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Tracks replacement project for pak 128

Started by Fabio, February 14, 2009, 03:24:48 PM

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Well, those are supposed to be skewed arches, non orthogonal. making them orthogonal is indeed simpler, but it may look flatter. Tomorrow I'm trying a snapshot like that, it won't take long, quite the opposite. We'll see and judge.


Amazing work. I still have to find a way to efficiently create new "way" types for pak48.Excentrique. Great work to see here :)


Thank you, Hajo!

Here's finally a preview of 140 km/h elevated:

Pillars' thickness is shown here as it's not perpendicular to the face we see.
Showing the grid proves it:

Details still need to be added.

The hardest thing to make was, as expected, pillars' position.


Ha, I can see it now - the "wrong" thing with perpendicular arrangement is that without shadow, it looks weird. (Look at the small arches here, they display this problem.) That doesn't happen with this arrangement of pillars.

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


The small arches-- wuould it be better for them to be "closed"?

They used to look awful, then I added a light shading on edges and now are more decent. And thankfully they are small!

For the moment, I'll keep this elevated like this (plus details!!!) unless better ideas come up.

I'm not keen to add shadows (especially after my request for 50% transparent color was denied), as they would be inconsistent with normal bridges, which on turn can't have them because they can be higher than one tile...

Well, time to move to the other elevated ;)


Nice Fabio!
You make for simutrans a graet job.
Opening hours 20:00 - 23:00
(In Night from friday on saturday and saturday on sunday it possibly that i be keep longer in Forum.)
I am The Assistant from Pakfilearcheologist!
Working on a big Problem!


better close the small arches, they look a bit like gaps, or even glitches. They are also too small for the saving in material would justify the extre work producing them. (if the size is larger, as in the blue concept above, they make more sense.

If someone has difficulties to see the concept here, check with tracks below going in cardinal directions.


I tried to test a solution for the front arches. Indeed as we see in 1, tracks under do not pass.
I deleted background arches and in number 2 we see that tracks could  pass.
Finally, the pillars of arches seeming very large, I thought  inlaying an architectural effect in the middle as an hope (view number 3) ?
I also walled up the small interval between pillars, to see the potential result.

It is a just humble suggestion of my part, but I find these background shadowed pillars are strong.

Your feedback ?
Current projects in progress : improvements of few designed french paks


I think you're right. Anyway back pillars must disappear, as they look ABOVE a train passing under them. Probably also the "thickness" must go, as it has no sense without the back pillars.
The way to go is larger pillars with some architechtonical element. I'm presently testing it likewise.
Thank for the suggestion.


hm, now without it, having seen the version with back pillars, it looks quite wrong. But there's nothing you can do about it if it appears in front of trains. (can't it put to back image)

In the screenshot mEGa posted, the passage is only a little bit too narrow.


Filling the small arches makes the walls rather bland. What was the additional effect? I can see only a dark spot... First I could think of was a gothic-like extension of pillar, but that is nonsense :P

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!



Quote from: VS on February 05, 2012, 12:05:45 PM
Filling the small arches makes the walls rather bland. What was the additional effect? I can see only a dark spot... First I could think of was a gothic-like extension of pillar, but that is nonsense :P

dark spot : it was just one mark to  represent place where put a architectural effect;  may be a relief additional arch or another detail like that :

Current projects in progress : improvements of few designed french paks


So, it was just a mark, not a finished thing :) Understood...

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


Here a preview of what it could look like...
Many details still to be added.


I think those modified pillars look good enough now :)
The rails (only the rails), though, look like if they had an offset (displaced towards... northwest? elevated?). Maybe it's an optic effect, or maybe it's my brain missing to build it up!?!


Thank you!

Tracks: it's just an optical effect, tracks (and ballast base) are exactly the same as they are now.

Maybe the effect is also due to the fact that I added 2 px at northwest, to make the bridge look less "narrow" on diagonals.


Quote from: fabio on February 06, 2012, 02:42:46 PM
Tracks: it's just an optical effect, tracks (and ballast base) are exactly the same as they are now.
Thanks for not putting the blame on my brain! :P


I think it's the ballast, it looks almost as thick as the bridge at top of the arch... I guess it would be too much work.

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


It'll look better with the fence... Next screenshot when it's added.


the optical illusion comes most likely from the bright line on either side of the viaduct. It looks like a raised parapet, you can see this a the SW end. Fences or a real parapet will certainly fix this illusion.

There certainly is no way to add the backward pilars without having them pop out before trains? I don't understand back images well enough. It would be sad. as that's i think was exactly what made the viaducts in pak-britain look strange to me on diagonals.


Ok, this should pretty much be the final version:



ÖMG. How do I say that this is great in yet another way?

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


Just one feedback :
beautiful work ! I haven't any thing to notice. Great.
Current projects in progress : improvements of few designed french paks


Thank you all for the feedback!!!  ;)

And now...

160 km/h elevated:


This is amazing work. I remember how it was to draw a single bridge and can only image how much work time you spend for such a set.



Very impressive work...

I liked the curved triangle bridge facade more than the straight triangles.... maybe the straight triangles could be made slightly smaller.


Nothing to say about it except that it is very nice. I look forward to being able to try it.
Current projects in progress : improvements of few designed french paks


Fabio, it is surely good that you learnt from roads replacement project - and you are preparing rail elevated ways of such construction that it allows building in parallel direction below it.

And of course, I don't think that it is needed to have elevated rail ways for all speeds (meanwhile tunnels for all speeds are greeted much). So, for high speeds some special (futuristic and high modern) constructions of bridges may be used.

Chybami se člověk učí - ale někteří lidé jsou nepoučitelní


*NEW* bridge for 200 km/h (1940-1999)

EDIT: Image somehow deleted on hosting site... anyway this bridge will look _quite_ different...

...and slightly updated bridges for 140-180 km/h


Cool Fabio your new bridge a very nice.
Opening hours 20:00 - 23:00
(In Night from friday on saturday and saturday on sunday it possibly that i be keep longer in Forum.)
I am The Assistant from Pakfilearcheologist!
Working on a big Problem!


Impressive these bridges! I look forward for the release :)


The 200 kph variant looks fragile ;) But I guess it's hard to come up with other variants...

BTW, I just realized all of the bridges are a deck supported by arches from below. Are you planning to have some other types (particularly truss and beam ones)? It's not a requirement at all, but at the same time it seems that there will be little variety now...

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!