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New pakset: pak64.ho-scale

Started by rainer, December 18, 2010, 10:51:27 PM

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Ouch! I found the error. My had a typo in the line where the to be used pak set is chosen.


Have fun with pak64.ho-scale! Whenever you want to contribute whatever to the pakset, do not hesitate to do so! ; - )


I tested the road vehicles and noticed that the CarriageHorseBusBarcelona pulled by horses requires two tile bus stops so I was wondering if you could draw a two-tile bus stop. Two standard ones next to each other doesn't look so great (but it works of course).

PS: I solved the error, see edit of above post.


There is a very long todo list, and the two tiles bus stop is not its top. ; - )
Feel free to join #simutrans at to discuss more details!
