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Started by Václav, November 08, 2012, 03:35:32 PM

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I would know about suitable translation for this: Country house\n\nBuilt for spending weekends in country. But building was delayed and house was built in city instead country.

Chybami se člověk učí - ale někteří lidé jsou nepoučitelní


If you know german, check the german translation. English versions are not really good. I'm working on them together with portuguese.

What is good translated in english are: factory names, bridges, citycars, climates, goods names, ground_objs, menu_text, message_text, pedestrian, record_text, tunnel, way, way-object and some of program_text.

Last translations by me was around 2 weeks ago.


I am sorry but I am not capable to use that language. I can use only two languages - my native (Czech) and English. Else I can read languages of other Slavic languages written by classic alphabet (it means not Cyrillic).

If I saw right, that calling is targeted for English language (main translation).

For Czech language I try to:
- (sometime) keep main sense of main translation
- place there a something from Czech conditions
- call style of architecture (if it is possible ... only in a very few cases)

For my language more than fifty percent of translations of pak96.comic is done. Only somewhere I need to improve it.

May it be this my translation is not perfect but ...

Chybami se člověk učí - ale někteří lidé jsou nepoučitelní