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Photoshop Action to help remove special colors

Started by Leartin, December 03, 2017, 11:27:18 AM

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I suppose the issue of unintended firefly-invasions, especially in winter images, is well known to artist. Since the good old bug-spray shades does not play well with transparency, I made a simple photoshop action for my workflow. So... why not share it?

Intended use: Open a png-file and run the first part. As a result, all special colors will gain a pink overlay in a seperate layer. Use the eraser to remove any pink pixel where special color is not intended, then play the second part of the action. Anything that was special color, but not pink, will be darkened by 1% to shift out of special color value. You may play both actions again, just to see if the removal worked. As the end result is a one-layer image, you should be able to just save it (rather than going through the whole save-for-web or export dialog)

Note: This works for me. I think it should work for anyone, but I can't test it. So make sure to backup your work before use, and please give feedback if you encounter any problems.