
Make Simutrans speak your language.

Pak128 German

Started by popeye77T, February 28, 2019, 09:15:40 AM

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I am using Simutrans 120 and Pak 128 German.  when I start a new game the city names are all English, although the game folder has a citylist_de.txt
and not an English one.  Can anyone tell me how to fix this.  Not a major issue as I can change the names manually.


The game uses the citylist of the language you are using. If you are playing in English, it will always go for the English citylist, even if you play pak.german, pak.japan or whatnot.
So you either need to change the game language to German before you start a new map, and switch back after the cities are generated, or you copy the German names from citylist_de into citylist_en (or whatever the tag for the language you use might be)


Thank you very much for your prompt reply.  I don't know how to change the language so I went for your option 2 and created a citylist_en, which did not have,
copied citylist_de to that and made a new game.  But the names are still English. 
I'm sorry to be a pest, but where do I go next?
Thank you.


Hello again.  I have found it!!! Now OK.  Thanks for the inspiration.
By the way, can I just say how much better is the German Pak as opposed to the English one.  Graphics seem much better and it's much more
interesting.  Or maybe it's just me.
There is one other thing, if I may ask.  The Kfv Car Plant requires petrol and diesel but the refinery seems to only deliver one or the other, not both??
Therefore I get no cars produced.  Can I fix this?
Thanks again


You can play the Scenario. This is an original german map, there are the cities in the right places with the right german name.


Quote from: popeye77T on March 01, 2019, 03:01:33 AM
There is one other thing, if I may ask.  The Kfv Car Plant requires petrol and diesel but the refinery seems to only deliver one or the other, not both??
Therefore I get no cars produced.  Can I fix this?
The Car Fab 1905 need only petrol and the refinery 1905 give only petrol, this is historical correct.
Cars were only built from 1936 with diesel engine, in large numbers but only from 1960.
The Car Fab 1961 need petrol and diesel The refinery 1961 produce petrol and diesel.

May be this is too restrictive  :)
May be we should give the refinery 1905 diesel too.
But the Car Fab 1961 needs Plastic too.

The simple way: go to the map editor and build the modern refinery 1961 by yourself.


Thank you Makie....problem solved.  I just had not thought about it like that.


A new question, but a problem I have met before.  In Pak 128 German, I have a KfzFabrik which is producing cars but the garage will not provide a truck to
haul the car trailer.  This does not happen in every game but I have it now.
Hopefully seeking help!


At the moment exists no trailer/ car for car transportation in pakset before 1933. But the first car producer appears 1905.
We have to fix that, but for a model I need fotos/ drawings from a real existing car transporter in this time.


Thanks for that.  However I don't understand why it sometimes works and sometimes not.  The timeline is 1995 by the way.  I have to say that with my last
car factory there was no problem with car transport.  Can't remember the year though.


I think, there will be no trucks in the year 1905, to transport cars. The cars either drove themselves or were transported by rail. With ships, they were probably transported.
We should modify a ship for car transportation.


Well, I just now tried a new game, timeline 1990 and car factory 1961 and there is no problem with the car transporter.  It's only  in some games...not all.
Very strange but not a great problem.  I can work around this.  It's not as though I had to buy the game!!! HA HA


ok in the Depot you can filter "relevant" and  "all" the first in the drop down menu.
If there is no Car-Fab, or he think there is no, the car-trailer is not shown.

can you check this?


Some  interesting informations:

But it was not in germany - and transportation of only one car with an other car is not very effective :).

Not helpful, but interesting ;):

Here I have found an information about racecar transport in 1924 in germany:
But it is also only a mercedes that transports an other (race)mercedes.

Rail transporter for 1905 exists in our pakset, a ship only from 1920. If nobody will find information about early car transportation in germany, I will create a new ship for next version of the pakset.


Makie my garage is not showing "relevant".  However, I have got it working by not selecting "timeline"   By the way, I'm running Pak128 German v0.10.4. 
So now ok, my cars are being delivered.  Hope this helps you too.  Thanks.


New problem for me!  I am trying to transport oil from oilrig to refinery by ship and train.  I have the ship and the train both ready but the ship does not
load oil.  Train is waiting at the dock.  I have done this before by ship and road and was OK, but by train??  Something I do not see is wrong.



