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steam simutrans Game freezing

Started by rsdworker, May 25, 2016, 08:11:47 AM

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i had problems with simutrans game on steam - its keeping freezing after few minutes - i dont know what is wrong with it?
its could be bug? or something

the standalone (non steam verison works fine)

Isaac Eiland-Hall

Does it freeze for a while and then unfreeze? If so, autosave might be enabled.


Quote from: Isaac.Eiland-Hall on May 25, 2016, 11:09:22 AM
Does it freeze for a while and then unfreeze? If so, autosave might be enabled.

the freezing was long time and neevr unfreezed after 2 minutes - the screen was all white when i click on it

on Non steam verison - the autosaves dont freeze it just small freeze


Could it be the steam overlays conflicting with how Simutrans outputs graphics? For example if a friend was to message you, or do something, it that popup window that is created might be the cause?


Quote from: DrSuperGood on May 25, 2016, 02:48:57 PM
Could it be the steam overlays conflicting with how Simutrans outputs graphics? For example if a friend was to message you, or do something, it that popup window that is created might be the cause?

well during my game play - there wasnt any messages from my friends like online or offline


Maybe something freezes the event processor thread. Applications get marked as "not responding" if their OS events are not processed in a timely manner.


The 'steam version' of Simutrans should be identical to the regular version (unless your regular version is not the current release).

Just wondering if it may be worth while getting the debug information to see if anything show there, or trying the 'weekly' build from Steam (opt into beta version weekly_build) and see if the issue occurs there. (The Steam weekly build is the same as the nightly builds here, but just updated once a week).


Some users found a similar behavior on Windows 10 with the normal release. Try the other flavour (GDI vs SDL2).


Quote from: prissi on May 25, 2016, 08:11:41 PM
Some users found a similar behavior on Windows 10 with the normal release. Try the other flavour (GDI vs SDL2).
Currently Steam has the GDI version, would it make more sense to use the SDL version?


hiya all, luckily i saw/found this topic.

I started playing the steam version yesterday but as of today my game also crashes after just mere minutes of playing. Also while doing different things ingame (menu's or just watching the game progress). If there are crash logs automatically being created, where can i find those ?

Also im using windows 7 not windows 10
further relevant info:

16gb Ram
AMD Radeon R390 8GB graphics card

EDIT: i just tried running the game directly with the exe file, so bypassing the steam overlay.... still a random lockup. So it doesnt realy crash it just stops responding (as Windows names it)


Is there by chance autosave enabled?


Quote from: prissi on May 26, 2016, 09:07:28 PM
Is there by chance autosave enabled?
well for my - the autosaves are enabled but its wasnt autosave - could be events system


Well yea autosave is enabled, but would that be triggered just a few minutes ingame ?
I'll c what happens with autosave turned off.

Hmm nevermind i asume if autosave is @ 0 in the settings (when starting new game), autosave is off right ? Since i only noticed this option just now, im pretty sure the same case goes for my savegame.

Savegame version is 120.1 if that matters to anyone :)


on non steam verison - its generally every year or so - its should be same for steam verison


no rsdworker.
It already happens just about 5-10 minutes in the game. I start a new game, go to a big city (40-50K pop) lay down tram tracks (it also happened in an earlier game with just busses). Insert tram line... let game progress some time... freeze.


Okay i did some testing today, it appears the display option "Smart hide objects" is the cause of the freezing. I ran the game for about 2 hours with no problems with that option off. Then pretty much just after i turned the option on, bam gamefreeze. Maybe some of the programmers of this game can look into it ?


Quote from: purifier on May 27, 2016, 04:08:24 PM
Okay i did some testing today, it appears the display option "Smart hide objects" is the cause of the freezing. I ran the game for about 2 hours with no problems with that option off. Then pretty much just after i turned the option on, bam gamefreeze. Maybe some of the programmers of this game can look into it ?
good find - the non steam verison didnt not freeze - that's wierd


I am not sure, other users reported freezes too.


There is now an option in Steam under betas for 'SDL_' this will load the SDL version of Simutrans on Windows. This may resolve issues for some users.


issue seems solved but however other issue appeared (i will create new one)

Edit: seems still having problems on Beta with SDL - so could be autosaves issue?