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pack128 Cotton Plantations

Started by Paderau, July 30, 2012, 09:35:56 PM

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Hello I use Pack 128 I got some trouble with "Cotton Plantation"
I install one on my game with electric transfo ... railward ... a station and everything, I connect it with the corresponding store;
I set the train, the line between store and plantatation.
In a first time it's work properly, normal OK ...
But when the game enlarge the fields, making the plantation bigger, the game erases sometimes the railways, sometimes the station connected to the plantation, and even, sometimes the electric transformer...
I found a solution: I install all what I can underground!!!
But is it the good solution (not working for the transformer, of course)
Did you find a better solution ...
Does it exist another version for this industry? in this case where can I download it?
Thanks for your help.
and have fun!


This must be a bug with trains.  I always use trucks and have never had a problem with the fields growing over the station although the fields do grow, they grow around the station.


Are you sure that only cotton fields do this?
What version of game do you play?

Chybami se člověk učí - ale někteří lidé jsou nepoučitelní


Hello Roads,
Thanks for your Help, Roads;
I wanted to use trains because its possible to send more goods, in one time with a big train ... I suppose u employ many trucks so!
But I have also troubles with electric Transfo: they are erased too ...
and the station for trucks is disconnected too: I must set it once again everytime the fields have grown...


Hello VaclavMacurek
Thanks for you answer;
Yes I am sure this bug comes from cotton fields ... I have updated my "old version" (Simutrans 111.2.1 r5434M); now I use the updated one: Simutrans 111.3 - r5773
With the same results with this factory.
So I fear this factory is not correctly programmed! Do you use it sometimes?
I Have used also Steel Iron Factory, Car Factories, Canneries, ... I tried everythings, in order to have a good analysis off the game.. I don't find anything blocking with those 2 versions.
They work normaly when I don't install this Factory.
I tried (one year ago) another one; it was a trying version. This one was bad and the game didn't respond anymore after a few days of slow working  ... but now it seemed OK, with the pack128 I use. And I have definitively removed this wrong version.


It is strange. If you use Windows, Linux or Mac, download latest nightly from here. And if it will be the same, then try to refresh graphics - also from those pages.

Chybami se člověk učí - ale někteří lidé jsou nepoučitelní



Yep, it takes a lot of trucks if you are going to use close to the max output of the field.  The only problem I have ever had with cotton fields is putting the station too far away from the farm proper.  By that I mean the graphic that shows the buildings.  I have had problems when I got only a square of the field in my station range.


Quote from: VaclavMacurek on July 31, 2012, 07:13:40 PM
It is strange. If you use Windows, Linux or Mac, download latest nightly from here. And if it will be the same, then try to refresh graphics - also from those pages.

Uhm 111.3.1 is the latest version, nightly generation is down for August


I'm not sure why would fields grow over things?

I just realized there is one bug of this factory. Its building is L-shaped, so things built in the one one corner could be problematic. However, that does not explain behaviour of fields...

Moving to bug reports, as this is most likely a bug :)

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


Could not reproduce this bug in a new savegame on 111.3.1. Are you sure you had a recent version and that did not occur some time back when we had this bug actually?


Hi everyone!
Thanks for all your previous answers ... very usefull for me.
Now I have many things to try and to verify with these cotton factories.
If I find the solution, I'll explain it here, hoping it will be usefull for everyone :)


Hello Prissi!
You asked:
"Could not reproduce this bug in a new savegame on 111.3.1. Are you sure you had a recent version and that did not occur some time back when we had this bug actually?"
I began again the game creating a new environment and i have the same result .. and only with the cotton plantations
I join a sreen capture after the bug has occured you can see, the last tile of the station has been pushed up :
if you look well you can see a buiding under the rail at this place
it has broken the continuity of the rail betwen this tile and the previous, the electricity in the rail was broken here too.
you see also that the electric line going to the transformer of the station is cut .. and the electric transformer has been removed
Now! I think it's easier to understand what is the bug of this factory
... but the solution doesn't seems easy apart if we don't use it anymore ...
thanks for your time
I would be glad if someone has found a solution

I read that there is a maximum distance between the plants and the stores to be delivered!  What about that?



Have you tried building your station a couple squares away from the farm buildings.  I've never put a station that close.  Could you have possibly built over a square with cotton on it when you originally placed the station?


The problem here are not the fields but the buildings of the factory itself: They are now under the tracks. Something went wrong here. Maybe factory did not survive map rotation?
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


Hi Roads!
Normaly I install the farm, then the electric transformer, then the electric line ...
I wait a few minuts and I set the rail then the station.
Because I want my station is connected to the farm, I avoid the rails can be farer than one tile of the farm builing.
if i set then farer even close to the nearer fied of the builing .. the station is not connected to the farm (and more, fields make a kind of screen;
if u understand)
I saw we don't have the same trouble with trucks! truck stations are shorter (1 or 2 tiles only)..

Note: the other factories and farms work normaly! without those troubles!



The default station coverage is 2.  For me that makes it difficult to get the station close enough to the farm buildings so I change the station coverage to 3 for my games.  Some people do not like changing defaults but if that doesn't bother you, you could try that.  My understanding is that the station coverage use to be 3...

You will have to start a new game to do this and it can be changed in the settings dialog box on the start new game screen.


