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A poll for the simutrans music -- "Where Thommasons Lie"

Started by Phystam, September 05, 2020, 09:20:16 AM

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This poll is related to a discussion. See also:,18461.msg190830.html#msg190830
As a Japanese group member of the project to add new music, I ask you about the music "where thommasons lie" composed by Shingoushori. There are 6 options, please vote for one option.

EDIT: turfit: Link direct to message.


This sounds like music with something wrong. Obviously, it's different from normal BGM.
You shouldn't mix such pranks into regular music.
It will increase the number of people who mute the music. (´・ω・`)

Also, I don't think number violence has much meaning.


Phystam, I sincerely think there are too many options.

As Reti_N said, and I agree with, keeping  WTL commented out is a bad idea, and it will cause problems again in the future when new music is added. Therefore, we should't aim to do this again.

There are only two options between we need to decide:
  • Keep WTL and uncomment the song
Pros: We have more music, and if they don't like it, they can always comment out it themselves.
Cons: It sounds disturbing to some of us, it doesn't fit with the other songs.
  • Remove WTL
Pros: It has been commented out since the day it was submitted, so nothing is really "lost". We offer the same experience as before, but with no one wondering why that song is not playing. And we respect Reti_N suggestion to either keep or remove, but don't comment out music.
Cons: Maybe someone liked it, and now they can't listen to it again by default.

One should listen to the song before voting, otherwise they don't really care and won't vote anyway, so those options don't make much sense  :-X


This is somewhat difficult,
1) This song does not play correctly using Windows media player (or MPC - Media Player Classic), atleast on my Computers. Runs in fastforward (song is listed as 25 secs vs 1:45), and most notes don't play. So, I wonder what people are actually listening to ??...
2) Playing in timidity with a good soundfont, it's defiantly a very moribund sound. Stands out of place compared with the rest of the Simutrans music.
3) Playing in Simutrans with the current w32_midi backend - sound's like a two year old strangling a cat while stomping on a pit full of bagpipes. IDK what is going on here.
4) Playing in Simutrans with the WIP fluidsynth backend and proposed suggested soundfont - Somewhat brighter sound than 2), still slightly out of place, but much much better than 3).

That leads me to: 1) remove - file is broken, 2) keep commented, 3) remove, 4) keep.

On the technical side, I have no objections to keeping it commented. I'd rather change the code to remove the numbering from the filenames, and show numbering from the playlist position so I don't get misled into thinking some bug in the code again.


For those who may have difficulties playing this song, I have recorded it using fluidsynth plus three different soundfonts, so you can know how it will sound with the WIP fluidsynth backend:

1 - FluidR3_GM - This soundfont is the one to be included as a Simutrans optional dependency for most linux distros, since it is broadly available.
2 - PCLite - This is the soundfont we are discussing to be recommended as suggested soundfont.
3 - Freepats General Midi . This is the soundfont I'm currently using for Simutrans.


In case of 1 and 2, it sounds very confusing. 3 is a little better.
It still sounds like music from a psychodelic horror movie, but it might be kept.