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Incorporating changes from Standard

Started by ACarlotti, May 06, 2018, 12:08:01 PM

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I recently had a segfault after clicking 'very low' in the direct routes tab. this was a few minutes after adding a new service to that stop.


I recently had another crash (floating point exception) after clicking the force tab in the performance tab in the convoy detail window for a skiff wherry.


Quote from: jamespetts on December 17, 2020, 10:50:18 PM
some other branches from some time ago

I have a possible apothecary, blacksmith, and cooper pull request.  The other component (a new Good, "hide" with a modification to the slaughter-house and a small resulting chain) I will leave for later.


Quote from: wlindley on December 24, 2020, 09:06:38 PM
I have a possible apothecary, blacksmith, and cooper pull request.  The other component (a new Good, "hide" with a modification to the slaughter-house and a small resulting chain) I will leave for later.

Excellent - now incorporated. I wonder, however, whether, for the blacksmith, it would be better to replace the existing city building called a "Smithy"? You can then use the graphics from that building rather than the cooper with different coloured signs. The original "smithy" itself can be deleted and another industrial city building specified in its stead in
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Quote from: freddyhayward on December 24, 2020, 12:57:47 PMI recently had another crash (floating point exception) after clicking the force tab in the performance tab in the convoy detail window for a skiff wherry.
Thank you for your report. I believe I've fixed it.
It was due to the fact that we decided to cut off the display below the top speed, which could cause the graph element to be 0 if the top speed was too low.
In other words, if the maximum speed is 1km/h the display is cut off before 1km/h, it tries to display 0-0km/h and craches.

In order to avoid a crash, it has been changed to display up to the maximum speed when the above conditions are met. At maximum speed the value will be 0.


Splendid, thank you; now incorporated.

Merry Christmas!
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I compared the diffs with the standard code and found that the part that should have been SAVEGAME_VER_NR is now SERVER_SAVEGAME_VER_NR. (save statement for offline game)
This has been wrong for at least a few years now, but it's possible that integration from the standard has brought errors to the surface.

Another thing I noticed with the save error is that _cached_exp.xml is currently not updated correctly.
But unfortunately I'm not familiar with these codes.

By the way, for some reason this board doesn't seem to have a like button.


Quote from: Ranran on December 28, 2020, 12:52:16 PM
I compared the diffs with the standard code and found that the part that should have been SAVEGAME_VER_NR is now SERVER_SAVEGAME_VER_NR. (save statement for offline game)
This has been wrong for at least a few years now, but it's possible that integration from the standard has brought errors to the surface.

Another thing I noticed with the save error is that _cached_exp.xml is currently not updated correctly.
But unfortunately I'm not familiar with these codes.

Thank you for looking into that - that is helpful. I will have to look into that when I get back home.

By the way, for some reason this board doesn't seem to have a like button.

I have now enabled this.
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I've requested a pull request for some small fix commits from recent standards. #341
I think it's a small fix that doesn't affect the game or system very much.

These commits are included in the building info patch because the building info patch contained an error that required this fix to be included.


I've requested a pull request to incorporating changes to the standard's edit ui update. Check pull request #347.
I made changes that optimize for extended. In extended, jobs and visitor demands were not displayed at present, so I added those. And fixed some values being incorrect.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Leartin for updating the edit UI.


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I pullrequested some bugfixes in addition to some recent updates from the standard. Check pull request #354.

Extended's bugs fixes:
--The GUI theme settings are not loaded correctly
--The number of tiles displayed in the tooltip when building a bridge is not the distance
--The unit of the "margin" chart in the finance dialog is not the percentage display.


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standard has changed the function to get the version. I made an extended version of it. This is because it was more convenient to have it when incorporating r9576.

What used to be code like this

if((file->get_extended_version() == 14 && file->get_extended_revision() >= 32) || file->get_extended_version() >= 15) {

can be written as:

if( file->is_version_ex_atleast(14, 32) ) {

Similar functions include is_version_ex_less and is_version_ex_equal.

It was omitted because it seems that it is no longer necessary to pass the welt of the second argument of get_obsolete_year_month, is_obsolete and has_available_upgrade due to the incorporating effect from standard.


