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England may never been invaded for over 900 years but....

Started by Spartanis, July 30, 2012, 10:17:53 AM

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.. I reckon one aussie will :P *ME!!!*

Yup, My first overseas trip ever.. A trip to Great Britian. I even booked a campervan.. so I be driving around and exploring the most awesome nation in the world.. well.. not MOST.. at least ONE OF :P


99 Days to go.. *sighs*..  If i play James' pak128. Britain too much.. i might get a shock when i walk out of Heathrow .. lmao

Btw, is it normal for one to pack everything and be ready to board the plane.. 3 months prior to the flight? lmao.. oh gawd.. im itching to goooo lol


So, you are in England in October? You did think of packing waterproof clothing only, did you? Otherwise, start repacking...  ;D
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How long you over for? Give a shout if you're headed up to Scotland! 99 days is early November, depending on the year that could mean anything from sunny 15C, rainy 5C or snowy -5C!


Yup.. Nov 6th I'll be in London for 2 weeks. I know its not enough but its all the time i can get off work for this year.

First night i be staying at some hotel , then grab that campervan and do MAD MAX style across the country! Starting with Canterbury, down the white cliffs of Dover, across to Stonehenge, up to Oxford, then coasting along to Edinburgh! (speeling?)

So yeah Kieron, I most likely be in Scotland for a few days. So be awesome if we catch up and talk about simutrans LOL...

I got heavey warm clothing packed.. jsut gotta head down to the Moutain Gear shop to buy decent thermals..

As you an aussie, I never experience that biting "chill" of yers.. i bet i suffer hyperthermia, even if im still wearing twenty peices of clothing on!! lmao


Quote from: Combuijs on July 30, 2012, 10:32:33 AM
So, you are in England in October? You did think of packing waterproof clothing only, did you? Otherwise, start repacking...  ;D

Someone mentioned i should pack an Umbrella! lmao


hm, weather in London is even worse than in Paris - and God knows how grey is Parisian weather, especially in Automn. Probably you won't have time to take the Eurostar to my hometown. Still, have fun!

congrats to carl, also  ;)


Quote from: carlbaker on July 30, 2012, 01:26:28 PM
You'll be just in time for my wedding! ;)

ooo i feel a wedding gatecrashing session coming up! *winks* lol


Bon voyage! (And definitely pack an umbrella!)

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ooOOOoo.. bluebell railways.. that looks fascinating... does it involves horrorific dark history about them? :P lol sorry.. Immah HISTORICAL fad here.. :)


Well, it does involve the railway coming back from the dead after being attacked by an axe-wielding doctor called Beeching, if that's what you mean...
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LMAO James..

Now THATS more like it.. I shall book a tour and visit the joint :)


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Might be a highwayman and try to rob the trains :P oooo.. i can see a pakset addon in simutrans.. highwaymen! :P
