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SNFOS announcements

Started by gauthier, July 19, 2013, 07:23:19 PM

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SNFOS is a group of French addon creators. On its website, you will find addons for pak128, and also tutorials for addon making.
The website is entirely available in both English and French, click on the small flags, visible on every page, to translate.


This thread will be used by French authors to announce release of updates of small addons (single trains, etc ...).Larger projects like MLM dev. or fences'pak keep their own thread.First announcements : (all that I'm going to say does not concern MLM dev. !)

As explained in French board and announced by Sdog on Google+, SNFOS'addons and website have just gone through a major overhaul. The main reason is the need or rebalancing our addons for openpak128, they had not been updated since Zeno's work on pak128's economy, making them completely unfit to the pakset.Unfortunately we were not able to contact again all authors, therefore some addons are "lost" (you can still find them on an archive page but they are not balanced) :
_ Rapha (some French trains)
_ Aquel (some French trucks and buses)
_ Ginji (Belgian trains)

More than the complete rebalancing, some addons have been changed. In order to avoid compatibility problems due to changed names, it's STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to remove all SNFOS addons from your folder before redownloading them.

Here is a changelog of changed addons :
Quote_ z8800 replaced by z5600 (a bit earlier, same data and same looking).
_ z6300 replaced by z5300 (a bit earlier, same looking, more common among Paris'suburb trains).
_ names of z50000 carriages changed.
_ Improved graphics : z20500, z8100, z22500, MI09, z23000, MS61, z50000.
_ Balanced costs for pak128 : all but vehicles in the Archive page.
_ Added a retire year, even in future : most
_ Changed payload : z20500, z8100, z22500, MI09, z23000, MS61, z50000, X73500, X2800.
_ Constraints changed : z20500, z8100, z22500, z23000, z50000, Fefe's trains.
_ Length of z20500's cars increased from 10 to 11.
_ Length of z8100's carriages increased from 10 to 11.
_ Length of z22500's carriages and MI09's ones decreased from 10 to 9.
_ Length of z23000's carriages decreased from 9 to 8.
_ Length of all z50000's carriages decreased of 2.
note : 2.36m < (real_length / dat_length) < 2.59m for my trains

New graphics can already be seen on info pages, some of which have been updated, you may just need to empty cache of your browser to load updated pictures.

Well I think I said everything, I'm back to addon creating by the way. I thank French authors for their participation.
Please report here any problem (broken link, broken download, unbalanced addon -but uncompleted ones !-, etc...)

Have fun with SNFOS'stuff


Some news ...

I got news from Aquel, sadly only one of his trucks has been recovered : Renault Magnum for cars'transportation (can be found on French trucks page).
New trucks from Eric : Berliet GLR for milk, mail, cars, cooled goods and cement (can be found here).
New suburb EMU : SNCF class Z5100.


Some news :

Mount St-Michel has been refurbished, it's available here.
There are also new suburban EMUs all available here :
_ Z1400
_ Z4100
_ Z3700
_ Z6400
And a suburban car : Talbot cars.

There is no feedback since the overhaul of SNFOS'site and addons ... any reaction is welcome.


Hi everyone. As PAK128 is really lacking vehicles in the 1910 era, I did add a truck from 1910, the Berliet type M 22HP. in this page.

It can carry goods, bulk, grain, wood  and mail. It has been balanced by Zeno(praise to him).


Hello el_slapper
Your trucks are cool! you filling a gap in pak128.
Opening hours 20:00 - 23:00
(In Night from friday on saturday and saturday on sunday it possibly that i be keep longer in Forum.)
I am The Assistant from Pakfilearcheologist!
Working on a big Problem!


