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Japanese text input

Started by Phystam, June 10, 2020, 08:15:44 AM

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We cannot convert Japanese words over 2 characters. In my memory, I did fix the same issue before several years ago.

I found the thread:,17212.0.html
But the code is not removed. why...?


Quote from: Phystam on June 10, 2020, 08:15:44 AM
We cannot convert Japanese words over 2 characters. In my memory, I did fix the same issue before several years ago.

I found the thread:,17212.0.html
But the code is not removed. why...?

This fix remains in the code, so the problem of Japanese character insertion must be elsewhere. I am afraid that I have not changed any of the text input code, so I know very little about how this works in Standard. I wonder whether any of your merging work will help with this?
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I found the origin of this issue.

In commit 662d59e, prissi introduced a bug fix, but it made this bug. Now I can input Japanese texts correctly by removing this section of the prissi's bug fix.


I could enter up to 6 kanji at one time in standard. Is there also an action needed in Standard on this?


Quote from: Phystam on June 17, 2020, 09:32:48 AM
I found the origin of this issue.

In commit 662d59e, prissi introduced a bug fix, but it made this bug. Now I can input Japanese texts correctly by removing this section of the prissi's bug fix.

Thank you for this. I have pushed a fix by commenting out the relevant part. I should be grateful if people who use Japanese text input could confirm that this addresses the issue in the next nightly build.

Given that this change was a fix for something, however, I wonder whether this might break something else?
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Quote from: prissi on June 17, 2020, 12:50:44 PMI could enter up to 6 kanji at one time in standard. Is there also an action needed in Standard on this?
At least standard can input Japanese correctly. Extended did not fix it in the same way.


Unfortunately, the problem that Japanese cannot be input has not been fixed yet (#a11f6b9). (´・ω・`)


If anyone has any ideas as to how to resolve this, that would be most welcome.
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In some cases, we have to click the text area once before inputting any texts. (Especially markers)


I think they use special third party (unrelated to Simutrans) input assistants to help enter the characters due to the huge number of glyphs involved. I remember this discussion from standard where there was an issue that such assistants were broken. As such the input is not just standard keyboard input but involves other aspects such as having the position within the entered string being set correctly and relaying this information on.


This is all done in standards simsysw/SLD2 and the gui elements. The latter has extended functions in standard to allow for the automatic arrangement of GUI elements with different font sizes and text lengths. Porting at least the sizeable GUI (the dialoges themselves do not need to be ported immediately!)  to extended seems important, if there is any hope to profit from this and similar fixes from standard ...


Quote from: Phystam on June 21, 2020, 08:51:15 PMIn some cases, we have to click the text area once before inputting any texts. (Especially markers)
It's exactly the same symptom that I've reported to the standard bug report thread before, and I don't think the click makes sense.

It seems that the correction of Phystam can only be entered in Japanese by clicking the textbox once.


Fortunately, the ongoing standard incorporating work solves this issue.
Please check after it has been incorporated into the master branch.
