having an chance to put as "optional" for either build or not to build on climate other than designated.
For vineyard on north pole, I would say its putting value on either game integrity or visual/sense integrity. If pak designer is pro game integrity person, choosing to play only on above arctic line is player's choice.


Personally I would like to see climates as an additional "challange" to the game.
If I choose an Arctic or a desert map, but also a rocky one, I don't like to play the same way I play in temperate plains. I would expect different chains, cities of different sizes, and so on.


No oilfield for temperate and mediterran was choose on the basis of real oildfiled distribution in the world. Most of the larger ones are either tropic, desert or artic.

And if no location is found simutrans will already build essential industries anywhere in a final last attempt.


Sorry it gives Oilwell in mediterran and temperate!
but i have the place not how it be stand.
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Working on a big Problem!


Quote from: prissi on July 13, 2012, 07:02:27 PM
No oilfield for temperate and mediterran was choose on the basis of real oildfiled distribution in the world. Most of the larger ones are either tropic, desert or artic.

I haven't heard of oil fields high up in the mountains, but those climates probably make more sense if the map has tundra as the lowest climate.


There is a number of oilfields in continental/temperate areas (e.g. in Romania near Ploiesti) but they are just a small part of world supply. Desert, tropic and tundra are the best locations IMHO.