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Mercedes MP3: station length

Started by wolfgang, January 24, 2021, 10:12:11 PM

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The Mercedes MP3 plus trailer requires a station length of 1 as a freezer, and a minimal length of 2 as a normal truck. Both vehicle types can take the same amount of fright (18+14 pallets), so they should both be of the same length, thus they should both need the same space when loading.


Yes, depot say station length=2 (wrong), but truck can be also full loaded with station length=1.

This should be fixed in Nightly Revision 9553
Depot then show also station length=1.


Quote from: makie on January 30, 2021, 10:21:34 PM
but truck can be also full loaded with station length=1.

Yes, I noticed, but still the error log is being filled with messages about stations being too short.