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new pak64.exp server online

Started by asaphxiix, October 13, 2012, 03:24:06 PM

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It's worth noting that pak64.Experimental will itself need to be recalibrated to take account of the new and modified features in 10.12 -- though using the current version shouldn't have a detrimental effect on gameplay. I hope to update pak64.Experimental soon.


Excellent! I shall update the .dat reference addendum shortly properly to document the new features as they affect pakset authors.
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thank you james! this is very exciting :)

I will load the 64 game an hour or two before the first crash happened, so we lost only a little bit of game play

unfortunately the game seems to be paused in server mode, even when starting a new game. Any workaround for this?


Yes - connect as a client...

Edit: Hmm - doesn't seem to be online at present. I should be very interested to see how this game pans out, however!
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ah ok :) I set it to work when nobody online as well, but this can be changed I guess

anyway, should be online now, had to redo the announce settings, you're welcome to join or watch james!


Watching now...

Edit: Might I suggest that, in future games, you set up the default player as a locked observer...?

Edit 2: Hmm - I wonder why that setting didn't save...

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yes that was a lesson quickly learnt :P


I am getting pakset incompatibility messages and desyncs, although I think that I have the latest version of the pakset; can I confirm the correct download source for the pakset for this server?
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waiting time calculation still seems to be off - still getting different waiting times between stops on the same line... also way too long (see warszawa Thorley Park Station to berlin for instance)


hmmm... I think the convoy replacer is broken.
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Would people mind posting bug reports for the executable in separate threads in the Simutrans-Experimental development section? It makes it much easier for me to keep track of the bugs that way. Thank you!
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Quote from: asaphxiix on October 28, 2012, 10:30:24 PM
waiting time calculation still seems to be off - still getting different waiting times between stops on the same line... also way too long (see warszawa Thorley Park Station to berlin for instance)
They will still be different -- it's difficult to avoid this given the way this feature works -- but the variation should hopefully be much less than in previous versions. (In fact, I know it is, because I've tested this extensively ;) ) If you're getting very long times then this may mean that passengers are leaving a station unhappy because they had to wait too long. If they do so, they will post a very long waiting time to simulate the fact that they had to wait longer than they were willing to.


yep after a while it became much better with little variation :)


you should probably remove line 219 manually.
It's stuck and causing a major backup of passengers in london.

or, alternatively, someone should add a train to the platform there.
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yeah, i'm waiting for greenling there... I had to remove the stops in coventry since the bus line couldn't handle the traffic, and putting a train there would just move all those pax to clog in london, not good for anyone. I entered greenling's account and removed the line to help, hope this will be forgiven.

I fear london is just too big for the coach lines... maybe if another train is added from portsmouth to the southern city it can work.


alas, I had to suspend the game, the sign bug makes it require constant supervision. We can play when we are both online I guess, till it's fixed.


Hello all.
I can not more play with you. ::'(
I lost my usb stick. ::'(
On those was the Simutrans exp and the pakset with then i have be play. ::'(
Also make me the new simutrans 10.12 some problems. ::'(
Asapxiix i send you a pm with my password for my Company. ::'(
Opening hours 20:00 - 23:00
(In Night from friday on saturday and saturday on sunday it possibly that i be keep longer in Forum.)
I am The Assistant from Pakfilearcheologist!
Working on a big Problem!


Schade, greenling! Maybe until we start the game again you will solve the problems, for now we are on a break.


yeah, I don't mind starting a new game.
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me too!
but still we need to wait for the bugs to be fixed. Maybe you can make a nice map for us AEO?


okay, let me see what I can come up with...


Map settings:
map#: 7530
size: 1024x1920
cities: 240
big cities: 14
number of clusters: 50
cluster size: 4
median population: 800
road length: 200
industry chains: 200
tourist attractions: 100

climate settings
water level: -2
Mt. height: 200
roughness: 6
cities like water: 60
no trees

other settings
frames per second: 25
passenger factor: 12
city isolation factor: 64
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I have now released a new version which fixes the critical bugs reported in 10.12. Hopefully, you will be able to re-start the server now.
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thanks a lot james! splendid news to start the week :)

i'll start working on the new server.


Excellent! Do let me know when it is up and running.
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I will do that:)

For now though, I'm trying to get the settings right for a new game. I'm thinking, setting travel distances to something sort of real like 20  km for a local journey, 100+ for long distance, then setting local chance for 55% / med 30% may help coping with the sensitivity of network growth, especially as we play with refunds on. Also it's a bit more realistic - I've found that somewhere random in England IRL trips under 20km make up 96% of all trips).

Also I've been modifying the paks a bit. I've already fixed horse cars to be restricted to one wagon that can carry 55 pax; changed intro. date for some factories to be earlier with some wagons and trailers to go along, and I'm considering making some changes in fares, mostly for freight which maybe just a bit too easy, after playing 128britain.

any thoughts or advise are welcome, anything you think may need some tuning up as well. If I learn to do this right, maybe I can help with the paksets some time :)


This is very interesting - any balancing tips that you manage to discover will be most eagerly noted for Pak128.Britain-Ex!
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I'm still working hard on balancing the pak, I don't think it ready for a full game yet. I finished balancing the trams, working on airplanes now. Trying to hasten things since James' server is getting busy, but it'll take a while longer, since I also play there most of the time... If anyone wants to start testing the pak a little and point out things that require balancing, that would be cool. Also send out the scenarios for the tests. Here is a good one to start with, where I connected two big cities with planes, and also the current version of the modified pak.


what have you all adjust in ithe pak64-exp2.rar?
Can you that be post in a PM.
Thank you.
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(In Night from friday on saturday and saturday on sunday it possibly that i be keep longer in Forum.)
I am The Assistant from Pakfilearcheologist!
Working on a big Problem!


so far just the trams, I think. I have balanced them to work out (in my scenarios at least) to make about 15-30% profit.