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Is there possible to add a delete button to save/load UI?

Started by Mishasama, October 13, 2020, 09:02:54 AM

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It could be nice if add more buttons like the pak128.german's.
Because of some reason. I am looking for volunteers who can help me update the Pak64.Nightly.

I'm helping to build the Chinese community for now.


Quote from: makie on October 13, 2020, 09:46:35 AM
in the add
show_delete_buttons = 1
Is there possible to put this file into the document folder? Otherwise, it will be overwritten whenever update.
Because of some reason. I am looking for volunteers who can help me update the Pak64.Nightly.

I'm helping to build the Chinese community for now.


yes, create a file in the "simutrans" folder (where the save folder is)
with only content "show_delete_buttons = 1"

usefull other parameters in this file:

# save the current game when quitting and reload it upon reopening
reload_and_save_on_quit = 1

# display (screen/window) width
# also see readme.txt, -screensize option
display_width  = 1800

# display (screen/window) height
# also see readme.txt, -screensize option
display_height = 1100

# show full screen
#fullscreen = 0