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Position of the combo box is displayed below the proper position in some case

Started by Ranran, November 07, 2020, 09:21:55 AM

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Thank you for your daily maintenance.

After suffering from this issue for a while in the extended code, I realized that it is a simutrans issue. (´・ω・`)

When the font size is increased, the position of the combo box may be displayed below the proper position.
The correct position, that is, at the same height as the label, or in the cell of the table.

For example, in Yu Gothic, 16px example:
The combobox is clearly visible at the bottom of the frame.

Extended(with GUI debug mode)


Extended(with GUI debug mode)


Extended(with GUI debug mode)


The last is the most obvious example. The Japanese translation is bit different, but the code in the load font dialog is the same between standard and extended.
The GUI debug display shows that the combobox is out of the frame.


Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.
