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Network message flow

Started by hreintke, August 17, 2012, 09:08:28 AM

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Exploring new parts of simutrans, now getting into networks.
I am looking into the several network*.cc & .h files to get an understanding but is somewhere documented what the message flow is that should occur when a client connects to a server. Also cannot find the format of the tcp message that is transferred.

FYI : I am looking for a way to have an non-simutrans program connecting as a client and requesting info from the simutrans server to display specific gameinfo.

Kind regards,



Then just look at the nework tool. It can query serveral things from a remote game.


Thanks Prissi,

Didn't know that. Nettools should indeed be a good starting point.




Took some time and effort but I've got nettool compiled with mingw and is starting up.
However, I prefer to use msvc and I am stuck there. Lots of unresolved and now errors in duplicates in libcmt and msvrt.
Does anyone have nettools compile in msvc configured ?

When useing nettool I am asked for password. Tried setting public and first players password but no luck.
At which location/parameter is the server access password settable ?



I think for the simple gameinfo string, you could just sent one command to the server. The nettool needs player1 password, imho.


Quote from: hreintke on August 17, 2012, 04:45:38 PM
At which location/parameter is the server access password settable ?
This is a password independent of player's passwords. It has to be specified when server is started.

Command line option: ' -server_admin_pw XXX', or entry

server_admin_pw = test
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.