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Bug with "Maximum Speed" Calculation for Speedbonus

Started by Fifty, September 23, 2012, 04:41:06 PM

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The "maximum speed" calculation for speedbonus, which used to take into account theoretical convoy max speed, track max speed, and the effect of overloading on the convoy's maximum speed seems to no longer take into account heavy loading of convoys that do not allow them to reach maximum speed. Many freight convoys that I intentionally overload at about 90 km/h are being paid for going  either 100 or 120 km/h as long as the cars are capable of those speeds and they are running on 120 km/h track.

This occurs in both 111.3.1 and in nightly r5936, but not in 111.2.2. I wonder if it could be caused by the changing of tonnages to allow decimals?
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


Quote from: Fifty on September 23, 2012, 04:41:06 PM
The "maximum speed" calculation for speedbonus, which used to take into account theoretical convoy max speed, track max speed, and the effect of overloading on the convoy's maximum speed seems to no longer take into account heavy loading of convoys that do not allow them to reach maximum speed. Many freight convoys that I intentionally overload at about 90 km/h are being paid for going  either 100 or 120 km/h as long as the cars are capable of those speeds and they are running on 120 km/h track.
Taking max speed of track into counting of maxi speed of unit (train, truck, tram or so) is nonsense because unit may enter to track with higher max speed or lower max speed ... and so this is non-sense.

Overloaded freight train? it means you play experimental - because in standard trains cannot be overloaded - and of course, I did not studied dat files of experimental-compatible vehicles much ... but I thought that freight trains cannot be overloaded. Or you may write about pulling of such number of cars that they will consumpt more power than often (when it is not overloaded). And then I am not sure.

Chybami se člověk učí - ale někteří lidé jsou nepoučitelní


I think he may mean it is "overloaded", as in, the convoy can not hit its top speed when empty or full.

120km/h can be achieved if it goes down a hill, but on flat ground, it can only hit 90km/h and still being paid the bonus for 120km/h
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In there was a setting with several paks that set the minimum amount you can get to 1250 promill, i.e. 1.25 of the base price. Thus any convoi get 1.25 times base prices at minimum.

Update your paks, and make sure that this is not somewhat accidentally left in your The intended value is 125 (1/8). (At least for pak64).

If the error still persists, I will look into the code.


Yes, by overloaded I mean that the top speed cannot be achieved when loaded, sorry if there is some related concept in experimental that can be confused with what I meant.

I looked at my simuconf files, and all of them have the correct 125 base value. I am using the newest stable version of pak 64 for 111.3.1. It is  the "maximum speed" inside the convoy details window that is not correct. It is possible that the display of this number is incorrect and revenue calculation is correct.

Vaclav, The speed is averaged over each tile to create this "max speed" number so that the speedbonus takes into account time spent on both slower and faster ways during a journey.
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


Fixed @ r5938.
Changing weight to kg doesn't need power to go kW to MW  ;)


And there my profits went away again. There seems to be a regular challenge in Simutrans to adapt to new economic rules.


Thank you for the fast fix TurfIt!

Quote from: Ters on September 25, 2012, 04:42:08 AM
And there my profits went away again. There seems to be a regular challenge in Simutrans to adapt to new economic rules.

Pak 64 needs a serious rebalancing effort. I'd be happy to help and work on it if I have some time. The changes to economic code have made Simutrans a lot more of a serious economic as well as transportation simulation, but it requires that the paksets also adapt.
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


That's true. The sheer wealth I accumulated prior to these economic reforms is just silly.


pak64 is actually quite balanced. It is hard to make money, but not impossible (like with pak64.german in certain years where one has to resort to obsolete and overloaded convois).

But I am always open to suggestions. Please in the pak64 thread though ;)