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Simutrans 112.1

Started by prissi, December 24, 2012, 10:30:26 PM

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Mostly a bugfix release attempting at fixing several issues around network games, like a patch to avoid sending to much of goods without consumption. Also the depot window got a major overhaul, and the factory window now show information about active suppliers within last month.

ATTENTION: Addons now reside inside a folder "addons" in the simutrans folder. Please move your addons into that folder! Scenario folder also has changed!

Installer for Windows

MS Windows user should use the Online-Installer.

Those versions do not support IPv6 on windows for largest compatibility down to win98. If needed I can provide IPv6 builds.

If you want to download manually, you will need an executable and a pakset.


Windows native (new) (you may need unicows.dll for Win9x)
Window with SDL (new)
Linux with SDL and SDL_mixer (new)
Haiku with SDL (new)

Mac OSX/Intel with SDL (waiting for nightly server!)
Mac OSX/PowerPC with SDL (waiting for nightly server!)

PakSets - graphic packages

112.1 (new)
pak64 Basics
64pak food chain

Pak64.german 110.0c
pak64.german 110.0c
pak64.german addons (mostly for tourists) 110.0c
pak64.german industry addons 110.0c

Pak64.Classic 102.2.2
pak64 Classic for 102.2.2

Pak64.japan 112.0
pak64 japan (beta)

Pak64.contrast 102.2
pak64 contrast

Pak64.HO-scale "latest"
pak64 HO-scale

Pak96.comic V0.4.10 extended

Pak96.HD 100.0
pak96.HD (0.4)

Pak128 V 2.2 (new)
pak128 2.2

Pak128.japan 110.0.1
pak128 Japanfor 110.0.1

Pak128.britain (0.12) (new)
pak128 Britain v0.12

Pak128.german 0.41
Pak128 German 0.41

pak192.Comic 102.2.1
pak192 Comic 102.2.1

pak48.excentrique 0.18
pak84 Excentrique

Pak32.comic 102.0
pak32.comic for 102-0


makeobj 55


Release of 112.1: (r6212 on 23-Dec-2012):
   ADD: transparent chat window in networkmode
   FIX: underground stations in networkmode
   ADD: (Markohs) Scenario and heightmap dialogs now support multi-directory
   ADD: (Markohs) File dialogs deletes now use the trash bin (by default) instead of a permanent delete in Windows platform. SHIFT overrides.
   FIX: waiting level in schedule dialog works with keys again
   FIX: convoi list filtering again in working order
   ADD: hide by default return ticket for rail based transport (enable by
   ADD: possibliblity to limit the amount of goods in transit (see
   ADD: city attractions and town halls can be defined to be build for more than 65535 citizens
   FIX: you will need a dock to connect to an oil rig => no islands or tunnel can be used any more => ships only load at docks
   ADD: display which factories supplied/recieved goods last month
   ADD: player without operations can be deleted after x month
   ADD: player without new buidling/replacing activities can lose password protection
   ADD: logging of ip/nickname of company creators
   ADD: nettool commands to lock, unlock, remove a company
   ADD: (Timothy) support for syslog (compile flag -DSYSLOG, command-line option -syslog)
   ADD: Restore city window on joining
   ADD: Restore chat window on joining
   ADD: Restore factory window on joining
   FIX: correctly remove stale freight from convois when stops are joined or tiles are deleted
   FIX: less desyncs when renaming, better processing server queue


Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


Here is the release of Makeobj 55.1 - only bugfixes (based on r6246)

Linux 64 bit
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.