@Paderau: there is a bug in the save routine with such non-rectangular buildings. If you can upload the savegame, I could repair it...
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


Hi Dwachs! thanks for your answer!
But how can I "upload the savegame?"
I don't understand what u mean ... you need a file of the game located in my PC, to repair it?
Can u explain to the beginner I am?
And this correction will work only for this factory?
Did you encounter other similar cases not working with this bug?
(Does it exist some else non-rectangular buildings in simutrans that can be concerned too?)


Hi Roads
Oh good idea to set the coverage, I feel it's a good way to solve minor troubles I've got in other cases ...
but I fear I don't understand precisely how work this parameter... can u give me some precisions about it, please?
is it by this way we can set the minimum distance between the stations and the factories to connect themselves?
Is that all? or aere there other possiblities to set with this function ...


Quote from: Paderau on August 09, 2012, 09:37:32 PM
But how can I "upload the savegame?"
I don't understand what u mean ... you need a file of the game located in my PC, to repair it?
Can u explain to the beginner I am?
If you like I could repair your savegame for you. To do this, you have to upload it to some filehoster. The savegame is a .sve file in a folder on your computer:  \Documents\simutrans\save or ~/simutrans/save or something similar.
And this correction will work only for this factory?
Did you encounter other similar cases not working with this bug?
(Does it exist some else non-rectangular buildings in simutrans that can be concerned too?)
This correction would repair the factory at the correct position. If you do not rotate the map then, it will work.

The problems is with map rotation & save/load & and the rectangular shaped factory.
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.



Sorry for the delay in this reply.  To change the area that a station covers for a new game, just begin like you are starting a new game.  When the screen comes up that shows "start game" and maps and such...there will be a button for "settings."  Click it.
When the popup shows in the left, upper corner of your screen, click the tab for "Routing."  The very first entry there is the one you want to change.  You can use the little arrow keys or just type in a "3" or whatever you want to change it to.  I suggest 3 because higher values kill your shuttle business in larger cities.

Hope Dwachs won't think I'm butting in on your conversation with him but here is how I upload save games or anything else I want to post on this board.

This link:

When you get to that screen, use the same login and password you use here.  The screen is intuitive except for one thing.  Do not hit the enter key until after you put the info in for you upload.  Once you are ready to begin the upload, just press the upload button at that time.


In name of else Czech user, NPete (because his English is very poor), I call his problem with cotton farm - that factory appeared across railway (oh, maglev):

Chybami se člověk učí - ale někteří lidé jsou nepoučitelní


That is the same bug. I am working on a fix.
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


Hi everyone!
Great I see Dwachs is working for us ... I seems clear now it's a real bug of this L-shaped farm:
It doesn't work perfectly on all kinds of rails (train+maglev ...)
The problem, I fear, is that when the fix will be done we must begin again a new game for taking it in account!
Not true?
Would it be be possible to prepare a fix working like a pak ? .... you understand: when you want a new bridge, a new loco, ...
you never reinstall a new simutrans release, but very often a file ".pak"
But I'm a beginner! not sure if it's possible?


Program patches don't work this way.
I don't know how will Dwachs fix this, but there's a good chance the new executable will handle existing paksets (and existing game saves) well enough.


That it Bug in the Dat and png!
But Dwachs have no time to make a fix it the must first be fix the nightlyserver.

Opening hours 20:00 - 23:00
(In Night from friday on saturday and saturday on sunday it possibly that i be keep longer in Forum.)
I am The Assistant from Pakfilearcheologist!
Working on a big Problem!


This should now be fixed with r5917:
-- Non-rectangularly shaped factories will not build dummy tiles at nw-corner.
-- Loading and saving of games with such factories will now work provided that the factory is correctly defined: all rotations present, if a tile is present in one rotation then it should be present at the correct rotated position in all other rotations.
-- The bug in the first post thus should not reappear again for savegames saved with any executable newer than r5917.
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


Since you extensively worked on this, I'll assume you know everything about non-regular buildings by now and ask :)

How about other buildings? Does the fix apply to anything irregular - is it possible to create bug-free buildings that don't have all corners?

Assuming you tested with the plantation - is it correctly rotated, or broken? (I could check myself, but why spend the work if you know already - if you don't, I'll look myself.)

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


Quote from: VS on September 14, 2012, 05:52:57 PM
How about other buildings? Does the fix apply to anything irregular - is it possible to create bug-free buildings that don't have all corners?

Assuming you tested with the plantation - is it correctly rotated, or broken? (I could check myself, but why spend the work if you know already - if you don't, I'll look myself.)
Plantation works as expected.

Irregular monuments and attraction do not work yet, despite the fact that I committed something related to this accidentally.
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


with r5924 also non-rectangular station extensions, monuments, and attractions should work.
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


In other words, the fix concerns any multi-tile buildings?

To borrow a phrase from Rainer - You're a hero! :)

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


Quote from: VS on September 15, 2012, 11:45:17 AM
In other words, the fix concerns any multi-tile buildings?
Yes, hopefully, without introducing new bugs :)
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


r5918 breaks pak128.Britain demo.sve. Crashes shortly after rotation.


Thanks for reporting. Will have to check tonight...

Edit: Should be fixed in r5941.
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.