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96comic open-source repository

Started by An_dz, November 19, 2012, 01:13:47 AM

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pak96comic is getting an open-source repository. The objective is have one main place for open-source files for pak.96comic. Right now the repository include the airport project and some other work from VaclavMacurek.
If you want to have your objects included, send them to me including the license of this work. Or you can just post the sources in a topic in this board. I'll probably change the dat file, specially for balancing purpose.

The repo is located at:

Posts with sources older than this post and/or without telling the license won't be included. You can PM me if you want your files included.

PS.:All my creations are now under the Artistic License 2.0


This is awesome!
:awesome: :awesome:

Could you synchronize it also with a sourceforge svn repository?
Pak 128 Britain has both svn and git.


It would be most useful if this is on sourceforge. Not just another repository location please.


Quote from: prissi on November 19, 2012, 01:47:40 PM
It would be most useful if this is on sourceforge.
Well, I don't know how SF works. The pakset maintainers would have access to manage the files? I believe they'll need it. :)


The pak96.comic is taking big steps ...

It is clear that we still have much, but the fact of having a repository and shows the great strides we are having this amazing pak.

I hope that many other developers join the team pak96.comic

greetings to all

Mi blog, - others, sms a cuba


If you prefer SVN I can move to it. But you need to show me how to do it.


If you don't have Sourceforge SVN acces, register and PM your username to Dwachs requesting access.

Then, if you use Windows, download TortoiseSVN and synchronize your local folder to the SVN. You can update and commit using Tortoise context menu. If you want to keep both SVN and GIT, ask TheHood: he's keeping both repositories for Pak128.Britain.

The Hood

Quote from: Fabio on November 19, 2012, 04:16:03 PM
Then, if you use Windows, download TortoiseSVN and synchronize your local folder to the SVN. You can update and commit using Tortoise context menu. If you want to keep both SVN and GIT, ask TheHood: he's keeping both repositories for Pak128.Britain.

I don't keep GIT up to date, although I believe someone (I forget who) has set up a git mirror of the SVN site so it updates automatically.


Have everything in one place is better. Move to SVN is a good choice. My SF username is an-dz.


with more repositories we need some (automated) way to get the changes from github back into the svn repositories. Else we get again a lot of work in git branches that never gets integrated into the upstream repository.

Setting up a github mirror of the svn is not a lot of work, since i'm doing it for pak128 anyways. Doing so is quite useful sine sourceforge/svn isn't quite nice with the gui when it comes to checking files on the website. Also good to have all accessible in one redundant place.


Quote from: An_dz on November 19, 2012, 09:25:24 PM
Have everything in one place is better. Move to SVN is a good choice. My SF username is an-dz.
Do you need the svn write access now ? or is the decision process still ongoin ?
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


You can do it now, for now we may have both GIT and SVN.


You are welcome to submit to the sourceforge repository :) Please create a pak96.comic folder first ...
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.



Great! Just one thing before it's too late: shouldn't the folder be named pak96.comic (with the dot)?


A bit off-topic but I'll post it here.

I tried this pak a few days ago and it's great, I love the look of it, and I'm happy someone is pushing it to open-source, since it will give great future to it. Thank you An_dz!


Thanks Markohs

Quote from: Fabio on November 20, 2012, 06:08:14 PM
Great! Just one thing before it's too late: shouldn't the folder be named pak96.comic (with the dot)?
Ahhhhhh. That dot. I'll fix in next commit.

Edit: Fixed in GitHub
Edit2: Fixed in SVN and new commit made.


Quote from: An_dz on November 20, 2012, 02:20:25 PM
You can do it now, for now we may have both GIT and SVN.
Let me know when you set up the svn.

There are basically two options: Use the same github account as in use for pak128 with a second repository, or create a new account for that purpose. If pak196.comic is going to be very large, or has very frequent very thorough changes of pngs the latter is preferable as the pak128 account would run into size limit problems.

In either case you could easily re-base your current git-repo on the automatic repo. And get some workflow like this

SVN -> automatic repo -> development repo  <- pull from other forks
   ^       patch into SVN                  <--/


Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


The repo is growing. Now there are 126 files.
From 47 objects to 65 objects.

And look that Uranium, Latex and Flax chains are missing.


Very good and useful addons! It would be great if all of them were zipped into one file, though. Because it is troublesome having to download them one by one..


All files can be downloaded from the link (Download GNU tarball) in sourceforge...
or in github.

Mi blog, - others, sms a cuba


Sorry, I didn't see that one. Thank you!


lesson learned, never ever ssh from a local git repository to another machine to set up git stuff there:

g@aardvark:<g/$ git status
# On branch master
# Initial commit
nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)
g@aardvark:</$ Write failed: Broken pipe
g@tahiti3:</g/Articles/B2Ne2012(master)$ rm -rf .git
g@tahiti3:<home/g/Articles/B2Ne2012$ git status
fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount parent /home)

now i'm going to figure out how to get my local repository back without overwriting local un-commited changes :-(
update was done in seconds, just cloned to a different dir and copied the .git dir over to my repos old dir. (luckily i pushed all commits already)

i should have known better, especially since i can't get a stable ssh connection since i move the machine to a new office and new static ip a few months ago.


I was just writing a message that i consistently fail to clone the repository, and just started the process to copy the error messages ...
and then it worked.




ha, An_dz: You have much work to do ... you may upload to SVN all three electrifications I created (I sent them by e-mail or you may download them via this forum). And if you re-align it (I believed it is aligned right as it is aligned to center of tile - but there is something that disalignes middle part), you may place there also Urbanica (it deserves better colour too - but it is not needed).

Chybami se člověk učí - ale někteří lidé jsou nepoučitelní


the github mirror of the pak96 repository is now up and working. We have to check if the cronjob etc really does, and will see that after you commited something to the SVN on sourceforge.

When it works it'd be sensible to base your own repository on the automatically updated one (see how james does it with experimental)



After long time, another commit just pushed, it now includes the cloth/sports and uranium chains.

Planes re-balancing will be available in next commit.



I think that you may add there also all three electrifications.
But there is needed to improve their icons (and may be also intro years). For change of menu icon I can re-export their sheets with only shape of electrification.

Chybami se člověk učí - ale někteří lidé jsou nepoučitelní


New commit made to include The Transporter objects, he sent them to me and I have organized them.

It includes powerline tunnels and the maglev project.


I have added 4 views for a lot of buildings, 2 for some that don't need more. You can already get the changes on the repos. The launch site was the most difficult but the result is amazing.


I have now uploaded 2 makeobj bulk compiler scripts, compile-win.bat (batch) and compile-linux (bash).

Place makeobj in the root folder, run the script for your system and you'll have all pak files inside a folder called 'compiled'.


You could also try the pak128 python script, it works like a charm if you want to configure it for your pakset.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I don't think there's a need, but thanks for the tip.


The makefile from pak64, pak64.japan etc. works on almost any platform I could get my hand on (which is not surprising, since a Makefile is used to build simutrans in the first place).


Set of freight ships Gigantea added to SVN. Nobody had anything against, and long time passed from promotional releasing in forum, so ...

All ships are merged into one file only (one file for dat and one file for images). Vehicles got new name, underscore added behind class name, so instead GiganteaZilia is Gigantea_Zilia (to names would have the same scheme, like in other cases of my vehicles).

Chybami se člověk učí - ale někteří lidé jsou nepoučitelní