Since my last annoucement (a while ago ...) :
_ AGV (in NTV's livery)
_ "Sausage" cars
_ Bidel cars (double-deck cars)
_ State's double-deck cars (double-deck cars)
_ VB2n (double-deck cars)
_ V2n (double-deck cars)


Last improvement of french supply chain :

Perfume and bouquet supply chain

Downloading pak link:

You can read documentation here

Current projects in progress : improvements of few designed french paks


Hello Mega
This addon it very cool a brand new modell for Simutrans that i like it . :thumbsup:
Opening hours 20:00 - 23:00
(In Night from friday on saturday and saturday on sunday it possibly that i be keep longer in Forum.)
I am The Assistant from Pakfilearcheologist!
Working on a big Problem!


Since my last annoucement (a while ago ...) :

New cars :
_ DEV inox
New regional MU :
_ B81500
_ X76500

Updates :
_ Z22500 : brought back the ability of placing two propelled carriages next to each other.
_ Z8100 : minor graphical change.


Hello Gauthier
They all new Addons was make with makeobj 52?
Opening hours 20:00 - 23:00
(In Night from friday on saturday and saturday on sunday it possibly that i be keep longer in Forum.)
I am The Assistant from Pakfilearcheologist!
Working on a big Problem!


I don't remember of which version of makeobj I use :/ Is there any problem with these addons ?


One of my big project is finished ! I'm proud to give you 12 new buses and trolleybuses for the 1970-2000 era, from the Berliet PR100 family. You can find them on the SNFOS site :
4 single buses of 12 meters, 3 articulated buses of 18 meters, 3 trolleybuses, 1 short midibus, and the biggest bi-articulated french bus called "mégabus", with various liveries using player colors, inspired by real liveries from french' cities.

Any reaction is welcome !


Some small pictures :
French Elements Creator :
-By Rail with trains and trams : X3800 Picasso and BB36000 Astride - trams from Nantes, St Etienne, Strasbourg, Montpellier, Lyon, Bordeaux, Le Mans, Reims...
-By Road with Trucks : Main painter for the "french trucks company", with trucks from 50ies (Willeme "Squale Nose") to 2000 (Renault AE500 "Magnum) and a lot of trailers... and with Trolley and Buses : Irisbus Cristalis, Man Lion's City, Irisbus Magelys...
- Industry : Collaborator for french food with Wine and Cheese...


New trains : "rames inox" series, stainless steel units of suburban and regional cars.
_ RIB 60
_ RIB 70
_ RIB 76
_ RIO 77
_ RIO 88

EDIT : First version of RIB/RIOs were not able to be used in multiple units : now fixed.

Updates :
_ Z5300 and VB2n : minor graphical changes
_ B81500 : wrong capacity now fixed
_ X76500 : gear increased from 1 to 1.2

Sources of French trains

And a picture with the RIB/RIO which are reproduced in game :


New trains : mostly early suburban and regional EMUs
_ Z4000
_ Etat 1001
_ Z1200
_ Z4900
_ Z4200
_ Z4700

Updates :
_ Z50000 : completely redrawn roof (you might have to clear your browser's cache to see the change on the picture).
_ Talbot cars, Z3700, Z4100 : minor graphical changes.

Sources aren't uploaded on since I'm having problems with it.


All trains from me and Fefe and metros from Mega upgraded for pak128 with half slopes (pak128 2.5.0). You have to redownload all of them. Unfinished trains from Fefe haven't been upgraded, they were moved to the archive page.

Moreover :
_ Added "régiolis" regional multiple units: Z54500 (electric) and B83500 (diesel), although they have been available for a while on SNFOS.

Dat changes to already existing trains :
_ DEV inox car : capacity increased from 80 to 90.
_ MI09 : gear decreased from 1 to 0.8.
_ MS61 : gear decreased from 1 to 0.9.
_ Z1200 : gear decreased from 1 to 0.9.
_ Z4000 : gear increased from 1 to 1.2.
_ Z4100 : gear increased from 1 to 1.3, can now be coupled together directly (without carriages between them).
_ Z4700 : gear decreased from 1 to 0.8.
_ Z5100 : gear increased from 1 to 1.2.
_ Z23000 : gear decreased from 1 to 0.8.
_ Z50000 : gear increased from 1 to 1.2.