I opened a PR with some MacOS specific changes from Standard, mainly for distribution (everything in place to make a bundle running ./

It also includes the fix to prevent MacOS crashing due to music playback. However, the very same fix that works for Standard doesn't seem to work on Extended: on my tests, it keeps crashing. I don't have the slightest idea why it differs, but I'm also not willing to invest more time on fixing it.

But don't worry, after this is merged I'll work on porting the new music backend to Extended. This will make MacOS and Linux sing again, hopefully without crashes  :)


Thank you very much for this: I have now incorporated Roboron's and Ranran's changes. Apologies for the delay: my home internet was down until yesterday, so I was not able to connect with my main computer.
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Quote from: jamespetts on February 13, 2021, 11:28:09 AM
Thank you very much for this: I have now incorporated Roboron's and Ranran's changes. Apologies for the delay: my home internet was down until yesterday, so I was not able to connect with my main computer.
I'm confident that ranran's changes will break private car routes on all saves due to changing all occurrences of NSEW to NESW for directions. This will fix itself after one or two refresh cycles but will cause significant disruption in the meantime.


Quote from: freddyhayward on February 13, 2021, 12:16:12 PM
I'm confident that ranran's changes will break private car routes on all saves due to changing all occurrences of NSEW to NESW for directions. This will fix itself after one or two refresh cycles but will cause significant disruption in the meantime.

I thought that I saw a commit somewhere correcting for this, or am I imagining things...?
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Quote from: jamespetts on February 13, 2021, 01:44:16 PMI thought that I saw a commit somewhere correcting for this, or am I imagining things...?
You might be remembering that I suggested changes at some point - though this may have been a misuse of that feature if it's supposed to contain the actual changes rather than just a description of them.
edit: this has now been fixed.


Fix incorporated yesterday - thank you.
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I have made another pull request that fixes erroneous next signal/junction information for signals here:


Quote from: Roboron on February 12, 2021, 06:36:40 PMafter this is merged I'll work on porting the new music backend to Extended

Pull Request opened.

Some notes about this if you have not been following the thread:
  • It's not an out of the box solution - it requires a soundfont to be present. But Linux distributions usually come with one by default, so it will mostly work out of the box there by picking up this soundfont (OpenTTD does the same). And since this has been primarily developed for linux users*...
  • For other systems if you want to use FluidSynth, you can set the soundfont to use in Suggested is PCLite (
  • If no soundfont is found, a warning window will be shown. User can later load a soundfont, and switch between soundfonts, without restarting the game. This new button + dialog will only show if SImutrans has been compiled with FluidSynth support

  • I have also made possible to remember the last used soundfont, just the same way Simutrans remember your text font. However, for this increasing the game version is required. I have left the minimum version the same as Standard (122,2), but I see that Extended is still on version 120. Change this if necessary.
  • As stated previously, using FluidSynth on Mac will prevent the current crashes when unmuting the music. I have also left steps to bundle fluidsynth using, but they are commented out, not to be used by default.
  • Additionally to the work done on Standard, I have also tried to update CMake to use FluidSynth. If FluidSynth is found, only GDI and SDL2 backends will use it instead of the default ones. I mostly copied the ZSTD way of detecting the library since it seemed pretty standard, and it works so far. It's my first time dealing with CMake, so please review it.

*Note that FluidSynth implementation for Simutrans on Linux needs SDL2 driver, which is available from fluidsynth 2.1.0 (december 2019). If your distribution is an old LTS (pre 2020), it won't work. Mac & Windows use their own drivers.


Thank you for this and apologies for the delay. Github indicates that this causes an error when building nettool:

