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Started by IgorEliezer, January 26, 2009, 04:06:36 AM

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Bit overdue saying hi, so... Hi! UK player who has been playing off an on for a few years. The multiplayer element brought me back this time. As a result I'm now pretty much living on the server :)


Welcome home Rapheous! We hope you stay longer this time :P


Hey guys i'm back after a break from the forum and am keen to continue posting and helping at much as i can



Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


Good to see an Australian back. More nations better.

Welcome back nitromefan!!


Quote from: Antonin on November 11, 2009, 10:58:18 PM
I'm from Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
Please, don't think it bad but could you explain origin of your username? Because it sounds very Czech - like Czech name Antonín. And if you understand Czech language at least a little, then welcome to Czech board.

Chybami se člověk učí - ale někteří lidé jsou nepoučitelní


Quote from: Emil Sawicki on October 14, 2010, 06:27:10 PM
Like some users, i'd vote for creating Polish board on Forum.
If you would like to do that, with keeping of rule of national boards (translation to local language of board - and of course, text in your native language is invited), you may come to Czech board - until Polish board will be established.  ;)

I think you would understand it as good as I understand your native language.  :D (I like movie Ogniem i mieczem by Jerzy Hoffman very much - and Pan Wolodyjowski too)

PS for admins: I beg your pardon for this double-post but it is needed.

Chybami se člověk učí - ale někteří lidé jsou nepoučitelní


Quote from: VaclavMacurek on February 19, 2011, 07:19:39 PM
PS for admins: I beg your pardon for this double-post but it is needed.

;D Pardon given. No worry.

Well, you could have edited your post, it was few minutes between both posts. Besides, in Forum Lounge board we admins and moderators don't worry about posting rules, unless if it was offensive. :)


I decided to make double-post (but else I don't do that - often) because I think that greetings of people should be in separate posts - like if they were as PMs.

Chybami se člověk učí - ale někteří lidé jsou nepoučitelní

Emil Sawicki

Quote from: VaclavMacurekI think you would understand [czech] as good as I understand your native language.
I know, czech is similar to polish like all slavic languages are, so I'm trying to read czech board sometimes. Most difficult for me is to remember czech letters, e.g. I'll never remember, which letter: "a" or "á" to use? But when I get learn enough, I'll start writing on that board.

I know there are almost no Poles on ISF (Electroduck?), so I don't expect polish board soon.

Vaclav, have you seen Potop? It's second part of famous Sienkiewicz's trilogy (other are Ogniem i mieczem and Pan Wolodyjowski).
Simutrans 123, Windows 10


Yes - I have seen it - but it is not so nice as Ogniem i mieczem and Pan Wolodyjowski to me.

I think that Ogniem i mieczem is the best from that trilogy - as movie - because I have not read it yet - I only tried to find which people are based on reality - only one important person where I did not find it is Helena.

Very interesting is also movie Krzyzacy by Aleksander Ford.

Chybami se člověk učí - ale někteří lidé jsou nepoučitelní

Emil Sawicki

Have you seen my vehicles?
When starting work on these objects, I didn't realize this will be big, serious project. Now I'm working on pak64.poland, which contains characteristic objects you can see in my country, e.g. vehicles or buildings.
I realize this is giant work, because new pakset will not contain any material from official paksets (german, japan or basic pak64) and any addons, that are not typical polish objects.
Of course, goods will be the same as in standard paksets.
I think my pakset will be playable when there are one *.pak of each kind: res, com, bus-stop, bridge etc.
Simutrans 123, Windows 10


I have seen one you called in topic problem with vehicle longer than one tile - it looks quite good - but no more - because I have been playing pak128.

Chybami se člověk učí - ale někteří lidé jsou nepoučitelní


Quote from: nitromefan on February 16, 2011, 08:46:56 AM
Hey guys i'm back after a break from the forum and am keen to continue posting and helping at much as i can


Thank god!! I was beginning to think that I was the only Ausie on here. Hi Nitromefan where ya from mate. I'm currently in sunny QLD.
I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it

Thought for the day

When you are up to your backside in alligators, it is difficult to remind yourself that your initial objective was to drain the swamp.


Quote from: IgorEliezer on March 22, 2011, 09:38:29 AM
Hi Colin, welcome back :D

I've been away???????. Not really, just haven't been on the forum much, just been playing Simutrans and Red Faction Guerrilla, and Call of Duty (Black Ops). LOL
I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it

Thought for the day

When you are up to your backside in alligators, it is difficult to remind yourself that your initial objective was to drain the swamp.


