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German for Simutrans (for non-Germans)

Started by An_dz, October 16, 2013, 11:58:12 PM

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Deutsche für internationalen Entwicklers von Simutrans
A quick and fast reference of important German words in the Simutrans project.

This are very common words used in class and function names. I think it may help non-German speakers to better understand the code.
A txt copy is attached.

German <=> English Reference for Simutrans
Deutsche für internationalen Entwicklers von Simutrans

A quick and fast reference of important German words in the Simutrans project

German                      |   English
======Easy ones================================================================
automobil / auto            |   car / road vehicle
convoi                      |   convoy / consist
fabrik                      |   factory
haus                        |   house
kanal                       |   canal
koordinate(n)               |   coordinate
typ                         |   type
vehikel                     |   vehicle
waggon                      |   rail vehicle
------Hard ones----------------------------------------------------------------
baum                        |   tree
bauer                       |   builder
berechnet                   |   calculate
beschreibung / besch        |   description / info (represent pak-file content)
boden                       |   terrain (Ground, bridges, tunnels, water and foundations are all boden)
bild(es)                    |   image(s)
bruecke(n) / brücke(n)      |   bridge
ding                        |   thing
ebne(n)                     |   level/flatten
einstellung(en)             |   setting
entfernen                   |   remove
ersetzen                    |   replace
farbe                       |   color
fahr                        |   drive (lot of words derive from this, like the next one)
fahrplan                    |   schedule
fahrzeug                    |   vehicle
fenster                     |   window
fundament                   |   foundation
fussgaenger / fußgaenger    |   people / pedestrians
fussgänger  / fußgänger     |   people / pedestrians
gebaeude / gebäude          |   building
gibt*                       |   get
groesse / groeße            |   size
grösse  / größe             |   size
grund                       |   ground / foundation / bottom
hoehe                       |   height
karte                       |   map
planquadrat                 |   grid tile
platz                       |   place / area
schiene                     |   rail
schiff(en)                  |   ships / boats
setzt                       |   set
spieler                     |   player
sprache(n)                  |   language
stadt                       |   city / town
strasse(n) / straße(n)      |   road / street
sucher / suchen             |   search (adverb/verb)
verkehrsteilnehmer          |   road users
umgebung                    |   option
ware(n)                     |   cargo / goods (in Simutrans includes passengers and mail)
wasser / waßer              |   water
weg(e)                      |   way
welt                        |   world
wolke                       |   smoke
werkzeug                    |   tool
zeichn / zeichnen           |   draw
zeiger                      |   pointer
ziel                        |   target / destination
zurück / zurueck*           |   back

* if 'zurück / zurueck' is together with 'gibt' in the same sentence it can mean 'return'

Richtung bits               |   Direction bits

Decimal number that define the facing directions a tile may have.
For ways this may define the allowed directions a vehicle can go,
for buildings this may define the facing direction.

The decimal number is a conversion from the binary number with every bit as a direction:


You have confused Wolke and Volk. Wolke means cloud, although for Simutrans, smoke is the best translation. Fussgänger is the visible people (pedestrians) in Simutrans.


boden - terrain. Ground, bridges, tunnels, water and foundations are all boden.
ebne - level/flatten
entfernen - remove
ersetzen - replace
grund - ground
hoehe - height
planquadrat - grid tile
werkzeug - tool


Thank you, this is certainly a useful compilation.


This is useful, although should "kanal" not be in the "easy" section? A few other things that might need to be translated include: schiene (railway/track), schiff (ship), waggon (railway vehicle), automobil (automobile/road vehicle), ziel (target/destination), bauer (builder), convoi (convoy/consist), stadt (town/city) ding (thing), verkehrsteilnehmer (road users), einstellungen (settings) umgebung, (options), platzsucher (space finder), zeiger (pointer) and besch (from what I understand, hard to translate, but approximates to "base type" or something of the sort).

Also, is "cargo/goods" the best translation for "ware", which class also includes passengers/mail? Might "transportable items (passengers, mail or goods)" not be better?
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'besch' is short for 'Beschreibung', meaning: description. In the code, besch's are used as object descriptors, they are the representation of the content of pak-files.
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


Quotevehikel                   |    vehicle
"Fahrzeug" also means vehicle, "vehikel" isn´t much in use,

and kanal looks like an easy one ;)


Thanks for all your additions, I updated the post.

I have not included jamespetts's word platzsucher since it's just a combination of platz and sucher that are on the list.


There is also: leitung - powerline, pumpe - source, senke - drain, laden_abschliessen - finalize loading, ausflugsziel - tourist attraction
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


Quote from: prissi on October 17, 2013, 09:23:38 AM
Thank you, this is certainly a useful compilation.
Sure, this "dictionary" could be in the wiki too.


Very nice compilation!  And I remember quite a few of those from when I visited the code...


I wish that this had been around when I started work on the code - good work! Is there anything to be said for adding some of these as code comments in appropriate places?
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The plan is for the code itself to be translated...


Quote from: isidoro on October 17, 2013, 11:05:23 PM
when I visited the code...
Let me guess how it was:

isidoro: "Hi code, I came here to pay a visit. How's it goin'?"
code: "Die Brücke ist nicht frei!"
isidoro: "wut?!"