ht (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "-m" switch.
Build started 2/23/2021 7:06:10 PM.
Project "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\Simutrans-Extended.sln" on node 1 (nettool-extended target(s)).
  Building solution configuration "Release|x64".
  The project "INSTALL" is not selected for building in solution configuration "Release|x64".
  The project "PACKAGE" is not selected for building in solution configuration "Release|x64".
Project "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\Simutrans-Extended.sln" (1) is building "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj.metaproj" (2) on node 1 (default targets).
Project "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj.metaproj" (2) is building "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj" (3) on node 1 (default targets).
  Creating directory "x64\Release\ZERO_CHECK\".
  Creating directory "x64\Release\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\".
  Creating "x64\Release\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  Checking Build System
  Deleting file "x64\Release\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild".
  Touching "x64\Release\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\ZERO_CHECK.lastbuildstate".
Done Building Project "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj" (default targets).
Project "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj.metaproj" (2) is building "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj" (4) on node 1 (default targets).
  Creating directory "nettool-extended.dir\Release\".
  Creating directory "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\simutrans\Release\".
  Creating directory "nettool-extended.dir\Release\nettool-extended.tlog\".
  Creating "nettool-extended.dir\Release\nettool-extended.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  Building Custom Rule D:/a/simutrans-extended/simutrans-extended/nettools/CMakeLists.txt
  C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.28.29333\bin\HostX64\x64\CL.exe /c /nologo /W3 /WX- /diagnostics:column /O2 /Ob2 /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D NDEBUG /D NETTOOL=1 /D COLOUR_DEPTH=0 /D MSG_LEVEL=0 /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D NOMINMAX /D WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Release\"" /D _MBCS /Gm- /EHsc /MD /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /GR /Fo"nettool-extended.dir\Release\\" /Fd"nettool-extended.dir\Release\vc142.pdb" /Gd /TP /wd4244 /wd4267 /wd4068 /errorReport:queue "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\nettools\" "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\dataobj\" "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\network\" "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\network\" "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\network\" "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\network\" "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\network\" "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\network\" "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\" "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\" "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\utils\" "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\utils\" "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\utils\" "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\utils\" "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\network\" "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\network\"
D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\simunits.h(153,1): warning C4005: 'MAXUINT32': macro redefinition [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.17763.0\shared\basetsd.h(433): message : see previous definition of 'MAXUINT32' [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\simworld.h(1473,1): warning C4334: '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?) [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\simworld.h(1478,1): warning C4334: '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?) [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\simunits.h(153,1): warning C4005: 'MAXUINT32': macro redefinition [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.17763.0\shared\basetsd.h(433): message : see previous definition of 'MAXUINT32' [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\network\../simworld.h(1473,1): warning C4334: '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?) [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\network\../simworld.h(1478,1): warning C4334: '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?) [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\utils\../sys/simsys.h(13,10): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'zlib.h': No such file or directory [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\simunits.h(153,1): warning C4005: 'MAXUINT32': macro redefinition [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.17763.0\shared\basetsd.h(433): message : see previous definition of 'MAXUINT32' [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\network\../simworld.h(1473,1): warning C4334: '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?) [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\network\../simworld.h(1478,1): warning C4334: '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?) [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\network\../sys/simsys.h(13,10): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'zlib.h': No such file or directory [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
  Generating Code...
Done Building Project "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj" (default targets) -- FAILED.
Done Building Project "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj.metaproj" (default targets) -- FAILED.
Done Building Project "D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\Simutrans-Extended.sln" (nettool-extended target(s)) -- FAILED.


"D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\Simutrans-Extended.sln" (nettool-extended target) (1) ->
"D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj.metaproj" (default target) (2) ->
"D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj" (default target) (4) ->
(ClCompile target) ->
  D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\simunits.h(153,1): warning C4005: 'MAXUINT32': macro redefinition [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
  D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\simworld.h(1473,1): warning C4334: '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?) [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
  D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\simworld.h(1478,1): warning C4334: '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?) [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
  D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\simunits.h(153,1): warning C4005: 'MAXUINT32': macro redefinition [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
  D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\network\../simworld.h(1473,1): warning C4334: '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?) [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
  D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\network\../simworld.h(1478,1): warning C4334: '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?) [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
  D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\simunits.h(153,1): warning C4005: 'MAXUINT32': macro redefinition [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
  D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\network\../simworld.h(1473,1): warning C4334: '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?) [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
  D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\network\../simworld.h(1478,1): warning C4334: '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?) [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]

"D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\Simutrans-Extended.sln" (nettool-extended target) (1) ->
"D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj.metaproj" (default target) (2) ->
"D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj" (default target) (4) ->
(ClCompile target) ->
  D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\utils\../sys/simsys.h(13,10): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'zlib.h': No such file or directory [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]
  D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\network\../sys/simsys.h(13,10): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'zlib.h': No such file or directory [D:\a\simutrans-extended\simutrans-extended\build\nettools\nettool-extended.vcxproj]

    9 Warning(s)
    2 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:20.50
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

Can you confirm whether you can build nettool successfully with this code in place?
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Looking at the Github Actions history, the Windows Nettool (MSVC) build has been failing for some months, it doesn't seem related to any recent change.


