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Half height and greyscale maps

Started by Bear789, November 29, 2013, 09:46:47 AM

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I had a project for a custom map this spring, but I decided to delay it until Pak Britain is half height ready.
Since the latest nightly I downloaded seems to be ready and I recently got back to Simutrans, I'm going to start work on it again, so I need to know how greyscale maps work now. I mean, the maps I used to make had a limited number of grey tones (I used the tutorials on, but the new map system has twice the height levels. Since the tutorial is not updated, what are the colours needed to paint the new half heights?


Take everything and divide in to two new tones.  I made a map a few weeks ago and it looks amazing with all of the extra height levels available.  There's a new height every 5-6 changes in intensity.  I wrote them all down someplace but I've misplaced it.  When I find it I can list out the values where the height level changes occur.
Current projects: Pak128 Trees, blender graphics


I altered the code a few weeks ago so that for half height paksets the interval in intensities is also halved. This should mean that height maps look roughly the same as they did before half heights were introduced (although there's the potential for more detail obviously)


Great, I'll wxperiment with the tones to see how it works.

Thank you both!