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Question about industry information

Started by Ranran, March 15, 2019, 04:30:03 PM

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Hi. I'm in trouble. (´・ω・`)

This is the industry information window but I can not understand what these numbers represent and the use of slashes confuses me. (´・ω・`)
It looks like a bug to me, but I can not say anything because I do not know what it represents.

The help text says:

the quantity currently stored;
the number of those items currently in transit towards the industry;
(in brackets) the maximum number of those items that will be in transit to that industry before no further items will be put in transit;
the maximum storage capacity for that type of item;

In particular, the fourth number says "the maximum storage capacity for that type of item", but it is very small and the current stock amount greatly exceeds that.


May I ask whether the last number in fact correlates with the storage capacity set in the relevant industry's .dat file?
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Above example: Pub1910

The fourth number was 5 in both.



Looks like there is a correlation.


Quote from: Ranran on March 15, 2019, 04:30:03 PMIn particular, the fourth number says "the maximum storage capacity for that type of item", but it is very small and the current stock amount greatly exceeds that.

I believe that happens with all industries, there are cases where industries demand hundreds of times their storage capacity. Eventually the demanded items get delivered to the industry, thus it's kinda normal to see industries that have much more items in stock than their storage capacity.