Quote from: kierongreen on October 17, 2013, 11:32:21 PM
The plan is for the code itself to be translated...
Ah, this would kill the magic of the code.


Quote from: An_dz on October 18, 2013, 12:24:12 AM
Ah, this would kill the magic of the code.

Believe me, one can write magic code in English. The world rendering code is Simutrans is such code. Even if it isn't in English yet, it can be just as incomprehensible either way.


Sometimes you need no language! Have you seen that part with nested templates? Something with besches or xrefs. The general idea is somewhat along the lines of <><<<><>><t><><x>>>>> more or less :D

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


Quote from: VS on October 18, 2013, 02:04:23 PM
Sometimes you need no language! Have you seen that part with nested templates? Something with besches or xrefs. The general idea is somewhat along the lines of <><<<><>><t><><x>>>>> more or less :D

The only place I remember seeing nested templates was in tpl, but even that had words. While not in Simutrans, nor C++, my favorite magic code is the unimplemented interface that still works. (And I'm not talking about hidden implementations in some library, I've defined the interface myself.)


Quote from: IgorEliezer on October 17, 2013, 11:44:23 PM
Let me guess how it was:

isidoro: "Hi code, I came here to pay a visit. How's it goin'?"
code: "Die Brücke ist nicht frei!"
isidoro: "wut?!"


I wouldn't depict it better.  :)   Or maybe yes, I would only change a pair of letters in wut?!  :D


We could also do with translations of:

laden - load (verb)
beladen - load (verb) (English does not seem to recognise the differences between these two words that German does; "beladen", I assume, means something like "load up")
entladen - unload
hole ab - ??
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"hole ab", part of the verb "abholen" means some thing like "pick up (from [anyware])"


Quote from: jamespetts on October 25, 2013, 12:11:01 AM
laden - load (verb)
beladen - load (verb) (English does not seem to recognise the differences between these two words that German does; "beladen", I assume, means something like "load up")

I think beload is actually a valid English translation of beladen, but I guess it might be true that beload has lost, and/or is losing, ground to plain load. The be- prefix in general seems to indicate or undeline that the verb is being done towards someone or something in particular, although I guess the meaning can have drifted somewhat away from the original meaning over time.


"Beload" is not in the "shorter" Oxford English Dictionary (i.e., the one that is two volumes long instead of about twelve). I do not think that this is an English word.
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Quote from: jamespetts on October 25, 2013, 12:43:30 PM
"Beload" is not in the "shorter" Oxford English Dictionary (i.e., the one that is two volumes long instead of about twelve). I do not think that this is an English word.

I found it on Wiktionary, but I'm not quite sure if that more comparable to the full Oxford English Dictionary or the Dirty Hungarian Phrasebook.


Seems plausable that it is an English word but probably not used that much.

Well there is cause (and effect), because (of your actions), come and become, hold (that idea) and behold (your idea), long (for a family) and belong (to your family)... It can be strange the way surviving germanic grammer is used in English...


I've heard that in Norwegian at least, be- words were Hanseatic imports, not an inherited relic from ancient Germanic. (Because of this, one of the two written forms of Norwegian has banned be- words and resorted to older words unfamiliar to probably most Norwegians.)


We could do with a translation for "boden_hinzufuegen", too...
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boden_hinzufuegen(grund_t *bd) -> add (boden)
boden_entfernen(grund_t *bd) -> remove (boden)


I highly recommend for your Simutrans German translation needs.


A few more words to add to dictionary:
Hang = Slope
Flach = Flat
Leer = Empty
Rueckwaerts = Backwards
I kindly ask german coders to confirm if it is correct.


Quote from: Vladki on March 15, 2015, 03:43:52 PM
One more to add to dictionary. Hang = Slope. I kindly ask german coders to confirm if it is correct.

I'm not a German coder, but the documentation for hang_t says "slopes". hang_t is used for anything related to the flatness and non-flatness of terrain. In particular, it encodes which corners are raised above the tile's basic height.


Quote from: Ters on March 15, 2015, 04:15:27 PM
I'm not a German coder, but the documentation for hang_t says "slopes". hang_t is used for anything related to the flatness and non-flatness of terrain. In particular, it encodes which corners are raised above the tile's basic height.
How are slopes encoded? Is this the same encoding reported by the tile_x::get_slope() routine that's available for use by scenario scripts?


Quote from: jameskuyper on November 23, 2015, 12:23:38 AM
How are slopes encoded? Is this the same encoding reported by the tile_x::get_slope() routine that's available for use by scenario scripts?
It is the same encoding. Although I am not sure whether the scripting interface works when map is rotated.

Here is the encoding:

#define corner1(i) (i%3)    // sw corner
#define corner2(i) ((i/3)%3) // se corner
#define corner3(i) ((i/9)%3) // ne corner
#define corner4(i) (i/27)    // nw corner

The variable i is the slope. It is encoded as kind of 4-digit number in a number system with base 3.
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


Quote from: Dwachs on November 23, 2015, 07:31:22 AM
Although I am not sure whether the scripting interface works when map is rotated.

Why wouldn't it work? How it works, and whether scripts are prepared for it, seems more like the questions to ask.