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Are there any regular pak128 servers that have people on regularly?

Started by 0cra_tr0per, November 09, 2020, 03:08:00 PM

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Hello, I'm willing to play pak128 Standard, I even hosted a server, but not a lot of people interested in. Would you be ?


Sure, just let me know when I can expect at least 1 person to be online.


Well, I can be online right now, every week-end and outside work hours in a week.
I'm more looking for a long-term server, like several months (or more !)


I'm interested in both regular pak64 and pak128 servers. Please let me know if any of these is available.
I usually take a look at the servers page, but no one of those shown seems to be really open or standard.


I just created a new server. It is on the listing as "128 World"


@dthunder I see that listed but can't connect, I must be mismatched on something but how to tell?


You can click on the compare pakset, if this is about missing things. The server runs the 122.0 version, r9274. So you need to run the same.