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Simutrans pakset ( pak192.sabun )! Publishing ?

Started by vzrenggamani, January 06, 2016, 08:07:51 AM

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How we publish our pakset ( pak192.sabun ) Pakset still contain pak192.comic , may we publish on the forums?

SIMUTRANS INDONESIA WEBSITE  <<< Indonesia Simutrans Addons Center And Web


Start a topic in Other Paksets sub-forum, once the community sees the pakset as a unique pakset with enough development it wins a sub-foum.


Please keep in mind that pak192.comic is published under CC-BY-SA, which means you need to attribute everything to the original authors, and need to distribute everything that derives from pak192.comic-stuff under the same licence.

Now this could be very complicated, especially with stuff that has to be a certain way to be compatible, like tracks. Instead of figuring out which objects are from pak192.comic, which are derived, and which are completely new, I'd suggest you talk with all contributors about adapting CC-BY-SA licence as a whole. Like you used pak192.comic as a basis, others could use pak192.sabun as a basis for their own work. And more importantly, exchanging some work between paksets would not be a hassle (eg. Ulun Danu Batur I made some time ago)


Well, as discussed it is not really under CC-BY-SA, as the sources are not available which goes against the spirit of open license. (Otherwise you can argue that if displaying via Simutrans engine is ok, derived work using screenshot and making them available would be ok too.) Anyway, adapting the same license is probably a sensible way.


Well, that was not so much discussed as just claimed by you, a claim which is plainly wrong since CC licenses do not contain specific terms about the distribution of source code.

This is a snippet of CC-BY-SA 4. (Version 3 is much wordier and states that updating the license to a later version is fair game)
    If You Share the Licensed Material (including in modified form), You must:
        retain the following if it is supplied by the Licensor with the Licensed Material:
            identification of the creator(s) of the Licensed Material and any others designated to receive attribution, in any reasonable manner requested by the Licensor (including by pseudonym if designated);
            a copyright notice;
            a notice that refers to this Public License;
            a notice that refers to the disclaimer of warranties;
            a URI or hyperlink to the Licensed Material to the extent reasonably practicable;
        indicate if You modified the Licensed Material and retain an indication of any previous modifications; and
        indicate the Licensed Material is licensed under this Public License, and include the text of, or the URI or hyperlink to, this Public License.
In no way it states that you need to distribute anything but the end result. Even with derived work, just whatever is the end product becomes is fine. Because this is a license that's supposed to be easy to use: Just publish something and tell people if they can use it or not. There are no pesky requirements for the author.

There is another interesting part in the license:
QuoteThe Licensor waives and/or agrees not to assert any right or authority to forbid You from making technical modifications necessary to exercise the Licensed Rights, including technical modifications necessary to circumvent Effective Technological Measures.

Yes, this means anyone can use a screenshot of pak192.comic to cut out pieces of the graphics and use them however they want, as long as they attribute and share alike. There is an easier way to gain access to that stuff by simply asking for it though.
Either way: If, as you claim, the license requires publishing of sources, presenting them on a sliver tablet, how could they ever require circumvention of technological measures, so that a paragraph about it would be necessary?

Bottom line, stop spreading misinformation please.


Little confused about License :(
I will talk to the Pak192.comic Author
But can anyone help me about my Pakset

SIMUTRANS INDONESIA WEBSITE  <<< Indonesia Simutrans Addons Center And Web


Leartin is right, the license does not state the source has to be available.


SIMUTRANS INDONESIA WEBSITE  <<< Indonesia Simutrans Addons Center And Web


Quote from: An_dz on January 07, 2016, 02:29:19 AM
Leartin is right, the license does not state the source has to be available.

The only license I know of that actually requires this, is (L)GPL.