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Simutrans 112.0

Started by prissi, October 25, 2012, 08:00:38 PM

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Multithreading code is now enabled on many more situations, especially loading and saving. The other big change are scripted scenarios, which will chnage the way simutrans can be used.

ATTENTION: Addons now reside inside a folder "addons" in the simutrans folder. Please move your addons into that folder!

Installer for Windows

MS Windows user should use the Online-Installer.

Those versions do not support IPv6 on windows for largest compatibility down to win98. If needed I can provide IPv6 builds.

If you want to download manually, you will need an executable and a pakset.


Windows native (new) (you may need unicows.dll for Win9x)
Window with SDL (new)
Linux with SDL and SDL_mixer (new)
Haiku with SDL (new)
Mac OSX/Intel with SDL (new)
Mac OSX/PowerPC with SDL (new)

PakSets - graphic packages

112.0 (new)
pak64 Basics
64pak food chain

Pak64.german 110.0c
pak64.german 110.0c (reorganized)
pak64.german addons (mostly for tourists) 110.0c (reorganized)
pak64.german industry addons 110.0c (reorganized)

Pak64.Classic 102.2.2
pak64 Classic for 102.2.2

Pak64.japan 111.3
pak64 japan (beta)

Pak64.contrast 102.2
pak64 contrast

Pak64.HO-scale "latest"
pak64 HO-scale

Pak96.comic V0.4.10 extended

Pak96.HD 100.0
pak96.HD (0.4)

Pak128 V 2.1
pak128 2.1

Pak128.japan 110.0.1
pak128 Japanfor 110.0.1

Pak128.britain (0.12) (new)
pak128 Britain v0.12

Pak128.german 0.41
Pak128 German 0.41

pak192.Comic 102.2.1
pak192 Comic 102.2.1

pak48.excentrique 0.18
pak84 Excentrique

Pak32.comic 102.0
pak32.comic for 102-0


makeobj 55

Release of 112.0: (r6000 on 22-Oct-2012):
   ADD: (wackdone) screenshots of topmost dialoge window only by CNTRL+screenshot tool click
   ADD: (wackdone) -pause on command line pauses the loaded game
   FIX: downgrading of stops using CONTRL works again
   ADD: scripted scenarios
   ADD: river algorithm faster and river number automatically scaled with map size
   CHG: proper support for non-rectangularly shaped factories, no dummy (0,0)-tiles
   ADD: support for non-rectangular shaped station extensions, attractions, monuments
   CHG: Allow to connect to channels built by anyone
   CHG: field can now spawned in larger number than the initial min value
   CHG: number of factories in new world dialog is now indeed the total number of factories (too many newbe mistakes here)
   ADD: force a minimum distance between city attractions
   ADD: Drag stops
   CHG: reduced memory consumption when compiled with COLOUR_DEPTH=0, no copies of object images kept in memory
   ADD: ctrl-click with link-factory tool actually removes links between factories
   ADD: station buildings can be restricted to above/under ground (parameter allow_underground, =0 only above, =1 only under, =2 both/default)
   CHG: rework scenario directory structure: scenario my_scen is in my_scen/, script file is my_scen/scenario.nut

EDIT by Moderator: Topic sticky. Small spruce-up in the page, since the download page is now pointing to here ~IgorEliezer