I love this concept, but I am very intimidated by the higher intellectualism of open source that it is for most of you. I hate boxed games and I have played Planeshift, which is an open source from Atomic Blue, but it never seems to improve and certainly seems much less mature as far as its developers and support staff of volunteers. I have this overwhelming sense that somehow I am going to "fail" in this game.... is there any place for an above average intellectual but woefully below those of you who are comfortable here?   :question:


Well, we're far of being little einsteins and we're also glad to help new players, so don't be afraid, join us and ask as many things as you need, although I recommend you to do a little search along the forum, as the most common doubts are already solved.

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


Thanks so much Vilvoh!! I am looking thru the forum for info for beginners and how NOT to go broke.... definitely will keep this old lady(52 yrs) feeble mind from deteriorating.... more.  LOL   ;D



welcome! I'm not sure that we're so much intimidatingly intellectual as much as a bunch of people who like playing with planes, trains and automobiles (but would prefer something that worked a little better than Transport Tycoon etc.). I must confess, I've never heard of Planeshift, but Simutrans certainly does improve over time; it has improved considerably in the time that I've been playing it. Whether you fail or succeed depends rather on what you want out of the experience of playing Simutrans; all that I can say is that it's captivated a lot of people over the years.
Download Simutrans-Extended.

Want to help with development? See here for things to do for coding, and here for information on how to make graphics/objects.

Follow Simutrans-Extended on Facebook.


Hi Mary!

I've been playing Simutrans (mostly Experimental) for almost a year, and one of the best things about the game is that it's constantly improving -- and the developers are very open to player feedback.


Hello everyone.

Have been playing simutrans a few years now since I found it on best old games. I was actually looking for Jetset willy! Have recently downloaded the version here. Have had a few probs, but I'll ask about them in the right places.




welcome! I think that you might find Simutrans a little more in depth than Jetset Willy...
Download Simutrans-Extended.

Want to help with development? See here for things to do for coding, and here for information on how to make graphics/objects.

Follow Simutrans-Extended on Facebook.


Quote from: jamespetts on May 22, 2011, 10:38:07 PM

welcome! I think that you might find Simutrans a little more in depth than Jetset Willy...

perhaps. I'm still (24 years after getting my first ZX spectrum) trying to finish JSW! Nasty game. Anyway........ :)

Great game - I got addicted to an early version (not sure of the release number, but it has high speed orange trains and no 'time relation' - where all vehicles are available in 1900 - a bit off putting at first, but I simply 'assigned' a year for each train type and 'self imposed' the restriction.)

Things I love about ST is that the factories decide where the goods have to go (nice amount of realism). I also love the horses! Sounds perhaps a bit odd, but when I picked up Transport tycoon (1994-ish) I immediately thought:

"Hmm. it's 1930 and there is no existing infrastructure? If only there was a game that started before the industrial revolution and 'grew' from wholly localised industries!"

Finding simutrans (2 and a bit years ago) allowed some thoughts of my own, although I never had chance to chase it up (too much work - I'm a research assistant - started post doc 18 months ago and began lecturing last autumn - in organic chemistry, so no time for computing I'm afraid. A pity as I was getting quite good, and cracking on nicely with a space combat game.) I start all my games in 1750 now!

OK ST doesn't begin with wholly local industries (a few farms for each settlement and 'cottage industries' not 'mass industry') with no factories at all, but much better.


Me again, sorry.

My 'old version' tactics (especially on rail) were based on setting up clear priorities on transport routes.

* Express Rail
* Local Rail
* Freight

Below is a diagram:

          /-----------  local/freight
--------------------  express (more straight lines - middle of set)
--------------------  express (more straight lines - middle of set)
          \-----------  local/freight

so, on 'trunk routes' the expressway would be laid first to keep it straight and the local/freight routes would (if a hill got in the way at the edges) have to suffer the little diversion. Separating the routes meant more upkeep/building, but meant high speed trains almost never had to wait (behind slow trains) which gave great bonuses on delivery speed bonuses (especially as passengers have a very high bonus.)
Trying to get high speed trains to have their own platforms also is important for this.

As the network grows, not only is the bonus helpful, but as passenger stations get overwhelmed with customers, the lack of obstruction means plenty of deliveries.