I don't know if trains has priority loading goods
loading ships can fail if the ship is not in the right position if it is a canal 


Some ships are longer than one tile. Check the vehicle info for convoy length. If it's two, you'll need stops that are two tiles in length.


It's not a canal.  There is an oil dock and a cargo dock.  The ship is only one tile.  I believe the ship schedule has to be oil rig to dock and then train schedule is dock to refinery.  Correct??  I am puzzled.


ok i misunderstand something thing
you try transport from  oil rig to a harbor per ship and then
from station connected to the harbor (the same name!) to a station connected to refinery
is oil rig connected to refinery?
need the refinery oil or is the stock full?
is the transport chain complete?
or simple can you upload your save game somewhere and post the link?


Makie, you understand correctly.  I think I see problem.  When I try to connect oilrig to refinery I get .....ship stop must be placed on water.  So this
will be the problem.  But I got this connection before in another game, so I have no idea why it will not do now????


Hello again.  :) :)  I tried again, everything map, new oilrig, refinery, train, ship.  and this time it is working.  So I have no idea what was wrong
because I think I did all the same as before.  So there must have been something, but what I don't know.  Never mind, it's now OK.
Many thanks for your help....again.


Hi.  I have a new problem.  I have a refinery (1905) which says it is producing and delivering petrol and diesel, but the car factory is receiving only diesel.  Therefore, no cars can be
produced.  However, I have another refinery, also 1905, which has now delivered some petrol.  I am puzzled.  Any ideas??
Thank you


Quote from: popeye77T on June 02, 2019, 05:04:30 AM
I have a refinery (1905) which says it is producing and delivering petrol and diesel,
I am puzzled. No, there are only Petrol in Refinery (1905)
Quote from: popeye77T on June 02, 2019, 05:04:30 AM
  but the car factory is receiving only diesel.  Therefore, no cars can be produced. 
I am puzzled. The Car Fab receiving only Diesel?  And does not work because lack of Petrol?

Quote from: popeye77T on June 02, 2019, 05:04:30 AM
I have another refinery, also 1905, which has now delivered some petrol.
did your PC occasionally crashes?
run your PC stable?
There is only one type of Refinery (1905), and it did not chance its behavior, and it delivering only petrol.
The behavior described by you, I can only explain myself with the lose of some bits in the computer.


Hi Makie,     I tried to post screenshots but I see can post only 64kb  ...not enough.  The diesel was delivered but not the petrol.  Petrol was delivered as diesel.
                    The other refinery also produces petrol and diesel but can deliver petrol.   So the Car Fab can now work.
                    My computer is stable and does not crash, running Windows 10 home.  Game is running 1975, but not timeline 1975.  Maybe if I run game in timeline 1975 I will not get
                    Raffinerie 1905 and problem will be gone?
                    Do you think maybe I have to reinstall Simutrans and Pak 128 German?
                    So many questions.....thanks for your help.


you can use for upload:
if this does not work for you, you can send it as e-mail to me  makie<at>
(don't worry about public e-mail address it is already in every spam address list  ;D )
can you upload or send me the save game?
QuoteDo you think maybe I have to reinstall Simutrans and Pak 128 German?
;D i forgot to ask, what Version of Program and Pak you use  :)
probably best: Simutrans 120.4.1 and PAK.german Version 1.0

Maybe better, check if the files are correct with a program like windiff.exe or a other file compare program.
Compare the unpacked zip with your installation.
The advantage of comparing: you see if something is damaged. After a simple reinstallation you are not sure if this was the problem.


Thanks Makie, I have e=mailed you.



QuoteHi Makie,  mailing you two screenshots and two saves.

     I am using Simutrans 120.4 and PAK128 German v010.4(Rev 1035)

     The Winterberg game is a new one.   Similar problem but this time the refinery (1960)
is exporting petrol but not diesel.  Very strange.  Maybe a re-install will help but I will wait
to see what you think. 
     I would just like to say, how much better I think the PAK German is.  It's somehow more
interesting and I like that the city names are all real not like the English version which has
many Simcity.
     Anyway, thanks again for your help.

