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Great Britain simulation in Simutrans Experimental

Started by Carl, May 25, 2011, 03:43:48 PM

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Oh well, that'll give me something to confuse myself with this afternoon  :D


Here are the dlls I have in my Simutrans folder, in addition to the ones that come in the 11.34 download. I couldn't say which are required to run experimental:



The microsoft runtime libaries are different for each version of MSVC. Assuming it was either MSVC 2017 or 2015, you need to download the older ones from Microsoft. (Yes, well done Microsoft ... )


Thanks for the answers and explanations, chaps.

There comes a time when you have to give up and move on to something more achievable ... like herding cats!  ;D


I've adjusted the file archive so that it now contains Simutrans Experimental 11.34 and the dlls I have. I'm hoping that this will make it easier for people to run the map.

Let me know if this works, neil.


To help with the above problems I'm publishing a new version of the GB map which also includes Simutrans Experimental 11.34 and all the files required to run it. I've tested this on another PC and it worked, so I'm hoping it will also work for others.


1. Transfer the content of the "my docs" folder to the Documents folder on your computer.
2. You can put the "Simutrans folder" folder anywhere.
3. Run "Simutrans Experimental 11.34.exe" from "Simutrans folder". If you have multiple paksets installed then you'll need to select "pak.ngb"
4. Load the GB save game (e.g. "UK2020-13.sve")

I think this is all ok licencing-wise, but please let me know if not.


1. I can confirm that it works, downloaded and run according to the instructions - I opened the Simutrans folder in my downloads directory so it definitely works as a stand alone
2. I forgot how impressive the save is!


Thanks for confirming that KneeOn, glad to hear it works.

It's been a while since I gave an update on this thread. Some thoughts below. TL;DR: the state of the railways in Britain is too bad right now to make updating this map very appealling.

If you've been following info on the British rail network you'll know that things are not good right now. Many rail frequencies have not yet returned to pre-COVID levels, and in some cases even the reduced service that is running is performing poorly. It's unclear whether some lines will ever return to their pre-2020 level of service.

People are concerned that we're in for a period of managed decline, especially in London, and encouraging greater use of public transport doesn't seem to be on the national agenda at all. On top of all that, future rail plans for HS2 and high speed rail in the north of England have recently been cut right back.

This is in contrast to the previous decade or which mostly saw growth, new services, and improving frequencies.

All of this is a strange and somewhat depressing backdrop against which to be making a simulation of the British rail network. Apart from the ongoing timetable uncertainty, I don't really relish the idea of doing big updates to this map which are mostly reductions in train services.

So what's the alternative? The map could stay as a snapshot of history from early 2020 timetables (and planned May 2020 ones in some cases e.g. Northern). And I could just continue to update it on that basis - a kind of "what might have been" scenario.

But for now, I don't think any major updates are on the horizon.

I'm not spending much time on Simutrans at all, but what time I have spent is on fantasy maps (e.g. Balkans and a new version of USA East at a bigger scale) - projects where I can ignore the post-COVID world and the resulting disinvestment from public transport.

Donald C.

I found a typo on the intro year for BR700 and BR707. It should be year 2000, right?


Hi Sandbox Player, well spotted. I suspect I meant it to be 2000, but obviously that's not accurate for the real-life introduction date. I haven't made those true-to-life.