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Steam question and answer.

Started by makie, October 21, 2020, 08:48:48 PM

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"Henschel-Wegmann SWRPwMail 4ü" can not be build as the first vehicle in convoy.

This is intended.  It is not a control car, it is the first car after the steam locomotive.
It is not a good idea to make city streets private. The residents still get their car out of the garage and put it on the street. If they then want to drive away, find out that they cannot go forward, then turn around and try the other direction. The residents of simutrans are stupid, they keep screwing up until they are dead.
Towboats for oils are not mixable/interchange able with others.

This is intended.
Due to the overlap in the usage time area between the tug and the tugboat, different generations of oil ships are allowed to be attached to the tugs.
I think, it is no need for mixing oil towboats.
Station mergin tool worked on v1.3, but took away more money than extending the station itself to that point.

The Station merging tool and the cost of merging are program functions. The cost calculated by the program.,18674.msg177466.html#msg177466,19307.msg182396.html#msg182396

The cost should be height because else, it is a simple way extend a station to the whole city. 


Isaac Eiland-Hall

Quote from: makie on October 21, 2020, 08:48:48 PMThe residents of simutrans are stupid, they keep screwing up until they are dead.

So basically Simutrans is a good simulation of real life.


Quote from: makie on October 21, 2020, 08:48:48 PM
It is not a good idea to make city streets private. The residents still get their car out of the garage and put it on the street. If they then want to drive away, find out that they cannot go forward, then turn around and try the other direction. The residents of simutrans are stupid, they keep screwing up until they are dead.
You can set citycar_level = 0 this can be found in "Settings" Economy and cites" below. After the change please save and reload the game.
It takes a few years before the parameter take effect.

Very sad, i can't do this for the street in front of my house.  :-[

Do not use private signs in city. The street belongs the residents. Latest after the next update of the house the street is public.
Private signs are against other players.
However, you can calm down streets with one-way street signs. Leading citycars to other streets.

Others also fight against citycars.,19796.msg186538.html#msg186538
There are still horses to buy in tram depot one horse until 2999 the second until 1935

fixed now end-date is 1926


Quote from: makie on October 21, 2020, 08:48:48 PM
Towboats for oils are not mixable/interchange able with others.

"Wilde Hilde" + "Schute No. 9" (working)
"Schute No. 9" + "Wilde Hilde" (working)
"Geheimrat von Lavale"/"Schluckspecht" + "Schute No. 9" (not working)
"Schute No. 9" + "Geheimrat von Lavale"/"Schluckspecht" (not working)
"Geheimrat von Lavale"/"Schluckspecht" + "Wilde Hilde" (not working)
"Wilde Hilde" + "Geheimrat von Lavale"/"Schluckspecht" (not working)
this is intended?

Quote from: makie on October 21, 2020, 08:48:48 PMStation mergin tool worked on v1.3, but took away more money than extending the station itself to that point.

The Station merging tool and the cost of merging are program functions. The cost calculated by the program.,18674.msg177466.html#msg177466,19307.msg182396.html#msg182396

The cost should be height because else, it is a simple way extend a station to the whole city.

then the tool has no use/advantage for me.
to merge a station big with small 4 blocks away. i delete the small one and extend the big one to that old small station (with station tiles, linear cost, not exponential like the tool). then delete the station tiles between. Now you have the stations merged with low cost. (only up to station size limit). (cost disadvantage)
when having a trainstation 5 tiles big, clicking the merge tool on any of the stations tile once charges me 2000 or more (it's allready a merged station -> Bug).
what i read about the tool is that it would allow merging without the station size limit restriction. but ATM it seems that it's zero tile stations. (->Bug)

Quote from: makie on October 21, 2020, 08:48:48 PM
"Henschel-Wegmann SWRPwMail 4ü" can not be build as the first vehicle in convoy.

This is intended.  It is not a control car, it is the first car after the steam locomotive.

then why every other wagon can be the first one even before a loc. (no control car)
the "Henschel-Wegmann" would not even be visible without the "show all" option without a loc bought. and not able to add another "Henschel-Wegmann" group to get more mail space, is very limiting.
same for BR60 it's not mentioned thats only use is the two "doubledeck LBE" wagons. and the "doubledeck LBE" incompatible to any other loc as well as not to multiply.