The Version 120.4 should not be used, it contain known errors, better use 120.4.1 but i think this is not the problem.

I can see in Winterberg, you have 2 trucks driving from Renningen Raffinerie yard to KFZ-Fab. These trucks can charge diesel or petrol. Both are plentiful in the raffinierie yard.
The trucks load what they want, randomly, according to the alphabet, where there is more tip, I do not know. It seem they like petrol more.
After some time there is enough petrol in the car factory, then they have to drive the diesel too. Maybe you should buy one or two trucks more.


sorry about the confusion to "refinery (1905)" this is changed between version 0.10.4 and version 1.0 I forgot that

Maybe you should try version 1.0
We have worked on trucks in this version, better prices according to a uniform formula and better alignment.
Our homepage is there are information about prices and the uniform formula.


In Auma-Weidatal Kfz-Fabrik I see a classic blocking.
The first truck wait for filling petrol to 100% but the refinery is empty.
The second truck has Oil for the refinery but  can not unloaded.
So everyone waits forever and the refinery can not work.

separate the delivery from the waiting ones
and use a separate waiting zone for each line

in Meersburg brach stop there is a lot of oil in stock and waiting for further transport


As you suggested I have now changed to 120.4.1 and PAK128 German 1.1.  So now there is no problem with petrol and diesel.  That is good.  And you have showed me some things
I did not know,  But in this new version I am not seeing any brauerei, supermarkets, farms and such.  Also, In the Special Construction tools, now I don't see that I can add some
industries that I have not got.  Maybe this is somewhere and I just do not see it?


If you open the special construction tools as public player, you will find two editor icons. To get the factory-menu you have to use the icon with black letters.

For example breweries (Brauereien): Between 1800 and 2999 you should find everytimes at least one brewery. At all exist three breweries at the moment.
Don´t start games before the year 1800! Many of the buildings in our pakset you can´t build before 1800.

/sry, my version runs with german translation :)


Oh pumuckl is faster than i  ;D

To build factories is expensive, but you can change to "public service" with the blue button and let them pay, but don't forget to change back after.

QuoteDon´t start games before the year 1800! Many of the buildings in our pakset you can´t build before 1800.
This is not possible. Or can you show me how to do? ;)


Never realized, that this has changed. In earlier versions you can start in 1400...

I should play more :D.


You still can, if there is stuff available. I'm not sure what exactly you need, probably at least something the player can build? So while it's not possible with your pakset as-is, it would be if someone added some addons (eg. something from pak128) - not that it matters practically.

Scratch that- even easier, if you don't set the year in the new-world-dialog, but via the settings, the game does not stop you from using earlier dates and you can start a pakset earlier than you should be able to :D


More puzzling!  I have no editor in Secial Construction tools.  Also, in the factory list there are no brewery, bakery, farms, mills, and so on like that.


Well, thanks for all the information.  I'm really learning here.  But the thing is that my Special  Construction Tools has no Editor.  So I have e-mailed a couple of screen shots and
a saved game. Hope this will help. 


the sceenshots of your e-mail are from pak64 not from pak128.german


Well Makie, when I took the screenshots I was running 120.4.1 and PAK128.1 as downloaded.  So ??????  Very strange because I have just now looked at the Source Forge page
where I downloaded from and there is no PAK64 there.  ????
Anyway, I am now running 120.4.1 and PAK128 German 10.4 as before and there is no problem.  I have all the industries as before and also 2 map editors.  So for me it seems
that the problem is maybe with PAK128 German 1.0.  So now I will just not use the old refinery.  Anyway, sorry to have been so much trouble, but if I do not know the answer I will
always ask someone who does know.  Thanks again.


yes ok, pak64 shown as pak, this is traditional, as it is the first one

at the start of Simutrans, you should see something like

there you can select "pak" or "pak128" or "pak128.german"
this are nearly different games, using the same game-engine

on the hard-disk-drive it should look like this, you can see the program load and display the paks just as they are called in the directory of the disk


I need help with a new  problem that I have but I cannot find how to post a new topic.  Can you help please?