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Switching off reverting climates

Started by Leartin, April 02, 2017, 11:38:54 AM

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If you change the climate on a tile manually, you somewhat expect it to stay that way. However, there are at least two occasions where the climate reverts back to what it would be based on tile height.

A) When you delete a building. While the building still exists, the climate information is stored, since citybuildings only get replaced by those with appropriate climate. It gets lost when the building is deleted.
B) When you (or the computer) changes height levels. The computer does it while building new roads for a city, causing buildings of the "wrong" climate in the city.

I suppose A is a bug/oversight and could be solved completely.
B is a problem, since its the intended behaviour and was for a long time. It usually makes sense - unless the player edited the climate for some reason.

So I propose a game rule for "manual climates".
If it's on, climates won't change based on height.
If it's off, which is the default for older saves, it's climates will change based on height. However, since that behaviour makes little sense with manually changed climates, all those climate-buttons won't be available to the player, only to the public player - no matter where in the menu they are.


I think there might be a third case, but I have not figured out what causes it. It leaves behind single, empty tiles with another climate than those surrounding it. I don't remember causing them myself, but maybe I just forgot.


The climate is stored in the planquadrat, not the ground. Hence removing the single line which resets the climate fixes this. More words than the actual action connected with it. Fixed in r8170


Quote from: prissi on April 02, 2017, 02:32:02 PM
Fixed in r8170

You probably mean the bug in A, but what about the behaviour in B?


The height change is deeply coded in the climate generation process and not easily changed.