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Started by AvG, December 20, 2013, 01:30:22 PM

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I want to give my vehicles comfort-ratings in line with your system.
Can you give a couple of ratings like 30=wooden bench and what kinds of influences there are??
Ad van Gerwen


The impact and calibration of comfort is pakset dependant, as there are a number of settings in that control these things. Here is an extract from Pak128.Britain-Ex's, with full explanatory notes:

# These next settings affect the interaction between comfort and revenue in Simutrans. Comfort only
# affects passenger traffic, for obvious reasons. Passengers have a certain level of comfort that
# they will tolerate for certain distances. All comfort ratings are in the range of between 0 and
# 255. At the tolerable level, the revnue is unaffected. At above the tolerable level, a luxury
# bonus is applied. At below the tolerable level, a discomfort penalty is applied. The values can
# be set to anything, but, to reflect real life, it is suggested that the discomfort penalty is
# significantly higher than the luxury bonus.
# tolerable_comfort_short is the tolerable comfort rating of a vehicle (0 - 255) for a journey of no
# more than tolerable_comfort_short_minutes.
# tolerable_comfort_median_short is the tolerable comfort rating of a vehicle for a journey of no more
# than tolerable_comfort_median_short minutes.
# tolerable_comfort_median_median is the tolerable comfort rating of a vehicle for a journey of no more
# than tolerable_comfort_median_median minutes.
# tolerable_comfort_median_long is the tolerable comfort rating of a vehicle for a journey of no more
# than tolerable_comfort_median_long minutes.
# tolerable_comfort_long is the tolerable comfort rating of a vehicle for a journey of at least
# tolerable_comfort_long minutes.
# For any journeys of a time between any of the values, a scaled proportion is taken.
# Note that the impact of comfort on revenue decreases with journey time.
# It is at its maximum level down to tolerable_comfort_median_long_minutes, after which it gradually
# reduces to 20% of its maximum at tolerable_comfort_short_minutes, and does not decrease further
# thereafter.

# 0:05h

# 1:00h

# 2:30h

# 6:00h

# 18:00h

# max_luxury_bonus_differential is the maximum number of comfort rating points above the tolerable level
# that affects the luxury bonus. Anything beyond that, and further added luxury makes no difference to the
# revenue.
# max_luxury_bonus_percent is the percentage increase in revenue from the maximum level of luxury specified in
# max_luxury_bonus_differential. So, if the tolerable comfort level for any given travelling time was 100, the
# max_luxury_bonus_differential 50, and the max_luxury_bonus_percent 50, then the revenue would increase up to
# 50% beyond the normal revenue for additional comfort up to 150, but would not increase further with any increase
# in comfort beyond 150.


# The discomfort penalty works in exactly the same way as the comfort bonus. max_discomfort_penalty_percent is the
# percentage decrease in revenue from the maximum level of discomfort specified in max_discomfort_penalty_differential.


If you are creating your own pakset, it is up to you to set the relationship between comfort ratings and revenue. If you would like an example of a calibrated pakset, then Pak128.Britain-Ex has recently had its comfort recalibrated carefully. To give a few examples: an open railway carriage with no roof and wooden benches has a comfort rating of 18. A stagecoach has a comfort (for interior passengers) of 38. Standing passengers in all modes of transport are deemed to have a comfort of 10 or some fraction of the actual vehicle's comfort rating, whichever is lower (and this applies to outside passengers on a stagecoach, too). A four wheel railway carriage from the mid 1870s has a comfort rating of 52. An open-topped hard tyred 'bus from 1920 (the B-type) has a comfort rating of 20. A railway express (long distance) carriage from 1910 has a comfort rating of 125. A hovercraft has a comfort rating of 56. A cross-channel ferry from 1951 has a comfort rating of 158 (not taking into account catering, which, at level 4, gives it 178). A coastal paddle steamer from 1886 has a comfort rating of 109. The SS Great Britain has a comfort rating of 195 (plus catering level of 4, giving a modified comfort rating of 215). A small river ferry of 1940 has a comfort rating of 32. A modern long distance coach (road vehicle) has a comfort rating of 95. A modern town 'bus has a comfort rating of 41. A modern express train carriage has a comfort rating of 150 (not including the effect of catering, which depends on which catering vehicles are used). A modern short distance (electric) commuter train has a comfort rating of 59. A modern medium distance commuter train has a comfort rating of 85. A Zeppelin has a comfort rating of 192 (plus catering level of 5, giving a modified comfort rating of 217). A turboprop from 1956 has a comfort rating of 90 (with a catering level of 3, giving a modified comfort of 106). A Boeing 747-400 has a comfort rating of 151 (with a catering level of 4, giving a modified rating of 171).

I hope that this is of some assistance.
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Yes, this is exactly the info I was looking for.  Thanks a lot.
Ad van Gerwen


Splendid - glad that this is helpful.
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