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[WIP] New tram tracks

Started by Václav, July 28, 2015, 07:55:25 PM

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After some time of doing of nothing, I began to work on new tram tracks.

Full set will contain (but at first without winter versions):

Ground tracks for speeds:
50 km/h
75 km/h
100 km/h

Underground tracks/bridges for speeds:
75 km/h (length of bridge max. 2, 4)
100 km/h (length of bridge max. 2, 4)

I thought about making also elevated track (probably it would be only for speed 100 km/h) - but there I have not idea for shape of construction that will carry the track.

I got idea for creation of tunnel for trams some time ago, probably in time when I played pak128 - because laying tram track in road tunnel gives very strange results.

But few months ago, when I wanted to build tram track not along roads (as I build it often), but through city, with crossing many roads, I found that tram tunnel would be really needed and useful.

And by the way, I don't think about underground tram as of variation of metro where trains go in underground in some parts of route - and somewhere on ground. I think about common tunnel to cross short hill inside city.

Tunnel between two tram stations in Prague tram site (Chaplinovo náměstí, Poliklinika Barrandov).

So, switches will be graphically ready (for later purposes) - but they will not be included in dat file.

And may it be (and it is almost sure) that I will add (into already prepared wires) also rest of switches - but these switches will not be included in dat file.

All three tracks will be ready for half-height, for later purposes.

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Good choice, especially the tunnel that will look pretty in 96comic.


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Thanks. But I am not sure how much I will keep that shape - because this style (shape) would need longer space for transition from top to land.

So. Here it is. The first preview of tunnel entrance. Currently (intentionally) in double size.

You may call ideas for improvements.

Tiles borders, front face (and transition to sides) are in secondary player colour. But this, of course, may be changed.

Track background is black only temporarily - but I don't know what colour to use.
Track base will not be textured (it is not visible - but it is).

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I saw it Václav, but I was still evaluating.

The sides are too much round, the descending should be smoother. Not sure you understand.

The square details in the inside may look nicer if the squares were bigger. Right now I think they look like Japanese paper walls.

As for the ground you may try to imitate tramway_002, or the one with ground. May give a good look.


Quote from: An_dz on August 03, 2015, 02:40:27 AM
The sides are too much round, the descending should be smoother. Not sure you understand.
It is hat I mentioned in one previous posts - that it would need longer space for transition to land. I tried to make transition between own entrance and sides as soft as possible. That it reason why sides are such round.

The square details in the inside may look nicer if the squares were bigger. Right now I think they look like Japanese paper walls.
May it be. I was worried about that larger tiles would not be nice.

As for the ground you may try to imitate tramway_002, or the one with ground. May give a good look.
I plan to make flat tracks (like tramway_002) mostly for lower speeds, not for 100 km/h.

I take it by tram sites of Most and Prague, where are some parts uncovered (where it does not meet roads - track for 100 km/h) and rest are covered (by asphalt or grass - tracks for speed 50 and 75 km/h).

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Test version of new tram track. For this reason it has czech name. After releasing it will get regular (english) name.

You may call ideas for improving.

Currently I try to erase graphical bugs like bad connection of tiles or so (and change shading).

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It looks good and different, though the ramp graphics look like it's sunk in the ground, probably because the track is not 100% in the middle of the concrete, or whatever material, ground.


Yes, yes. It is partly sunk (visible on track ends). Exactly 1px. Originally there were 2pxs, but it was with original (high) sleepers (visible on tunnel entrance) and there were some oddities on some tiles.

Next week (I hope I will be better - after cycling fall) I will try to finish this track. It means also adding concrete background to it would be similar to current track for speed 100 km/h, but with correct diagonal tiles that they will not cover road.

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For tests, probably final version of tramway for speed 100 km/h.

Before uploading to SVN, it is needed to change menu icon (and may be also cursor) - and change intro year to 2000.

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Looks pretty good on source. Here's an icon and cursor.


They might be included into main png file.

Portal for tunnel for speed 100 km/h is (almost) finished. There may be needed some additional shading or so, but at this time I have no idea.

Currently I prepare portal for tunnel for speed 75 km/h - but it is very historically shaped. So, it may rather to fit to any lower speed ... (I did not plan to do).

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Tunnels for tram tracks - for speed 75 km/h and 100 km/h.

I think that they may be used without any additional graphical change (excepting change of menu icon).

The first bridge for tram track for speed 100 km/h. At this time it is only for testing.

Its design is experimental and at this time it lacks sloped ramps. So it may be built only between two slopes - or between slope and cliff.

Also, due to design, it is neccessary to built it over any other ways with height space of one tile (excepting rivers - that cannot be used for transportation).

And final face. In attachment is prepared new version of png.

Bridge got new colours and shading. Pillars were simplified - original inner parts were replaced with new that look like natural part of other construction.

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Corrected graphics of track for speed 100 km/h - I found there two minor bugs on end tiles
Corrected graphics of cable stayed bridge - I hope that this is final version
Track for speed 50 km/h - graphics and dat

And now I can try to prepare track for speed 75 km/h with its bridges - and also the second bridge for track for speed 100 km/h.
But I need to find any suitable construction I would use for those bridges. Problem is, that I cannot use something like in case of that cable stayed bridge - due to year and possibility of building of longer bridge.

Ground track for speed 75 km/h is ready - and available in attachment. It corrects mistake of original tramweay track for speed 100 km/h - because grey base in diagonal tiles don't cover all space of tile, but only that half where track is. So, these tiles cannot cover roads on these tiles (for ever after).

Dat files of tracks for speed 50 km/h and 100 km/h were corrected. - track for speed is now available from year 2000. And track for speed 50 km/h is available from year 1900.

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What about pre-stressed concrete bridges? We have a few such in Brno


I will take this one into consideration. It will be for crossing of one tile obstacles (it means max_length = 2) - like that cable stayed.

For speed 100 km/h for crossing of longer obstacles (max_Length = 4) I create bridge like this

Osera de Ebro

Problem is, that current overhead wires (even my introducing for speed 100 km/h) will not fit on my bridges - because they (those bridges) are too narrow. So I have to create two more wires, specially for bridges.

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I don't know Brno. It is possible that suggested bridges are really only for trams - but I am worried about that they are primarily (originally built) for cars - like most ones. It is not well visible from available angles (only from top view).

I rather search for constructions of railway bridges adaptable for trams - because they are a bit more interesting.

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Quote from: Václav on November 07, 2015, 12:58:40 PM
I don't know Brno. It is possible that suggested bridges are really only for trams - but I am worried about that they are primarily (originally built) for cars - like most ones. It is not well visible from available angles (only from top view).

I rather search for constructions of railway bridges adaptable for trams - because they are a bit more interesting.

Those bridges were built only for trams, but the technology might be similar to road bridges.


I began creation of two-hinged arch bridge (like Zvíkovský, over Orlická přehrada) and go on in creation of very experimental one-tile bridges.

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Phew, it's a great bridge, but it's not easy to create one with curved arches on Simutrans.


Quote from: An_dz on January 24, 2016, 07:40:08 PM
it's not easy to create one with curved arches on Simutrans.
I know - it is needed to create this bridge in a different way.

When I created that cable-stayed bridge, I created central part at first - and then rest parts, even if I needed more than one attempt, because some ones were not leading to intended result.

In case of this bridge, I thought I could use that way too - but it false tought. Because it was very hard to prepare side parts of arch to they would follow curve correctly.

So I let to be this original curve (that was almost perfect) as pattern - and then I searched curve connecting three tiles - with top in such position that was almost the same as in case of original curve.

And now I slowly prepare complete side parts - for later placing in needed span and correct tiles.

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