Quote from: Roboron on October 22, 2020, 09:46:47 AMthen why every other wagon can be the first one even before a loc. (no control car)
With the new parameter "Constraint[Prev][0]=any" it is possible to change this. This is on my to do list, coming next release. We have a lot of vehicles, so it is some work. 


Quote from: Roboron on October 22, 2020, 09:46:47 AM
Quote from: makie on October 21, 2020, 08:48:48 PM
The Station merging tool and the cost of merging are program functions. The cost calculated by the program.,18674.msg177466.html#msg177466,19307.msg182396.html#msg182396

The cost should be height because else, it is a simple way extend a station to the whole city.

then the tool has no use/advantage for me.
to merge a station big with small 4 blocks away. i delete the small one and extend the big one to that old small station (with station tiles, linear cost, not exponential like the tool). then delete the station tiles between. Now you have the stations merged with low cost. (only up to station size limit). (cost disadvantage)
when having a trainstation 5 tiles big, clicking the merge tool on any of the stations tile once charges me 2000 or more (it's allready a merged station -> Bug).
what i read about the tool is that it would allow merging without the station size limit restriction. but ATM it seems that it's zero tile stations. (->Bug)


# maximum distance for merging non-adjacent stations

# the cost to merge stations: the actual cost is (cost*2^distance)

The cost is relative. In densely built-up cities with curves and crossings by the streets, growing is not that easy and inexpensive.


all from Huperspace all for pak128.german
QuoteOil ship hole oil towboat ends 1966next oil ship is aviable at 1967
Quoteships are inconsistency
most ships are ultra light and some are with real weight values.
speed values are mistaken with their knots.
some power values are also wrong.
some ships are only copy paste and recoded for other good types. while each good type had it own ship variant historicaly.
big looking ships are sometimes small in transportation value and the other way around. (scale not right)
Ship names are only one individual name of a ship series but not the name of the ship series.
Yes  :-[
The calculation formulas of the program require the empty weight of the vehicle in tons (means 1000 kilograms). The drive power in kilowatts and the maximum speed in kilometers per hour.

Unfortunately, on the internet and in the literature on ships, only register tons, hp and knots are given.
While ps and knots are quite easy to convert, the specification of register tonnage is not a weight specification at all, but a measure of space.

Not all contributors to pak128.german keep this in mind.

On the other hand, the real loading capacities of the ships are often so high that they would break the balance of the game.
There is some work to do.  Reusing graphics with some color change is a easy way to close gaps.

Quotee.g.1: the ship "titanic" should be "Olympic class" as "Olympic" and "Britannic" are sisters of "titanic" same "ship" other individual names.
Titanic ... no there is no Titanic in german, it is a english ship
QuoteThe piece good ship has the values of the 5 years later build deep-see ship of Type XD, except for transport volume, speed and wrong pic.
"Boizenburg" (Type XD) has a 10Kt or 13k m³ capacity which is not the "700 piece goods".
the 700piece goods is more right for the rivership version which has 673t capacity.
Yes, there is something wrong with Boizenburg (Piece-good)
we don't have a Type XD ship

QuoteTram speed
there are trams with more than 50km/h but no catenary with more than 50km/h.
since 1929 there are 70km/h trams available only a track with 90km/h is available but no catenary, which is needed.
thus making every tram faster than 50km/h to costly as it can actually only 50.
only at 1956 without any popup window a 90km/h catenary occurs
I think we should be allowed to build the catenary from 1925 as the track
Quotemissing trailers for L6600
I miss trailers for the L6600 truck series 1950.
the 1955 one which comes with siloware does have a trailer for it.
The graphic artist did not draw any. The L6600 for Siloware is drawn by someone else.
Quotetown can't extend it's border
This is intended so in the program. Player use this to hedge in city's. Not growing into railway facilities.
But you can help the city growing over the blocking railway. Just build manual one house on the other side. There must be a road nearby the house.
Quote1953 roads
"City road" and "City road (with diagonals)" have the same pic/icon.
"City road (with diagonals)" should be renamed to City road with crosswalks (AE)/zebra crossings (BE)
in my opinion you can remove the "City road" for simplyfications
City road button removed out of the menu. And changed  "City road (with diagonals)" to "City road"
City still build the first one, because the different graphics.
Quote1950 Mail truck
1950 june there is no mail vehicle anymore with more than 30km/h
only one year later 1951 there is a new mail truck with better/same features as the benz (with 65km/h)
fix suggestion: extend the lifetime of the benz to or a little longer than the occurence of 1951 Man 26 mail truck.
All this things contained in the 2.1 beta, coming soon at:
The Release 2.1 will released with a new program version of simutrans. That will take a while.

