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Playing pak128.german on server

Started by makie, January 25, 2020, 08:33:44 AM

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Restart of server for pak128.german is scheduled for Friday, March 20th, 2020 at around 16:00 CET.
The Server use the Scenario German Map. As it is included in the Pak.

More Information:

Is there anyone who want to play Pak128.german on a server?
Have you any have wishes for such a server?


Restart of server for pak128.german is scheduled for Friday, March 20th, 2020 at around 16:00 CET.

Restarts with Simutrans Programm Nightly R8954
and a new one of PAK128.german Version 1.3 Beta for Serverplay


Launch successful.
Maybe you have to download the PAK ones more.



Due to a program crash, the server changes to Nighly R9170.

The cause of the crash should now be resolved.


Due to a program crashs, the server changes  tomorrow  (8.8.) to Nightly R9180.

The cause of the crash should now be resolved.


Server change to current release Simutrans 122.0


We are now in the year 2150
It is time to restart the server with Pak128.german version 2.0
and again the scenario Germany from year 1800.

Three players are still active on the map. I can't play myself due to lack of time. Will not play on the new map either.

It seems to me that my players are not reading here, if they do, this is the last opportunity to protest against the restart of the map.

Isaac Eiland-Hall

If even a non-player like me can read this........ no excuse. ;-)


Server running now with Version 2.0 normal release.

Start new map with year 1800 tomorrow Monday 26.10.2020


Launch successful.

New card running form year 1800 and is open.

Last save of the old game:

A .zip with some saves can be found here.


The server directory server is currently only responding sporadically.  :-[

This leads to lags and hangups on game servers and clients.


There was a problem with the IP6 address. So the server had no working IP6, but two IPv4. That caused also three variants of the serverlist, depending on connection. It should have been resolved 20h ago. Still the serverlist seems not to reply.

Unfourtunately the hoster changed the IP6 address again, so Isaac has to change the DNS record to 2001:41d0:700:2b8e::234 I need to pm him. That server hoster is a pain.

I think I need to switch hosting at some point ...

Isaac Eiland-Hall

Updated the DNS record.

Since I have to reply now on this topic, I just wanted to say that I don't always immediately remember where bits of things are hosted, so when I first saw people reporting problems, I did have a mild panic attack and had to look up to find it wasn't on my server. hehe

Propagation theoretically can take 24-48 hours, although in more practical terms it tends to take more like 2-8 hours, so hopefully everyone will find this is working again soon.