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Fifty's Simutrans Servers

Started by Fifty, June 17, 2013, 04:38:42 PM

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Could reproduce the error: use the remover tool over a tunnel tile that still has some traces of smoke from a bus... This leaves an empty tile.

Edit: fixed in r7063
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


Noticing that there are no standard servers up right now, I have put my servers back up for a few months. Please see the first post for details.  Please especially note the bugs to avoid at the bottom; I don't want to have to restart due to these crashes too much until a new stable comes out.

I have a third server up now, a pak 64 without food chain. This is a random, less challenging map that I will likely restart more often. Additionally, I might take this one down if my server cannot handle all three servers.

I will be less active on these servers than usual, so please PM me if there are any issues.

Finally, if anyone wants to make a pak128 map for the next round of gaming on the server I would be appreciative!
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


I've upgraded all three servers to use the release candidate, 120-0. I hope this will fix the issue of the servers not appearing correctly on the listing server.
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


The 128 server has been down for several days and was by far the most active of the servers when it was operating.

Would it be possible to restart the 128 server with half-height enabled? Or is that feature of pak 128 still a WIP?


Sorry, 128 save got corrupted and didn't restart correctly the first time after a power outage. I went digging through the backups last night and put it back up.

No 128 half height until a new release of 128 appears. No idea what the timeframe of that is, you'll have to talk to the 128 team.
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


Player "pippo" is blocking my trucks intentionally on standard pak64 server around Oldfield city.


That sounds not very nice. Until it is resolved you could try laying a rail line between the source and destination since players cannot block tracks.


pak64+food chain it's offline only to me or anyone else?


Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?



Servers will be offline for a few days, sorry for the inconvenience.

Please let me know what is going on if you are online when the server crashes so I can identify and report bugs.
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


The server did not crashed once when I was playing.



It seems I'm servers slayer.

Standard :
I was rebuilding my railway with often desynchs(not more than usual).
Then after reconnecting i wrote my password and diode next to my company was yellow (?) and server goes offline.
So i joined food chain and situation was same.I wrote my pass,diode became yellow and offline.
Whole thing happened few hour after you told us,that you are restarting both servers and they will be laggy for some minutes.



Servers are back up. I've stress-tested them, and they seem to still be performing well.

AK, thank you for the information. Please let me know if these issues persist for you or others. I will be monitoring the servers for issues the next day or two.

How often do you desync, and does it get better if you make your simutrans window smaller?
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


meh, i think i crashed your server :P


Since this server is using the RC version of Simutrans, it might be a good idea to state what you were doing when the server crashed. Especially if you notice a strong correlation between an action and a crash.

Even better would be if you can accurately reproduce this crash. Although not nice for fifty's server (try doing it in single player preferably), it could provide invaluable information as to errors in the code that can be fixed when the next version goes live.


hmm i c, can't try to reproduce it atm, since i don't see it as something that major:
i was making railways public from 141,217~ - 141, 160, in sliced view, lvl 2, very rapidly, as you are used to, then simutrans "froze"/went white and said simutrans stopped working(had to terminate/close the program) and the server was down afterwards.



Can't figure out what's wrong, but the server is logging debug output now.
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


If it is due to public stops, maybe it has to do with the multi owner in same tile stations system added since the last version. Again, if people can tell what they are doing when it crashes it can help find the cause, especially if they can reproduce the crash with a high certainty and preferably offline.



Well i think i made the server to crash (pak64), when i was destroying a power bridge, and at the same time a ship was passing underneath.

I attached a screenshot of the location, from an older savegame


Will look into it, thanks for posting.

64 servers down for a few days, Sorry!
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


In case you have not been following the news lately, Microsoft has made an unprecedented move to take over most of the domains of no-ip, a free DNS service which I use to host this server. Microsoft purports that a number of internet crime organizations were hiding behind no-ip's DNS, and took over their operation unilaterally.

Unfortunately, millions of legitimate users, such as my servers, have been adversely impacted. At the moment, all of my servers are up and the DNS appears to be working again. However, please let me know if you have issues connecting. No-ip is in an unstable state due to the ongoing investigation coupled with attacks from cybercriminals directing their anger at no-ip. I will consider moving to another provider if no-ip continues to be unstable.
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


I have today restarted the pak 64 server without food chain and the pak 128 server.

