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Simutrans 120.4.1 / r8826 runway not update

Started by Andarix, September 27, 2019, 02:30:39 PM

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The grass runway can not be upgraded via the connection of the runway.




If I recall correctly, shift-drag has no meaning in simutrans standard. Try ctrl drag, not shift+ctrl drag.
If this does not work, please provide the savegame as I could not reproduce this. Ctrl+drag seems to be working fine for me, also at runways.

I don't know if it is related but maybe it is:
Something simmilar was recently reported for extendeds shift renewal on runways, which does not work, even if forced (shift+ctrl).


I tried it normally, with ctrl + drag and with shift + drag.

It works neither in pak64 120.4.1 nor with pak64.german

It works neither with existing maps nor with newly created maps.

Rebuilding on rails with ctrl works.


Quote from: Freahk on September 29, 2019, 10:18:05 AMSomething simmilar was recently reported for extendeds shift renewal on runways, which does not work, even if forced (shift+ctrl).

yes, could you try if upgrading wokrs on taxiways?  Maybe there is some special protection for runways that prevents them from being downgraded to taxiways, which plays role here.


It's about upgrading from low runway to higher runway.

Test with pak128 2.8.1 with the same behavior.

Can this be a side effect of Scenario Script?

OS Windows 10 1903


Not quite sure if scenario script could prevent this.
However, any developer trying to fix this, will first need to reproduce this, so please attach the savegame.


Quote from: Andarix on September 29, 2019, 11:46:14 AMIt's about upgrading from low runway to higher runway.
I understand. What I had in mind is, that there might be some piece of code - special to runways and taxiways, meant to protect runways from being "upgraded" to taxiway, which is somehow broken and prevents you from upgrading runway to a better runway.


low runway to hight runway works

low runway crossing taxiway -> to hight runway not work

I marked the field in grafics

dragged over this field than not worked


Quote from: Freahk on September 29, 2019, 12:58:45 PM
However, any developer trying to fix this, will first need to reproduce this, so please attach the savegame.

That will not help. Because with me the problem is present with each map. So also with every new start.

If it is incomprehensible, then stored cards will most likely work.


I can upgrade and downgrade without a problem (at least in the latest nightly). Just ending on a crossing/T is not possible with runways, but this is intentional.