@Huperspace This little things should be better discuses in the German Forum


Thanks, I've replied to all issues for you.

P.D.: If you still can't post to Steam forums and you want to, I can give you developer status. That should be enough, I guess.

Replies from Huperspace

Quote from: makie on November 11, 2020, 02:05:06 PMCity road button removed out of the menu. And changed  "City road (with diagonals)" to "City road"
City still build the first one, because the different graphics.

good. but i think the version with crosswalks should be the one which is build by town not the one without.

Quote from: makie on November 11, 2020, 02:05:06 PMThis is intended so in the program. Player use this to hedge in city's. Not growing into railway facilities.
But you can help the city growing over the blocking railway. Just build manual one house on the other side. There must be a road nearby the house.

in TPF2 any rail block town development too but if you build a streetcrossing over the rails the town will extend itself from there. Sad that Simutrans don't support that way, instead of being cheaty.
Is this a pak restriction or a base program one?

More bugs report
(Dunno if you missed them or just ignored them).

[standart][128.german][Visuals] Artefacts on pics/models
Quotewill be edited/extended once i find new ones:
* Piece-good Cargoboat Typ Esslingen (1920-): something grey on the far right (vehicle icon)
* Choose end signal (1835-): white point (placed)
* "old roadbridge" (ca 1935): Pilar in the middle of the tile (into a rail/street under it)
* Powerbridge, over a 1 tile higher street: Powerpoles is vanisched, powerlines are 1 tile higher
* Refrigerated Truck (1956-): black point infront (ingame vehicle model)

[standard][128.german]1950 Unimog trailer
Quote1950 you get 2 unimog trailers 60km/h and 80km/h for what?
1. the only compatible truck is the very old and slow Bulldog tractor.
2. you can only add the 80km/h version on the tractor but then only the 60km/h as a second trailer ?!

fix suggestion: only 1 trailer which can be stacked and a unimog with the same speed at the same time (not at 1951 with only 53km/h)

[standard][128.german] missing Trucks for Perishables 1950-1956

[Standard][128.german] Stations in tunnels
Quotesome bus stations can't be build in tunnels like "Rohstocker-Tor" and "animierter_Bushalt".
German Error says "Gebäude kann nur auf dem Kartenboden gebaut werden", while EN error says: "This building/station can't be build in underground".
Error should says "This building/station is too big to fit underground" or in german: "Diese(s) Gebäude/Station ist zu groß um in einen Tunnel zu passen".
Else it would make no sense why i can build some in tunnels and some not.
So i miss a combistation for Pax/mail to fit in a tunnel


Quote from: Roboron on November 11, 2020, 08:18:06 PMP.D.: If you still can't post to Steam forums and you want to, I can give you developer status. That should be enough, I guess.
yes maybe this works
User is: makie_de

Quote1950 Unimog trailer
1950 you get 2 unimog trailers 60km/h and 80km/h for what?
1. the only compatible truck is the very old and slow Bulldog tractor.
2. you can only add the 80km/h version on the tractor but then only the 60km/h as a second trailer ?!

fix suggestion: only 1 trailer which can be stacked and a unimog with the same speed at the same time (not at 1951 with only 53km/h)
change date to 1951-03
The trailer belongs to Unimog 401 and Unimog 406.

Why the first has a max speed 80 km/h and the second 60?
This is due to German regulations: With pure tractors it is allowed to attach a second trailer, but is limited to 60 km/h.


New replies by Huperspace on PAK128.German issues


Quoteafter "Henschel-Wegmann SBC 4ü" you can't add any wagon

is still there.


Quote* Piece-good Cargoboat Typ Esslingen (1920-): something grey on the far right (vehicle icon)

still there/visible on PAK128.German Beta V2.1