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Schedule windows improvements

Started by prissi, October 21, 2020, 01:44:06 PM

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It should use the same format since it calls the same routine. I will check.

And yes, I though once allowing the same stop more than once to have a multiple of times. But the logic and error checking (one would for instance have to enforce all stops are either schedule or minimum loading type. (Actually most tedious would have been the GUI, which why I did not finish this.)


In extended, we have a fixed frequency defined as "run n-times per month", so a Line set to depart twice per month without an offset (in standard 1th 0:00), will define two slots per month: One at the beginning of the month, one in the middle of the month.
Surely, allowing explicit schedule slots has some merit, but I suspect especially in standard that might be overcomplicated.


The schedules were a longstanding request of the people using Simutrans as model railway, as they have been mentioned many times over the years. Also there were complains about the waiting time not being in "normal" units. Thus I sought to solve these two in one go.

Slots with offset would be possible as well, but would require some more additional logic in the convoy and additional structures to the schedules. Also the departure would be again acryptic 1/n th of the month plus offset.


From my understanding, the departure time already is an offset relative to the bginning of a month. That's just the same as in extended but encoded in a more user friendly way (day, hour, minute instead of an admittedly rather artificial 1/1440 of a month unit...)
What's misssing is a way to allow multiple departures per month. Extended makes use of a frequency here, which might indeed be an issue in the UI.
What does "at 1st 0:00, 2-times per month" mean?
Maybe a timetable view might help showing this months exact departure times?


The departure time is absolute, at a certain time of the month, noy an offset. If departure is set to 8th 8h45, then the train will depart on the 8th at 8:45 (or slightly later on a month with 30 days, since the internal ticks are the same for each month). The waiting time with minimum load is indeed an offset relative to the arrival time.


What's the difference between an "absolute departure time, at a certain time of the month" and an "offset by an absolute amount of time relative to the beginning of a month" ? Which is what the offset in extended actually is: It shifts all slots (in case of standard there is only exactly one slot) by a fixed amount of time relative to the beginning of each month.


Ok, I misunderstood what you meant with offset.


Follwing the suggestion, r9994 allows now also for multiple departure per month (like every two days). The absolute dparture time is then the time of the first departure which is repaeted n times per month.


Very very welcome changes, Mr. Prissi. Good job!

A minor annoyance is that after changing to Fixed Monthly Departures from Minimum Load, the text on the combobox is cropped - but if you resize the windows, it instantly adjusts the size of the combobox to fit it. The other way around (changing from Fixed Monthly Departures to Minimum Load), the combobox is always resized. Weird.
Also I think it is more correct to say "n times starting on the [day]" than "n times on the [day]".

Otherwise I have been testing it a bit and it seems to work as intended. Thank you.


That seems very useful :)
But now "wait for load, then wait for the next scheduled slot" would make sense  :-X


I tried a different (albeit longe) test in the translator. The raw text is not good, I agree.

@Freahk That is not possible as it is implemented right now. But just make a one tile stop afterward to wait for the next slot would do the same.