Each town would have a local bus system (sometimes supplemented by a few 'sprinter'/metro trains) delivering passengers to the main station. (with some bus routes to nearby towns as well, plus industries and tourist routes) towns were linked by a local train system and each local train would 'call' at a mainline station every now and then to allow for long-distance travel.)

still going :)

Expressways did not connect all towns (they need as you can see FOUR rail lines). In a map of 64 towns (max for that early version) only 8-9 towns would have a mainline station. If set up correctly, no passenger had more than 4 changes:

Bus - Local train - Express train - Local Train - Bus

And by setting up the juctions correctly, you don't even need to use waypoints to ensure the trains are on the right track.

But this is a new game. I look forward to testing its possibilities!


Quote from: dukederek on February 11, 2011, 01:39:38 AM
Hi all, I'm Dave from Bristol

I used to play a lot and post a bit way back (version numbers in the 80somethings) and for some reason got the urge a couple weeks back to see how simutrans has come along.

pretty much addicted all over again now :D

Maybe with all these new public service special tools I'll finally get round to making that Simutrans version of the TTD Westcountry 90210 map I started on...

EDIT: haha! found the thread in the archive!

Hello dave - I'm Paul from Hartcliffe*! :)

PLEEEAAASEE do a west country version!

Nice to meet!

* Okay i now live in East Anglia, but never mind. I also did my undergraduate period 'up on the hill' at Bristol Uni. :)

Seems a bit off-topic, but it was growing up in Bristol that built a fascination with transport evolution. See above on starting the game in 1750. :) Bristol is a port city built on hills (with the port meandering through the valleys between). The main terminus is 3 miles from the centre however as both hills and the valley marshes get in the way.) The whole city however is honeycombed with disused railway tunnels linking the docks to the main terminus Temple Meads. The tunnel 'heads' are still visible in most places - bricked up and sealed when road freight finally killed the docks in the 1960s**. The streets also have the 'scars' of long disused level crossings, tramways and sidings with the rails still embedded in the road surface. In one place (at Prince Street Bridge) the rails appear on one side of the road from a multistory car park and vanish under modern 1980s housing.

I was entreated aged about 7 to grandad's tour of interwar Bristol and what is left of it (the city was also blasted endlessly by the Luftwaffe*) and unlike my brother (who always got bored) I loved it. Come to think of it (look on shelf) - I've got now more than 100 books on Bristol's history.

Anyway. Back to ST.

* Including grandad's house - 27 St. John's Lane, Bedminster. From a nearby hill (Windmill Hill) you can see where each bomb in that particular 'stick' of bombs landed.

**Napoleon sent a small fleet to cut Bristol from the colonies. He Failed. Goering tried to flatten it. The Soviets tried to scare it. Even the IRA tried during the rebellion at the end of WWI (a total of 113 known bomb attacks on dock facilities from 1919-1923). The capitalists succeeded where all others had been before ..... :)


Hey guys most of you might remember me. I've taken a break from the forums and have done other things but now I'm back and intend to see what's new since i was last here. To give you an idea from when i was last here back then the latest version of simutrans was 102.2  :)


Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


nice to see you all again i remeber most of you


Hi everyone and greetings from Finland!

I've played Simutrans since 2008 and now, after lurking here for about six months, I finally decided to join the forums. (And they say we are the "worlds fastest nation"!)  :-[

I'm sad that there is only small amount of Nordic-related addons available. The buildings in the Northern Europe are quite different than in the rest of Europe. I know there is the Abo Set for pak64, but only a few buildings in pak128 make me feel cozy. Maybe I can make something in the future after I've practiced enough...

Emil Sawicki

Tervetuloa, nujuvin! So hyvä, että sä pelata Simutrans:n, ja sä olet tässä!
Simutrans 123, Windows 10

Jonathan E

Hi all, Jonathan E from chilly Sydney, Australia. I found Simutrans quite by accident and have slowly been getting hooked for the past week. Oh and a big thanks to Ormac and the team for that wonderful Simutrans Reference Manual where I finally found what I was doing wrong with Intermediate stations. (Note to self read manuals before playing game!) and of course all the developers, testers etc etc. Cheers all.


Welcome aboard Jonathan. You can also check our wiki for more references and tutorials: Simutrans Wiki.


Hi, more greetings from Finland.

I have played simutrans couple of years already and I will keep playing it in the future.
Also I have spent hours on the simutrans forum but this is my first post here ;D

Thanks to all, love this game.