These changes are meant to make these addons fit better in pak128.

Class Z3700 moved from suburb stock section to electric regional stock.
Pictures of info pages are being replaced, source files on graphics.simutrans are being updated.

Most inox (stainless steel) trains got their roof redrawn. Some other trains have been improved too. Pictures of info pages have been updated accordingly.

Source files of my trains are no longer available on graphics.simutrans, you will find them on info pages (much easier for me to manage).


Looks like there was a bug with filezilla not REPLACING the files I wanted so the trains were not up to date ... it should be fixed now.


New gas turbine prototype high speed trains TGV 001 and 002. (001 was uploaded for a couple weeks but has been updated today).

For those who missed it:
Fences pak updated for half heights (a while ago)
MLM dev. updated (only graphics, no economical balancing) for half heights (a while ago too, but less).


Quote from: gauthier on August 13, 2015, 04:14:32 PM
New gas turbine prototype high speed trains TGV 001 and 002.
I beg your pardon, .. but I thought that name of that company is Alstom, not Alsthom ... or name of company changed from Alsthom (in seventies) to Alstom (presence)? Text on SNFOS pages may be correct - but I am really not sure.

Chybami se člověk učí - ale někteří lidé jsou nepoučitelní


Indeed, the name changed. Basically "Alsthom" comes from a contraction of two companies "Alsace" (to be complete: "Société alsacienne de constructions mécaniques (SACM)", lit. "Alsacian mecanical constructions company", Alsace being the region in Eastern France, touching Germany's border) and "Thomson". In fact this company had many names:
1928: Als-Thom
1932: Alsthom
1976: Alsthom Atlantique
1989: GEC Alsthom
1998: Alstom


Chybami se člověk učí - ale někteří lidé jsou nepoučitelní


Just completed a set of TGVs.

_ TGV PSE (1978, 270 kmph)
_ TGV Atlantique (1988, 300 kmph)
_ TGV Réseau (1992, 320 kmph)
_ TGV Duplex (1996, 320 kmph, double-deck)
_ TGV POS (2006, 320 kmph)
_ TGV 2N2 (2011, 320 kmph, double-deck)


Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)


This week, only one add-on

Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)


Hi everybody,

after a short absence, I'm back ! And I have a lot of surprises for you ;)

- SNCB HLE18 (Alsthom)
- SNCB I6 cars
- SNCB I10 cars (C1 and modernised liveries)
- SNCB I11 cars (with pilot-car)
- SNCB M4 car
- SNCF Corail car (Carmillon livery)
- SNCF CC40100 (1st and 2nd Gen)

I hope you will like them

Good Game ;)
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)


This week, I only done one new add-on ;

- SNCF Corail car in corail livery
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)


This week, I done a new livery for my Corail cars ;

- SNCF Corail car in "Corail +" livery

enjoy it ! ;)
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)


A postal variant of my original Corail car ;

- MC76 Coach
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)


This week, I've done lots of add-ons ;

- SNCF "Capitole" car
- SNCF "C160" UIC-Y car and "C160" MC76 Coach
- SNCF "Plus" MC76 coach
- SNCF Postal TGV

I hope you will enjoy them and Merry Christmas ! ;)
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)


Three new addons this week ;

- SNCF Night "C160" car
- SNCF Night Corail car
- SNCF X76100 (prototype)

Good Game ;)
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)


This week, one new livery for the Corail cars ;

- SNCF "Interloire" Corail car

This car was used on the "Interloire" trains (between Nantes and Orléans) and was the second TER relation able to 200km/h

Enjoy it ;)
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)


Two big new add-ons this week ;

- SNCF "TEE PBA" cars and generator
- Laposte HSPT V200 (Fictive postal train able to 200 km/h)

I hope you all will like them ;)
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)

Emil Sawicki

So many rolling stock! Nice. What's the Generator?
Simutrans 123, Windows 10


Thank you ! ;)

