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Extended for Mac

Started by smeethy, September 30, 2018, 08:39:08 PM

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Hi all,
I have been away a while and changed from windows to mac os in the interim.

Please can someone assist me with finding a copy of the Extended version for mac, the only link I can find is dead?

Many thanks



That is a shame - there was a chap working on Mac builds a short while ago, but this seems not to have continued. None of the regular developers use Macs, sadly. Perhaps you might set up to compile the code yourself?
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I use Linux to play Extended, so this may work well for you too. I installed wine and download the Windows nightly files, updating as on Windows. The performance is the same, regardless of the OS. Crashes occur infrequently, but if you let the game start and load in the background it can crash on large saves (e.g. the server game loaded offline after closing down while on the server).


Why don't you use the linux build for linux? Works fine for me.


Thank you all for your messages. At present I wouldn't have the capacity to do the code for Mac but maybe in the future.

Thanks for the suggestion of Wine, I will give it a try and report back.


It can be a bit fiddly to set up. I think you need to register the program in wine first. (My set up is emulating W7, all files in the home folder, single user install set to 1 (

If you're looking into single player only, I would definitely second Elemental's suggestion.


Hello, any news about a version for MacOs? Congratulations for the project, the extended version seems amazing.

Please note: since I'm rubbish programming I don't have a clue how to compile files...


Quote from: lennon81 on March 30, 2023, 01:04:08 PMHello, any news about a version for MacOs? Congratulations for the project, the extended version seems amazing/

At the moment there sadly isn't an official MacOS package because nobody with a Mac has volunteered to make one.

We do have all the bits and pieces, I think, just no one knows whether they work together and how they are handled by MacOS' security rules.

However, it might be easier to access Extended through Steam. To begin, install Simutrans on Steam (it's free of charge, of course) and check that the Standard version of Simutrans runs normally on your Mac (it definitely should as Roboron has kindly put a lot of work into it).

Then open your Steam Library, ① right-click on Simutrans and open ② Properties:

Then click on ③ the Betas tab and in the drop-down select ④ Extended:

Steam will need a few moments to replace Standard with Extended. Then try starting Simutrans in Steam. If you are lucky, you will get Extended. But no promises as I doubt that this has been tried on a Mac by anyone before.

If it fails with an error message, you can file a bug report and maayyybbeee someone will be able to fix it, though again no promises.

If it runs, please do let us know as it will be a pleasant surprise!

QuotePlease note: since I'm rubbish programming I don't have a clue how to compile files...

I am not a Mac user, but I believe that the Mac version is already being compiled. If you are willing to roll up your sleeves and tinker with a few things, it might be possible to get Extended on Mac by another route if Steam doesn't work.
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Thank you very much, but I've discovered that my Mac is not updated to the requested version and since that I have to play the old versions of simutrans. If I'd manage to update it (but it needs lots of free space I don't have for the moment) I'll let you know. Thanks for the moment...


Hello! Finally I've updated my Mac and I can say I'm the first human on planet Earth to play Simutrans Extended on a Mac  ;D

Little issue: it is not written "Extended" but 122.0.1 - nightly. Is it correct? I did exactly what is written in the post above.

Anyway, using steam, it worked. Thanks very much.


Quote from: lennon81 on May 12, 2023, 04:10:35 PMLittle issue: it is not written "Extended" but 122.0.1 - nightly. Is it correct? I did exactly what is written in the post above.

That suggests that you are actually using Standard.
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Maybe is correct, I don't know. Please, look at these attachments (sorry but I can't find a way to insert an image)


Quote from: lennon81 on May 12, 2023, 07:32:49 PMMaybe is correct, I don't know. Please, look at these attachments (sorry but I can't find a way to insert an image)

The in-game screenshot is what tells us that this is in fact Standard - Extended will always refer to itself as Extended in-game.
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Any clue to make it run on a Mac, James? I'm not able to compile files, as I said before...


Sorry for the confusion. James is right, what Steam provides is actually Simutrans Standard for Mac, even when on the extended branch.

Steam builds are actually Bridgewater Brunnel's builds, and since there is no version available for Mac, there is none for Steam either.

I should set up an independent pipeline that updates Simutrans Extended and Simutrans Standard Nightly on Steam independently of the Bridgewater Brunnel's / Official Nightly builds, this way I could also offer a Mac version.

However, it may be necessary first to port to Extended some changes I made for the Mac build to work on Standard. And that can take some time if the changes to the directory structure are needed (I think they were needed for the Mac bundle to work).


Lennon - I am afraid that I have very little experience of working with Macs, so I am not sure how one might go about producing an Extended build. At this stage, your best option is probably to compile from sources yourself.

Roboron - if you can get Mac builds working, that would be splendid.
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