
Make Simutrans speak your language.

Wrong download link on Simutrans website?

Started by fredp, October 10, 2020, 10:12:33 AM

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Hello,probably there has been a mistake on the Simutrans website: from the "paksets" section I can download v2.0 of the PAK128.German pakset, that (looking at the download link) seems to be for Simutrans v.122 which wasn't released yet.And indeed it won't work with v.121, it crashes when loading.

Just for confirmation, v1.3 still is the latest version available, am I right?


Version 1.3 is the last official version of pak128.german.
Version 2.0 is still under development. It´s a beta version.
Version 2.0 needs simutrans 122.0, that is also not released at the moment.

If you want to test 2.0 you need a nightly build of simutrans:


Yes simutrans 122.0 is delayed.
But you can use a Nightly version of simutrans.
