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Simutrans on Steam updated to 121.0

Started by Roboron, October 09, 2020, 08:12:04 PM

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Hello Simutrans Community. I've taken the responsability to maintain Simutrans on Steam. I asked to join the team because Simutrans on Steam has been outdated since the 121.0 release, and this week HaydenRead gave me admin privileges.

I've been learning how to deploy Simutrans for Steam, and finally I updated the game to version 121.0

I've created an announcement on Steam.

From now on, you can rely on me to solve Steam-related issues of Simutrans.


Great. Maybe make the sourcecode of the modifications for steam a little easier to find too, maybe even put the steam part to the SVN? Theoretically it has to be somehwere linked from the steam website ...


Because of some reason. I am looking for volunteers who can help me update the Pak64.Nightly.

I'm helping to build the Chinese community for now.


Mishasama, do you want to continue playing an old save game? If you do, then you can use the 'Betas' option to reverse the update. Do you need a tutorial for this?
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Quote from: Matthew on October 11, 2020, 12:19:00 AM
Mishasama, do you want to continue playing an old save game? If you do, then you can use the 'Betas' option to reverse the update. Do you need a tutorial for this?
No, I had tried to delete the simutrans folder in documents, still not work.
Because of some reason. I am looking for volunteers who can help me update the Pak64.Nightly.

I'm helping to build the Chinese community for now.


Quote from: prissi on October 10, 2020, 11:48:30 AMGreat. Maybe make the sourcecode of the modifications for steam a little easier to find too, maybe even put the steam part to the SVN? Theoretically it has to be somehwere linked from the steam website ...

Unfortunately, the code related to Steam is nowhere available. The Steam preloader is a complete blackbox to me, as it is to you. I requested the source code to Hayden but he told me he has probably lost the source in a disk failure.

In the future, I will have to either rewrite the preloader from scratch, or just get rid of the preloader and include Steam funcionality into Simutrans source code itself (that would be the way to go if we want to include things like Achievements in the future). For now, it works, so I just updated the simutrans executables with the one you provide on SourceForge (for windows) and a self-compiled mixer_SDL2 version for linux (which unfortunately only plays music on half of the systems *sigh*).

Quote from: Mishasama on October 10, 2020, 09:46:09 PMI can't run the game after update. :(

Mishasama, ¿do you play on Windows? Some windows users have reported missing SDL2.dll - I have now fixed it.
Anyway, the core game doesn't require the .dll, only the preloader, so you should be able to play in Safe Mode. The .dll was incorrectly deployed with the game instead of the preloader, that's why it didn't work. Maybe more .dll for the preloader are still missing, so let me know if you can't start the preloader.


Quote from: Roboron on October 11, 2020, 08:45:34 AM
Mishasama, ¿do you play on Windows? Some windows users have reported missing SDL2.dll - I have now fixed it.
Anyway, the core game doesn't require the .dll, only the preloader, so you should be able to play in Safe Mode. The .dll was incorrectly deployed with the game instead of the preloader, that's why it didn't work. Maybe more .dll for the preloader are still missing, so let me know if you can't start the preloader.

Nevermind, that's me. ;)
Maybe you should put the Steam into Simutrans. But should be a separate version just for steam, to keep some steam hater happy :)
Because of some reason. I am looking for volunteers who can help me update the Pak64.Nightly.

I'm helping to build the Chinese community for now.