The Generator is the car that produce electricity for the passengers when the locomotive can't do it... (practically all ones)
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)


A new Belgian locomotive this week ;

- SNCB HLE12 ; This is a locomotive built for transport freight between Belguim and France

I hope you'll like it ;)
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)

Emil Sawicki

HLE12 ready, HLE13 in progress...
Did you know, that we have a few of HLE21 in Poland? I don't even know, why they were bought.
Simutrans 123, Windows 10


Wow ! I did'nt know that, but I think that trey're the Czech Republic locos
Quote from: Wikipédia
[SNCB Class 12] They were withdrawn from service in 2012 because Class 13 locomotives had by then lost most of their passenger workings and were available for freight. Class 13 was more powerful and also had the same dual voltage capability as Class 12. All Class 12s were stored inside at the dêpot of Stokkem, near Arlon, upon withdrawal. During 2013, locomotive 1203 went to the Czech Republic for service trials. In mid-2014, loco 1203 was intensively tested at Velim in the Czech Republic under 25000 V overhead and did very well. It was then sold to open access operator XTR-System Development in the Czech Republic with an option to buy the entire class.

Entire article

EDIT : Oops, I just note that the loco on your photo is a Class 21 (two firsts numbers on the face of the loco), so, I don't have any explication, sorry... :-[
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)

Emil Sawicki

I think you're still close to solution. I believe some polish manufacturer will repair these locomotives and the sell them to the Czech Republic.
Simutrans 123, Windows 10


I just done a new postal car ;

-SNCF postal UIC car

good game ;)
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)


One big new add-on this week ;

- SNCF "RRR" (Reversible Regional Train, Rame Réversible Régionale in french)

I hope you'll like it

The HLE13 are practically ready, they will arrive next week ;)
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)


Two new add-ons this week ;

- SNCF Shimms wagons

I hope you'll like it and good game ! ;)
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)


The SNFOS website is temporarely unavalible :-[
So, I just post my add-ons in attachement by waiting that I can put them on the SNFOS site...

If you want to bring me back some impressions about them, I will read them with attention ;)
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)


I'm back ! And I have some new addons for you ! ;)

- SNCB M6 car with pilot car and PMR car
- SNCB DMS coach in Eurofima and SNCB livery

And the addons of two weeks ago are availible too

- SNCF BB22200RC

Good game ! ;)
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)


Two new addons and one update for this week !

I updated the SNCB M6 cars (just improved the graphics)

I created two new SNCB add-ons :
- SNCB HLE18 Siemens

Enjoy them !
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)


One new add-on this week :

- SNCB HLE 20, it's one of the more powerful SNCB locomotive...

Enjoy it ! ;)
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)


A new set of wagons is availible !

It's a covered UIC wagons set, three versions are availible, the first period version, the second period version et the third period version.

They were very used on the french railwails during a long time...

Enjoy them ! ;)
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)


I just completed two new add-ons :

- SNCF Gas wagons (classic covered wagons in the 80s/90s)
- SNCF Gabss wagons (big size covered wagons derived of the Gas wagons)

Enjoy them ! ;)
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)


Two new add-ons this week :

- SimuSeries T-650 ; a passenger/post modulable tramway
- SNCF Tas wagons

Enjoy them ! ;)
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)


Hi everyone !

I want to share with U my new creation, SNCF BB66000 in original livery

Hope you'll like it ! ;)
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)


Hi there !

I'm really proud to announce the publication of a new set of rail cars. The SNCB M4 cars in deep red original livery !
It was a very long time I did'nt published any new addons, I can't promise anything, but I'm motivated to create some new onces. So, really hope you'll enjoy them !

This set contains the pilot car, which can be placed in front of the train or in the end of this one. You'll also found the 1st and 2nd class cars, that are structuraly different by the placement of it's doors.

Really like to have your feedback !
Europeans addons in project:

Too much ! ;-)