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Industry question

Started by ampersand, January 21, 2017, 04:47:11 PM

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Is there any production consumption difference between Far heating plant (Fernheizkraftwerk) and Coal power plant (Kohlekraftwerk)? Can both produce electricity for power lines?


all industry to name *kraftwerk produce electricity


The "Far Heating Plant" produces a small amount of electricity. Its only strong enough to provide a single factory like 1 saw mills or 1 coal mine....


Thank you very much for clarification, I'll pay attention to that difference.
On more question then: On another very maritime map, the game placed Schwimmdock and Werft. Both of them had no consumers or suppliers on their factory info screens. I only noticed a nearby sawmill wanted to supply the Werft. Will the chain be completed in the following years of the game, or should I wait till the next version of the pakset?


Schwimmdock is the endpoint of the yardchain and can´t get any consumers.
In Version 0.9 the chain is complete, in my testgames it works.



Except PC-Fab this suppliers should exist also in earlier pak-versions. Hope in your games the needed supplier will spawn later.
In my own games(not very much, most of the time I need for job and new ST-objects :) ) the spawned yardchain used some existing factories and non existing spawn together with yard and Schwimmdock.

The yardchain is large, many factories needed for the complete chain (>30factories at all). Maybe, if you start a new game, and the number of factories and shops is set to low, the game can´t set all the needed factories.

But I know a bug in yard and swimdock: Can´t get any passengers from both. I have to read the .dat from the oilrig, there passenger-transport works. /done - In my "developer edition" pax and mail for yard and swimdock is now enabled.


You were right - the sawmil that appeared after some years wanted to supply the shipyard. By the way it seems strange to me that both shipyard and dry-dock were intended to appear in the middle of the ocean as on my map. May be it is possible to define that they appear at the coastline?

On the other hand I found in the language .tab file a MuellVerbennung factory. Apart from Verbrennungskraftwerk that appears also on the map sometimes. Does MuellVerbennung has chance to appear on the map or has it been abandoned for Verbrennungskraftwerk doing the same job?


That was also my first idea to place the yard at coast. But you can´t define the rotation of the factories, if simutrans place them. The ship inside the yard could so sometimes only left the yard on the beach.
And....I know, its not really realistic for yard/swimdock (or floating dock in english?, sry, school is out since more than thirty years)..... with the exception of the oil rig we have no other industry on water. And there is so much space to fill :).

At the moment I work on new factories to fill the timeline (no new goods). I have already an idea for an old yard. I can place this yard on coast. But I think, that will finished in a version after the next.

"Müllverbrennung" and "Verbrennungskraftwerk" should have the same look. Verbrennungskraftwerk is a Müllverbrennung (garbage incineration), but works as powerplant. If the name of a factory ends with "-kraftwerk" it is automatically a powerplant in game. If I remember right, this was changed in last version.


Quote from: pumuckl999 on February 14, 2017, 06:31:14 PM
we have no other industry on water. And there is so much space to fill :).
May be it is a good reason, as on some maps, there is no other use for ships.

Quote from: pumuckl999 on February 14, 2017, 06:31:14 PM
"Müllverbrennung" and "Verbrennungskraftwerk" should have the same look.
Only Verbrennungskraftwerk in factorybuilder of 0.9 1966. Looks to me like an error in translation file.


No, it´s not a translation-error, it´s an error in my possibilities to write something in english ;).
Verbrennungskraftwerk has replaced Müllverbrennung - look is the same, the parameters were changed.


Thanks, I will replace it in the translation file as well.


Here is the draft for a little old shipyard. I hope, with the edge at base the ship can left the yard also, if yard is placed with the waterside to land (not testet yet, how it looks in game).


OK, that doesn´t work: If placed on coast the yard will set one level above the water.
Now it will placed on the oceans and seas, like the modern yard.


Whereas to me elevated embankment (rendered by game with brick walls) looks quite realistic...


Sure, but then is a step in the water, from yard to sea :).

Here is the original of the yard:


And....not an industry question, maybe would better match in the screenshot-thread: Some industry for next version (idea for fishes from pak128 :)).

All shown factories for completing the timeline, no new goods used.


Quote from: pumuckl999 on March 12, 2017, 11:39:24 PM
OK, that doesn´t work: If placed on coast the yard will set one level above the water.
Now it will placed on the oceans and seas, like the modern yard.

(To continue the discussion on waterlevel buidlings): However, keep in mind that other building may also be located one level above their surroundings

A filling station without access from around.


The left ones is for Lawnmower  ;D


Quote from: ampersand on May 31, 2017, 08:21:07 PM
However, keep in mind that other building may also be located one level above their surroundings
They may. They may also be connected to a road only via a corner, though. And it's very rare that there is nothing on the same level, so those building can still be accessed from another side, even if there is no public road to them. While it might be silly sometimes (eg. a playground right next to an edge with no fence), it generally looks fine. In comparison, buildings that are supposed to connect to the water but are one level too high are always an eyesore. And unless you play with lakes, it always happens (and if you play with lakes, you might have a wharf at a 4-tile-lake, since the amount of water is not checked).