Quote from: Roboron on April 02, 2021, 09:16:24 PM
Looking at the Github Actions history, the Windows Nettool (MSVC) build has been failing for some months, it doesn't seem related to any recent change.

Ahh, yes, you are quite right: this affects only the Visual Studio build. Now incorporated - thank you.
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Quote from: Roboron on April 02, 2021, 09:16:24 PMhe Windows Nettool (MSVC) build has been failing for some months
I have opened a Pull Request (#368) which fixes the issue.


Quote from: ceeac on April 03, 2021, 04:08:49 PM
I have opened a Pull Request (#368) which fixes the issue.

Excellent, thank you: now incorporated.
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Quote from: freddyhayward on December 13, 2020, 10:01:35 AM1. Transparency is not consistent between the top part of the window and the rest of the window.

case windowskin:
//display_img_stretch( gui_theme_t::windowback, rect);

This can be fixed by commenting out this part of the, but it's not the case with standard so I'm not sure what the difference is.


Pull request #393 is a change centered on incorporating changes from the standard.
See each commit message for details.
Some commits up to r9860. Unfortunately, major changes that are difficult for me have been skipped.

Toolbar position can be selected with display setting,11936.0.html

Newly designed sort order button,20886.0.html

Adjustments that look good even on dark themes,20813.0.html

gui_titlebar_player_color_background_brightness = 2
gui_color_text_weak = #999999
pressed_button_sinks = 1
gui_color_indicator_border_top_left = #CCCCCC
gui_color_indicator_border_bottom_right = #666666

- The brightness of the title bar can be set individually using gui_titlebar_player_color_background_brightness.
- Since you cannot specify the font thickness in simutrans, you can specify the font color that is used for the purpose of making it less noticeable than normal text.
- It is possible to set whether the pressed button sinks.
- You can specify the frame color of the indicator.

And, fine adjustments and fixes to the Extended-specific GUI
and Japanese translation proofreading.


Splendid, thank you for that! The new sort order button is good.

I have put this on the merge-from-standard-r9860 branch for now to allow for some testing. Aside from the new sort button, what in particular do you think needs testing before this can be deployed?

I am minded to put this on the master branch in a few days' time if such testing as people have been able to do in that time has not found any significant problems.
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Quote from: jamespetts on June 12, 2021, 08:42:48 PMAside from the new sort button, what in particular do you think needs testing before this can be deployed?
It seems that a general playtest is needed due to the many minor changes. I've done some simple test play so far, but there may be issues that I haven't found.
The changes that are easy to notice:
The revision number is incremented due to changes in the environment variables and the save of the opened dialog.
The open state of the list dialogs are now saved and reloaded.
A text input filter has been added to some list dialogs.
You can change the display position of the menu bar from the display setting dialog.
These changes from standard are described in the simutrans/history.txt.


Thank you for this.

Unfortunately, the new revision number clashes with the new revision number for the amber traffic lights phase feature recently added by Phystam and just incorporated into the master branch. Would you be able to re-increment the version in this branch to address this clash so that we can test with this?

I should be most grateful.
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Quote from: jamespetts on June 13, 2021, 01:18:14 PMUnfortunately, the new revision number clashes with the new revision number for the amber traffic lights phase feature recently added by Phystam and just incorporated into the master branch. Would you be able to re-increment the version in this branch to address this clash so that we can test with this?
I think I have fixed it.


Quote from: Ranran on June 13, 2021, 03:19:14 PM
I think I have fixed it.

Excellent, thank you for that. I have incorporated your latest set of changes in the merge-from-standard-june-2021 branch in my Github repository.

I have done a little testing of this, but it would be helpful if others could compile this and test it over the next week or so. If I have had no reported issues, and have found none myself, by next week, I plan to merge this into the master branch.

Thank you for your work on this.
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I have now done a little further testing and incorporated this into the master branch - this will be available from to-morrow's nightly build.
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