The Pak 128 server is using a map I built, Rio De La Plata. It is a large, expansive map that should do well in 128. Please note that you cannot use freight planes on this map. They are just not correctly balanced.

The Pak 64 server without food chain is running again on an auto-generated map, but this time with a nightly, r7264. I hope this will resolve some of the crashes I've been having with the servers lately. If you are having any trouble with getting a nightly and connecting, please let me know and I can try to help you out.

Savegames for the other two maps will be posted soon.

See the first post for more info. Have fun!
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


QuotePlease note that you cannot use freight planes on this map.
I am pretty sure you can just you do not allow us to. The way you said it sounds like the game will explode or something if you try to use them... Kind of sad as my super efficient freight terminal was working so well...

Anyway both 64+food and 128 appear to be down. The nightly still is up.


Eh, I think I made my reasoning pretty clear if you look at the next sentence. The game will not explode if you use them, but your company just might (be liquidated that is).

All servers are up and have been up. Are you unable to access them?
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


QuoteEh, I think I made my reasoning pretty clear if you look at the next sentence. The game will not explode if you use them, but your company just might (be liquidated that is).
I was getting at the way it was worded.

Anyway this is totally unfair. Since passenger planes are far worse than goods planes. Already players have concord passenger planes earning >2M profit a year yet I am not allowed to ship food products and such which earn nowhere near as much or are available in such large quantities.

QuoteAll servers are up and have been up. Are you unable to access them?
I can access them now, could not earlier.


There appears to be a critical bug with the in-transit maximums over on 128. The material wholesalers are overflowing their in-transit maximum resulting in the maximum allowed in transit being negative (impossible to ship anything to them). For some reason they have a absolutely insane in-transit multiplier (over 90!), is this perhaps because some kind of distance factoring is going on?


All three servers appear as offline currently.
Simutrans newbie.


Yes, all server are offline now :/

freight planes : I'm lazy player and transporting cooled goods by air was great for me (no need to build railway,roads or canals - just place 2 airports :)),but i agree with this change because it's unreal to transport stinky fish using 747 or A380.
Don't say that's unfair,rules are equal for everybody.

Bug with negative in-transit value is for planks and for stones too(at concrete mix).
I also think that pax ships prices are ridiculously cheap.You can earn more money on single journey than ship is worth.


Servers back online.

Bug report filed for negative in transit numbers, thanks for letting me know.

In terms of pak 128 balance issues, I am the wrong person to talk to, try someone on the 128 team; I think Zeno is in charge of balancing. The banning of freight planes on this map is not new, the map was designed that way when I first ran it last year (this is the map's second server run).
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


I am 99% certain that the in transit number bug is a result of fixed point mathematics overflow (or even just standard integer mathematics overflow). The big give away is how those industries have like 50-100 times the storage as maximum in transit amount. The big question I have aimed at developers is why are quantities like maximum in transit, current storage, maximum storage all signed variables when it should logically be impossible for them to ever be negative. Anyway the solution I am guessing is 1-2 lines of code, a conditional test to see if the one input is too large in the formula and if so just clamp maximum in transit at some high number.

EDIT: Problem and solution found. Currently any consumer that sources from a supplier with greater than 1,048 maximum output storage will break.

I do not think allowing passenger planes is a good idea as well since they are also pretty poorly balanced and insane wealth generators.


Issue "fixed" by lowering in transit number.

Here's the savegames for the first round on 128 and 64 without food chain:
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


Sorry Fifth, there is some conflicts in pak64 server B (The nightly one).


QuoteSorry Fifth, there is some conflicts in pak64 server B (The nightly one).
Is this a pak compatibility conflict or a in-game conflict between companies?


Quote from: DrSuperGood on July 27, 2014, 05:27:06 PM
in-game conflict between companies

Between players.

EDIT: I just think that city transport must be shared and not monopolized to one company.


So? Set up a competing line, as long as you take less hops to get from source to destination cargo will choose your service over anyone else.

Even if he tries to block you, you can just pickup underground. In Pak64 the underground road tunnel cost is so minimal it is trivial to run huge tunnel networks.